Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: A needle to start the fight

But what was the most important thing at the moment was that around the place of the explosion, there were more than dozens of people spread around with light wounds and tattered clothes.

While their bodies could handle the power behind those kicks, the same couldn't be said about their clothes.

It was a total mess all around the place.

The truth was that the group of the people from the Royalists were also startled by the voice coming in their direction.

First of all, because it was almost impossible to know their location, their treasure had never failed them. This wasn't the first time they were using it.

And secondly, when did that guy enter their group without their notice, it was almost impossible. But, they couldn't deny the fact that that voice came from their group.

The worst was that they were caught unprepared from the barrage of the attacks and their defense wasn't in its utmost capability.

At this moment even if they were to announce their identity nobody would believe them, the situation was as such.

They tried to keep their defenses up as they thought of an opportunity to escape, but that plan was completely destroyed when those two kicks connected.

It was almost impossible to defend against the kicks of two Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, after that barrage of attacks.

That was the reason for their current situation.

On the other side, as soon as the barrier got destroyed, the two main attackers, Li Qi, and the arrogant pri*k, immediately ran towards the leader of the Royalists group.

Their purpose was clear, the treasured mirror on his neck. Even if they weren't able to kill that mysterious guy, this was a good return gift to their Master's.

As for the reason for the attack even after they saw it was the Royalists behind the barrier, it was simple. That guy claimed to have the ability to shapeshift, and they thought it was him.

Furthermore in this mess, who would be able to keep a watch on them?

While it was true for the audience looking from 'the Mansion' the same couldn't be said for the three Masters.

Fortunately or unfortunately these three people were watching their performance all the time, Old Luo, Young Master Qing Fang, and Master Jiao Wen.

While Old Luo was clenching his fists and teeth to not start a fight with the other two, the other two were looking at the scene with a schadenfreude look.

They seemed to not care about the fight, but inside they were cheering for their servant to get hold of that treasure.

At this moment Old Luo wanted to drink the blood of these two people and their servants, but he couldn't. He couldn't start a fight with two of the biggest organizations at the same time.

It was his servant's fault for not being able to take care of the situation. The only thing he could do now was regret giving their treasure, and control himself not to throw up blood.

Returning to the place of fight, both of them put their hand over the treasure at the same time. It was like they were equal in speed.

Seeing each other being equal in speed, both of them were now looking at each other in the eye. They were here to kill that mysterious guy, but at the moment their goal changed.

The treasure in front of their eyes was more important than nowhere to be found a mysterious guy.josei

For a moment there was an eerie silence between the three because at this moment even the leader of the Royalists had been able to recollect himself.

And his underlings were getting up too, but they were surrounded by the other two groups. After all, the voice earlier came from their group.

The situation had turned into a strange stalemate, it seemed like whoever moved first would be the suspect and would be killed by everyone.

Everyone had tensed nerves, it was like a time bomb, and it needed only a small switch to explode all around.

And how could Tianlong Yun miss a chance like this one?

That was why he concentrated all his power in a small needle and released it towards one of the weakest cultivators.

This may seem easy to do, but imagine trying to concentrate more than dozens of kg steel into a small point, the same was in this case.

That needle wasn't supposed to kill, that needle had only one purpose, to be the switch that would make the whole place explode.

Perhaps in a head-on fight with a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Real, Tianlong Yun had no chance of winning and perhaps only escaping.

But this wasn't a head-on fight, and his all strength and Qi were concentrated into a small point, in a small needle.

The needle struck its target, the heel of that cultivator. Since his nerves were already stretched to the limits, his pain receptors worked more than two times or three times more.

As soon as the needle hit his heel, that man gave a long shriek scream,

Random guy:" Aaaahhhhh… Mother..."

But before he could continue his scream, his startled opponent couldn't control his nerves anymore and immediately attacked before he got attacked.

Due to the short distance between them, his hit connected easily, and his punch hit the guy right into his nose, sending him flying.

That punch was the catalyst for the situation.

That was all it took for the eerie silence to disappear and people start fighting with each other in a chaotic way.

It was like a random collision of fists, kicks, jabs, back heels at the first rounds. But, everything escalated when someone took out his weapon.

With that action, the fight scene started to get bloodier.

At the same time, even the smoke started getting thicker, if at first was like a thin fog all over the place now it was getting thicker and thicker, it was getting even more difficult to see your surroundings.

No matter how perceptive a cultivator is to his surroundings and no matter how sharp his eyesight was, their sight range was getting shorter and shorter.

But meanwhile, the underlings were in a chaotic battle among each other, the three leaders were in a fight of their own.

From the moment that noise was heard and that punch was hit, the three leaders had taken for the sky as to not carelessly kill their underlings with their power explosions.

At first, there was a moment of silence, but then it was surprisingly the leader of the Royalists group who attacked first.

He tried to use the advantage of surprise and try to at least cause an injury to one of his two opponents.

His target was that arrogant pri*k since Li Qi was a known cultivator in the underworld and had a strength subpar to his.

His attack would have worked if that arrogant pri*k didn't pull out his treasure sword for a moment.

He didn't use it to counter-attack, no he just used its blade to stop the kick, but at that moment something weirder happened.

A part of the Qi in his attack seemed to have disappeared inside that sword.

This was truly strange, and never seen before. To the Royalists group leader, this spelled his doom, not only his attack failed, but now he had to fight two at the same time.

And just as he was about to retreat and revalue his options, Li Qi was already behind him with a back heel kick.

His kick seemed too powerful to get blocked, but weirdly to the leader of the Royalists, it was enough to place his hands behind his head, block it, and fly away.

Of course from the inertia, he hit some trees on the way, but the power behind that kick wasn't even 1/10 of what it appeared.

This meant that he was conserving his strength. But while he could do that, the Royalist leader couldn't. He had two opponents in front of him.

At the moment it was a two to one fight, on one side was Li Qi and that arrogant pri*k, and on the other was the Royalists group leader.

It seemed like Li Qi and that arrogant prick had an understanding between each other, they would kill this guy, take his treasure, and then fight it out to decide its owner.

But Li Qi was aware of his shortcoming. The precious treasure his master had given him wasn't with him anymore.

So a fight against that arrogant prick that had one would be a death wishing fight.

On the other side, even if they were fighting the same guy at the moment, that arrogant pri*k wasn't so stupid as to think he wouldn't get hit on the back, so they were both restricting their power.

Opposite them, the Royalists group leader was in a tough situation, he was trying to fend off against two cultivators with the same level as he was.

And at the same time try to think of a way to escape this pinch, he didn't want to lose his life, but at the same time losing the treasure was the same as losing his life, so he didn't have much of a choice.

At this moment he had to fend off, against a punch from Li Qi and a kick from the arrogant pri*k, even though this was creating a bit of a toll on him, at least he could still defend himself.

Gathering all his strength at the moment, he pushed both attackers as far as he could and tried to activate his treasure once again, so he could escape this place.

As for his underlings, well their importance wasn't equal to his life and treasure.

Thinking like this he concentrated all his Qi into that treasure mirror, but…


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