Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 241

Chapter 241: Spoils of war

A moment later a voice was sounded in the night, right in that place,

Mysterious voice:" To think that he found me, even here. This guy is truly dangerous. We need to pay more attention to him, and be more careful with his disciples."josei

With that sentence silence and quietness returned to the night.

Meanwhile, inside the underground facility at 'the Mansion', Tianlong Yun was lying down on Tianlong Xia's legs, while she fed him with grapes and fruits.

Tianlong Yue was on his left side, massaging his left leg, and Lu Bing was doing the same with his right leg.

Everything tonight had gone perfectly, just like he thought it would.

Right now he was looking at the five treasures in front of him, it was the knife, the sword, the mirror, the space ring, and the crystal tear.

He had managed to take all four of them, and at the same time even cheat that chuunibyou guy into thinking he had the right one.

How did he do it?

Well let's turn a bit back in time when the Royalist's group leader was massacring and slaughtering people down on the ground, Li Qi and the arrogant pri*k were in a stalemate condition.

As much as they stayed like that, the better it was for him because they were absorbing the poison in the smoke and also being more influenced by the illusion array.

While they were like that, the arrogant pri*k got a mental message from his master, telling him, to remove the ring and the sword for better security.

Since apparently that mysterious guy's purpose tonight was to steal their treasures.

Even though the arrogant pri*k didn't want to lower his head in front of no one, he had no choice when it came to his Master.

Knowing his Master's origin and position, there was no way he could say no to him.

Using the smoke around him as an ingredient he created a dense fog that no one could see beyond it. This clearly surprised Li Qi, but he didn't dare to go in there and fight.

He had no idea what to expect, no it was better that he made his own preparations.

In the meantime, the arrogant pri*k met with his Master and handed him over his treasures. And like the genius he was, he already had prepared fake ones in such cases.

Removing the real treasures, he put the fake ones on his left hand and returned to its place.

He handed the sword to his Master also because he already felt himself superior to that trash without the treasure, having it with him, would be sullying the sword.

On the other hand, after retrieving the last two treasures left, Tianlong Yun went down to play a bit with the Royalist's group leader.

At the same time, he was thinking of a way, to make Li Qi kill that arrogant pri*k and run away with the treasures. He was willing to give him back his knife if the need arises.

He thought so much of this possibility but he still couldn't find a bulletproof method.

Sighing inside, he just said to himself,

Tianlong Yun:" Well let's just see how this plays out first."

And he continued his play with the Royalist's group leader. He had to say it though, this guy exceeded his expectations. If he could he would certainly turn him into a puppet.

When the fight between Li Qi and the arrogant pri*k finished, Tianlong Yun was a bit startled because it ended with the win of Li Qi, but seeing that arrogant pri*ks body melt, he understood what happened.

Li Qi must have used some kind of poison or some dark art, to kill him.

This kind of gave him hope that Li Qi would run, and that trio would follow him. But who would have expected that chuunibyou idiot to suddenly show up and mix the party.

Not that he complained though, this just made his plan work better.

His only regret was those 5 ninjas that he had seen at the beginning, they had disappeared immediately after the fight started.

Or it would be more precise to say that they were made to disappear as soon as the fight started.

Yes, the five ninjas were immediately abducted as soon as the fight started. As for who did that?

The last person to receive his chrysanthemum.

But there was one thing that he still wanted to witness though, the reaction of that chuunibyou guy and it's the leader when they understand that what they have is fake.

That would be true satisfaction!

Too bad he couldn't witness that, so he just turned his attention to the treasures he retrieved once again.

It was after his play with the Royalist's group leader, that he got even the last treasure, 'the Tear of Regret'.

This was a unique treasure, that was only created by the innermost feelings of regret and pain. He had never expected to be so lucky tonight and get such a treasure.

This tear was truly precious to him because inside this tear, were stored all the pain, the regret of the dying cultivator, but also 90% of his cultivation.

It was an inheritance to a lucky guy, but while that person inherited the cultivation of that guy, it also inherited his last wish, pain, and regret.

So only a hard rock heart man or woman could ingest this treasure and still be sane. Of course, Tianlong Yun had his ways to make the effect of those ideas as less as possible.

But he first needed to find someone who was totally loyal to him, and that would never betray him even for a moment.

Why didn't he use it himself?

Well that was someone else's cultivation and it wouldn't be pure enough for him, and his base would be unstable.

Furthermore, it was a lowly tier beast's cultivation, he was a Royal Dragon so it was also a case of principle.

Thinking on it for a while, he finally thought of a solution, he would get a pet, just like that guy who died, and train that pet to do his bidding. He would take care of the side effects.

Placing these thoughts to rest, Tianlong Yun started looking at the space ring.

From the inscriptions that were drawn over it sloppily, and also from the manufacturing that was done not effectively it hadn't a really big space.

It had only a space of 3m cube. It was a pity because with these materials he could have manufactured a ring with at least 15m cube space.

But it wasn't like he had the opportunity to remake it now, his cultivation was really low, and he couldn't even light up his smith flame to forge weapons.

Yet it was better than nothing, the other ring he got was too damaged to be used, and he left it as forging materials, it was a good thing he chanced upon this one.

Biting his finger a bit, so blood would come out of it, he dropped a drop of blood over the inscription of the ring.

Since its original owner was already dead, it was really easy for Tianlong Yun to make this ring it's own.

Wondering with his conscience inside the space ring, Tianlong Yun started looking for any surprises in there.

Too bad that there weren't any, expect some diamonds, money, some herbs, and some forging materials there was nothing else.

Well not like he could complain about it, at least those diamonds must be worth some money and some of the herbs were in good shape. It was a free haul anyway.

As for the other three treasures, Tianlong Yun decided to leave them aside for some time, it was impossible for him to erase the soul prints of those three guys.

So he just sealed them good, so even if the print soul was active their owner couldn't feel them if they weren't at a distance of 100m around the objects.

Finishing his work while enjoying the attention of his women, Tianlong Yun, turned towards Tianlong Xia for a hot kiss.

Her lips were so soft and sweet that he couldn't stop himself from wanting more.

Too bad that at this time the door knocked, and Gao Ling's voice was heard from behind the door,

Gao Ling:" Master, sorry to disturb you!

But, we got notified from the Tianlong House, that they had received the package from Guo Peng. They want further instructions as to what to do with it."

Hearing that news, Tianlong Yun gave Tianlong Xia and his two other beauties one last look, and said,

Tianlong Yun:" Unfortunately this will have to wait beauties, that package is really important to us."

Getting up from his place, under the disappointed look of his ladies, Tianlong Yun made for the door.

Opening the door, he welcomed Gao Ling inside, while also sending mental messages to Jiang Bo, Qin Bao, and Tianlong Hu Die.

It was the time for a meeting, and distributing the new assignments. After what happened tonight, it was sure as hell that 'the Mansion' would become a hot potato.

They would have to deal with all the attention while he was secluded in cultivation.

At the same time, this would be a great opportunity for them, to prove themselves.

While Tianlong Yun and his group were about to have a meeting, in a dark place, lighted only from the candle lights, two men entered.

This place could really give the creeps to any normal person. Even though the place looked like a sealed dungeon underground, there was still a breeze that made the candle lights, flatter.

There was a chilling cold in here, that seemed to touch a person's soul. But the two entrances didn't seem to mind.

The only thing that could be noted in their face was the smug face of doing a good job, well that was at least in Li Qi's case because the chuunibyou guy still hadn't taken off his mask.

As soon as they entered they were about to come and bow down to show respect when an angry voice was heard…


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