Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: Farewell and entrance

Slowly the time in the lab passed, and now it was the time for Tianlong Yun and the two ladies to go to the inheritance cave's entrance.

Getting out of the lab, Tianlong Yun was met with the look of the two fairies that would accompany him tonight.

Both of the ladies, Gao Ling and Qin Bao were wearing hot tight black suits, that perfectly shaped their bodies, with some loose traditional Chinese clothes on top of them.

If it weren't for their upper outfits, one could see their dangerous curves quite easily. They were truly rare pieces of art.

But, while Tianlong Yun was looking at the girls with appreciative eyes, the others were looking at them with worried looks.

While this was a great opportunity for Tianlong Yun and the girls to get something amazing from that place, the risk, and danger of this wasn't something that could be disregarded.

Especially, knowing that, most of the people who would be participating tonight, in the inheritance cave exploration, had much higher cultivations than them.

It was a truly risky night, tonight.

But while most of them were worried Tianlong Xia took the initiative and approaching her future hubby, she gave him a deep kiss, and said,

Tianlong Xia:" Good Luck and Good Hunt tonight Darling. I and the sisters will be waiting for your return."

Then she turned towards Gao Ling and Qin Bao and said,

Tianlong Xia:" Good Luck to you too, just follow Patriarch's words and don't do anything stupid."

She gave those two a warm smile and then turning to the crowd behind her she said,

Tianlong Xia:" Everybody, our Patriarch and our sisters are going to bring us a lot of gifts.

We aren't sending a funeral, so keep away those worried and sad faces, and give them a warm farewell.

Darling will take care of everything, you don't have to worry."

Even though Tianlong Yun wanted to be the one to speak those words, he knew that his words wouldn't have the effect of Tianlong Xia's words.

Furthermore, he himself didn't know what to expect from tonight. He just hoped that he would be able to take care of everyone and everything.

And truly after Tianlong Xia's words, each of the people present came forwards and gave a warm farewell to Tianlong Yun and the girls.

After around 5 minutes of those warm words, Tianlong Yun and the two women started running in the direction of the inheritance cave.

While it wasn't really close to the place they were, it wasn't far away either. It took them only about 14 minutes to reach the surroundings.

While Gao Ling and Qin Bao were not trying to hide, Tianlong Yun behind them had already used his 'Vanishing Powder' and his stealth technique.

Nobody could notice who, or where he was.

As soon as they approached the mountain road to arrive at the entrance of the inheritance cave, a big man appeared from the bushes, and looking angrily at the two ladies said,

Big Man:" Wait, you are not allowed to pass. This place is closed for the night."

Right after him, a lighter manly voice sounded,

Slippery Man:" Come on big man, don't frighten the ladies, perhaps they have come here to play with us!josei

Right Ladies!?"

Hearing those words Gao Ling and Qin Bao were startled, were these guys trying to dig their own graves or something?

Looking at them with the same blunt face they had all this time, Qin Bao said with a calm voice,

Qin Bao:" Tell your Master that Young Master Qin Bao is here!

Also, keep that attitude and this will be your last day making a shadow on this planet."

That slippery man was infuriated at the death threat that he just got, he was a member of the EITS organization, since when someone dared to talk to him like that?

Especially someone with that weak cultivation?

Just as he was about to lash out at Qin Bao and Gao Ling though, he was stopped by his partner, that big man, who after pulling him back, turned to Qin Bao with a fake respectful face and said,

Big Man:" So it was Young Miss Qin Bao. Please forgive us for our rude behavior, we didn't know of your noble identity.

Young Master Qing Fang gave clear instructions about your arrival, please come with us!"

His words left his partner startled for a moment, but then remembering something he just said under his voice,

Slippery Man:" So this is Young Master's new toy? I can't wait for him to get tired of her."

He said those words in an audible voice for Gao Ling and Qin Bao on purpose. He wanted to at least have some kind of revenge on those two.

The truth was that their Young Master had left them here exactly for this purpose, but this guy didn't like it.

He thought he was too important to stay and wait here just a b*tch his Young Master had taken a liking to.

He didn't know anything about Qin Bao, besides the common knowledge about her. After all the alliance was a secret and Qin Bao's Master wasn��t a known figure.

Even if the rumors of the nights before spread, most of the people would think it was just made up stuff.

Gao Ling and Qin Bao were on their edge, really close to unleashing this idiot, if only they had the power, this guy would be cooked well at this moment.

At this time, they both received a mental message,

'Leave that guy and his friend to me'.

This was all they needed at the moment. Just these words were enough, to turn them away from the fiery flames of anger, into the beautiful thoughts of pittances.

These guys had no idea of what was coming for them.

Big Man was included on the list too because while his friend had attracted the attention of the ladies, he was looking at them with lusty eyes and a smirk.

It was like he had already created a scene of them in his mind, and he would probably try to act it during the exploration.

But while Tianlong Yun had already decided that these two poor guys would be his first victims, there were big Qi waves coming from the small valley in front of them.

Apparently, the two sides had already met. It was EITS, Royalists, and Orientalists on one side with the Massons on the other.

It felt like this place was filled with fuel and just one little match was all it needed to explode.

Of course, even though the number of different teams didn't seem fair, the two sides seemed equal in power.

On the Massons side, Master Ming Tong seemed to be in a good mood, and while looking at the groups in front of him, he just said laughing,

Ming Tong:" Apparently little ants, have started to work together. Truly a fantastic view, hahaha…"

While his words were clear provocations, no one took his bait. After what happened two nights ago, none of his rivals seemed to take rash decisions.

It was only when he stopped laughing that Young Master Qing Fang said,

Qing Fang:" Well, when hyenas enter the pastures, the farmers need to work together to lynch them! Don't you think so, Master Ming Tong?"

Hearing his words, the smile on Master Ming Tong's face disappeared and a gloomy one replaced it, while he said with a threatening voice,

Ming Tong:" Are you trying to test my patience little kid?"

But while he released the pressure from his cultivation, he tried to concentrate it on Young Master Qing Fang. While he was no expert at it, he wasn't far off either.

Just as Young Master Qing Fang was about to do the same, the clouds in the sky started moving and coming together.

In less than a breaths time, the clear sky turned into a dark and gloomy one, then the clouds started moving around each other and slowly creating a tornado.

It was the same as the one, two nights ago, the same dark tornado. Soon the black tornado stopped, and the smoke started to disappear turning the clear night sky once again.

From the place where the eye of the tornado was supposed to be, came that chuunibyou guy and Li Qi once again. But this time behind them were around 15 people wearing skeletal suits.

They looked like a gang of street performers, but the pressure coming from them wasn't less than that of the other cultivators.

Seeing the new arrivals none of those present were surprised, quite the opposite they seemed like they were expecting their arrival some time ago.

Looking at the new arrivals, Master Ming Tong stopped his antics, and turning towards the new guests he said,

Ming Tong:" So you finally decided to show up. You have been hiding there for quite some time now."

Hearing his comments, Zorro just said calmly,

Zorro:" Well while is fun watching your silly acting and show, the inheritance cave is opening. So we are going to head there first!

See you there!"

With that said, Zorro, Li Qi, and their team disappeared into the crack that made the cave. above the entrance of the cave, there was a small, Yin-Yang symbol that was bathing in moonlight.

Seeing the group of Zorro head there immediately the others were left a bit stunned but immediately the group leaders ran towards the entrance.

They didn't want to be left behind, and now that there was cannon fodder to open up their way, then it was perfect.

At the same time, the two guys accompanying the two ladies seemed to receive some kind of message and weren't happy at all with it…


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