Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Punishment (2/?) [R-18]

Tianlong Yun didn't mind her Song Hua's last words, but he decided that he would give her some extra punishment for her words.

With this thought in mind he reached the door to the room where the punishment would happen, it was a specially designed room for this kind of punishment.

Even before he could say something, Gao Ling got in front of him and opened the door. She was still worried that her master was angry at her, for not doing her job properly.

Tianlong Yun noticed her worries but didn't say anything. Actually she had already surpassed his expectations in such a short time, but seeing these results made him want more from her.

That was why he was keeping her under tension and pressure, so she could achieve more next time.

Entering inside the room with the two girls under his arms, Tianlong Yun started looking around the room.

The room was a typical BDSM room, just like the ones at the love hotels, but more equipped and modernized.

Some of the tools and types of equipment in this room were only found in specific stores and places.

If he started counting the tools and types of equipment of the room, not even a day and a night would be enough. That was why he immediately went towards the ones that caught his attention.

The first to catch his attention was equipment in the form of a guillotine bed where the girl, in this case, could lie down and her hands, and legs were cuffed to the bed but the head remained free.

One special thing about this equipment was that at the front part where her pillows were supposed to hang were two big holes, and also the back part where the legs where cuffed was open.

As a result, the girl's legs would be open, making it completely easy for him to play and explore the depths of her secret cave.

He threw the EITS agent towards Gao Ling like a sack of potatoes and said firmly,

Tianlong Yun:" Place her here!"

Gao Ling catching the EITS agent immediately followed her Master's orders, while Tianlong Yun took Song Hua to her place.

Just like the first one, this equipment assembled an old, cuffing equipment. On the front part, one could cuff the hands.

While at the back there was a small joist at the hips to keep the body up, and the leg cuffs.

Of course, all these pieces of equipment were made of high-quality wood, fillings, and leather for the comfort of the ladies placed in there, and fixed at the appropriate height for Tianlong Yun.

No matter how much Song Hua resisted her cuffing to that equipment the result was obvious, she was cuffed to that equipment.josei

Her only consolation was that she still had her clothes on, even though she was a bit terrified seeing her friend in a worse position from her.

On the other hand, after placing Song Hua in her place, Tianlong Yun approached first the back of the EITS agent, entering the space between her legs with a knife in his hands.

But the suspense didn't last long and he started to cut her maid dress from the hips in a vertical direction, exposing her nice perky rear mountains, and her smooth, beautiful legs.

Song Hua looking at this view was afraid at first and then terrified next. This showed that Tianlong Yun wasn't joking earlier, and she would really get her training and punishment tonight.

But unlike Song Hua, her friend had already been prepared for this. All this time she had been trained by Gao Ling to become a toy for this man, and now it would be he, himself trying to subdue her.

Even though in her outer appearance she seemed to be really determined, strong, and confident of not being subdued, in reality, she was afraid of what might happen.

At this moment she was really tensed, which made her skin really sensitive, and different kinds of expectations were starting to surface in her mind.

Meanwhile, Tianlong Yun wasn't in a hurry, he had all the time he needed to enjoy their punishment.

He started touching slightly her feet, and then slowly go upwards towards her knees, taking his time.

Then he went up to her thighs, her perky rear mountains, and then even slower he approached her secret cave entrance.

No matter how much the girl was trying to control herself, she couldn't anymore. Her skin was too sensitive and Tianlong Yun's touch was driving her crazy.

In no possibility of controlling herself anymore, she released an inaudible moan.


But this inaudible moan didn't escape Tianlong Yun's ears. With a smirk and mocking voice he said,

Tianlong Yun:" Well you lasted less than I expected little toy. Or was that produced by my ears?"

The girl didn't know what to say, or more exactly she couldn't say anything at this moment. Perhaps she could deny it if Tianlong Yun stopped at that, but now he was playing with her redbud.

His touch was really light, as if inexistent but she could feel it, his left hand's fingers were playing with her redbud, while his other hand was ever slightly and slowly going up and down her thighs.

She was biting her lips, in her desperation not to release another moan, obviously talking was out of the question. Her lips had become overly red and were about to bleed.

This continued for some moments when suddenly Tianlong Yun stopped playing with his fingers. His sudden stop made her even tenser she couldn't see, and understand what was happening.

Just when she was about to talk and enquire what was happening, she felt a warm breeze in her rear mountains, that much sensitive her skin had become.

The warm breeze slowly descended and passing through her back secret garden, stopped at the entrance of her secret cave.

Her mind was overworking and the result was given that it was bad news for her. Precisely at this moment, she felt a foreign wet and soft object lick her redbud and up her secret caves entrance doors.

For a moment she thought she lost her mind, this slip moment made her unable to control her moan.


It was truly out of her expectations.

She had never felt anything like this.

Her boyfriend had explored her secret cave with his tongue so many times, but she had never felt something like this.

But the moan wasn't the only thing coming out of her body, because her love honey started to flow like a waterfall. Or more precisely like the exploding of a dam.

Seeing this happen, Tianlong Yun didn't stop but started to work harder, not being satisfied only licking her secret cave's doors but also the inside walls and her switch.

His work was making her approach her first climax of the night. No matter how much she tried to control herself it was useless.

Her lips biting didn't work anymore and her moans were rising in pitch and rate.

'Aahhhnnnn, mmmhhhhmmmmm, aahhhnnnn…'

And really soon her moans reached the peak, she was really close to her climax.

Just as she was about to climax, everything stopped.

To her, it was like the time stopped at that moment.

All that built-up climax disappeared as if with magic. Leaving her stunned and not satisfied at all.

She was about to question Tianlong Yun why he suddenly stopped when she heard his mocking voice,

Tianlong Yun:" Oy, oy this is supposed to be a punishment, not a pleasant night for you, little toy."

No matter how much the girl wanted to protest to his words, she couldn't do it anymore. Her moans and love juices were enough evidence against her words.

Grabbing her rear mountains tightly in his palms, Tianlong Yun opened them up a bit, and her back garden, together with her secret cave was in full view, in front of him.

It was truly a beautiful view in front of him. He could see the red circular door of her back garden, and a bit lower the doors to her secret cave.

From where love honey was coming as if out of a spring. It was truly arousing for any man, even for a hybrid like him.

Making a sign towards Gao Ling, she immediately came and took off his pants, and boxers, releasing that big dragon from his prison.

It was terrifying in the eyes of Song Hua who had been looking at this scene all the while. She still couldn't make sense of her friend's attitude.

But, sure as hell, she knew that the size of that dragon wasn't normal. She had seen her fair share of dragons and snakes on the internet, and that seemed like the father of all dragons.

Her friend though couldn't see it, not only because of her position but also due to her frustration of not climaxing a moment ago.

Tianlong Yun on the other hand immediately placed his big dragons head at the entrance of her secret cave and thrust forwards, as soon as his boxers were off.

He didn't smoother his first thrust at all, he immediately entered all the way to the end of her secret cave, exploring it all in one go.

Feeling the sudden invasion of her secret cave, and especially the rough rubbing of the dragon to her secret cave's inner walls, the girl released a big moaning scream,

Girl:" Aaaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh… Mother fu*ker, that hurtsss."

But the worst had yet to come for her, because Tianlong Yun had no intention of letting her get used to his big dragon, and immediately started to move.

Making her scream more in pain.

'Aaarrrggghhhhh, fuuuuuu****kkkk, Aaarrrrgghhnnnnn…'

But, very soon her screams turned into moans.

'Aahhnnn, mmmhhhmmm, aahhhnnn…'

His big dragon had already been smothered by her love honey, and the rubbing started to feel great for her.

Now that the pain was subsiding and her pleasure increasing, she could finally feel the girth and length of that big dragon exploring her secret cave.

It was unbelievable, she had never had such a big dragon inside her, how did he manage to fit it in?

A bit from the good feeling and a bit from her amazement of having such a dragon explore her, she was close to her climax once again.

Would he let her climax this time?


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