Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: True Seraphim bloodline

Taking a deep breath and releasing it for one last time, he started sending his Qi inside his bones, through the empty spaces created by their breaking.

Even though his Qi was more like a soft stream of air entering his bones, this didn't mean that he didn't feel anything when it entered inside his bones.

The bone marrow was so sensitive and delicate, that with each small thread of Qi that he placed inside he could feel his body tremble in pain.

To imagine that he would have to explode it in the tiniest particles and then keep his mind in place while trying to place them together once again.

But, this world belonged only to the brave and daring. If he didn't have the courage to do it, then he was finished as a cultivator. His dreams would be just bubbles.

For someone like him, the end of his road wasn't because he couldn't walk anymore, but because he didn't have the courage and willpower to move forward.

Tianlong Yun would never give up from moving forward, he gave up once from his old life, and he understood better than anyone what it meant.

That was why now that he had this second chance, he would never give up, or miss the courage to walk forward.

Thinking like this he just continued, to send his Qi all over his body, at the bone marrow of each and every one of his bones.

No matter how much it hurt, no matter how much he trembled, he just clenched his teeth and continued to send his Qi inside them.

This continued for a long time since he had to be extra careful doing it. It was his good luck that his Spirit Power had had a breakthrough, otherwise, he would have long fallen unconscious.

The important thing at the moment was that he had already sent almost all of his Qi to the designated place and that soon he would have to start the explosion.

While he would clearly not back down from this at the moment, it didn't mean that he didn't have his own misgivings about this.

Taking a deep breath once again, Tianlong Yun could feel his body enter high alert immediately, it was like it already understood what would happen.

Well anyway, now it was the time to show his determination, courage, and strong will. There was no turning back.

Even though it was the worst decision he could have thought, Tianlong Yun decided to explode all the Qi at the same time.

He was afraid that if he did it slowly he might lose his mind, or worse lost to his fears. He couldn't allow that to happen.

At that moment, with one small thought, all the Qi in his body started to explode, and at the same time destroying his three different bone marrows into really tiny particles.

The moment that all the Qi exploded inside his body, every single nerve and cell of his body went totally bonkers.

Blood started going out in big churls out of his body. Like it was getting banned from all the veins and arteries.

Immediately his body lost all his color, and he looked like a white zombie. He seemed like an old man whose body had been deteriorating for thousands of years.

He didn't feel anything at first, it was like that explosion hadn't happened. And the next moment he felt the world crumble on his head.

It was like millions of parasites, bloody cockroaches', ants, scorpions were trying to eat every single cell of his body.

And it wasn't a one bite eating either, it was like they were trying to chew on those slowly, savoring their taste, and delicacy.

He could only scream, scream at the top of his lungs so that his pain could be reduced even a tiny bit. It took only one scream to make his voice disappear.

Right now he could only open his mouth, and try to scream, but his cords weren't working, no sound was coming out of his mouth.

It was a soundless scream, but it was much more painful and tragic.

He had never felt such a thing ever before. Even when he lost his cultivation and got crippled in his previous life, he didn't feel such pain.

It was out of any prediction, or estimation he had. Every single millisecond he was trying to keep himself awake.

If he didn't then true death was his only outcome.

But it was getting harder and harder, to stay awake. Even his protection around his heart was starting to waver, and disappear. If he didn't do something soon, then death was his only outcome.

What could he do though!?

Right now only thinking like this was already taking all the energy and willpower he had left. What could he do right now?

He had to think of something and fast, otherwise, he was a goner.

Right at that moment, the tattoo he had over his heart started shining, and small tongues of flame started burning around it.

He didn't how and why, but the first time that it happened, that tattoo had saved his life. He had a weird feeling like that tattoo was part of his body. Like a second heart or something.

Tianlong Yun was really curious to know what would happen, after all this was his last option. If the tattoo didn't help him enough, then he was a dead guy.

Just at that moment, the flames started getting stronger and stronger, like wanting to gobble everything around him, even his pain.

He was shocked to notice that those dangerous-looking flames were really warm and tender with him. It was like they were truly trying to ease his pain.

This gave him a moment of peace, a moment to think about his next actions. It was clear that he couldn't do this alone, he needed help.

It was a real mistake sending Gao Ling outside the Old Pouch, but he didn't regret it, she would become too emotional and meddle in the process.

Furthermore, she wouldn't be able to help him, she didn't have the needed control over her Qi and Spirit Power to help him.

The only person who might be able to help him would be Tianlong Xia. He could only hope that she was around the place.

Sending his spirit sense, outside of the Old Pouch he was so happy to have immediately sensed Tianlong Xia.

Just like him, she was surrounded by what looked like really dangerous flames, but even then not even a small bit of her dress, or her body seemed to suffer from the flames.

Without losing much time, Tianlong Yun immediately called her inside the Old Pouch, and the flames became even more intense.

It was like the meeting of two lovers. Like, the flames were spiritual beings, which could recognize each other.

But he didn't have time to think about it right now, he was really close to his limit. Even the flames didn't seem to be able to help him even a bit more.

Just as he was about to explain Tianlong Xia his situation though, it seemed like it wasn't necessary. She seemed like she knew everything about what was happening.

That was why she immediately, sent her Qi inside his body, firstly reforming the protective layer around his heart, that was on his last stand.

And then, she started to place another protective layer around his brain. If they wanted to have a shot at this, Tianlong Yun needed to be conscious, no matter how much pain he felt.josei

Tianlong Yun understood this better than she did, and was ready to face the consequences of his actions.

Without caring much about the pain he was going through, he clenched his teeth and fists, until cracking sounds could be heard, and then started to send his Qi inside the bones once again.

This time though, his Qi was like a plastic layer that was trying to collect all the tiny particles into a big one creating the bone marrow once again.

The only good thing was that the nerves inside had already gone bonkers and that he was already experiencing maximal pain, it couldn't become more painful for him.

But the more he used his Qi to collect them, and bring them closer to each other, the more concentrated his pain becomes.

It seemed like his previous thought that this was the maximal pain he could feel, wasn't a correct opinion after all.

Right now it was getting more and more painful. If it wasn't for Tianlong Xia protecting his heart and brain, while sending any extra bit of help into the reforming, he would be a goner.

He had no time for such thoughts though, he could feel that his body and Qi were becoming weaker and weaker, and he had to finish the reforming as soon as possible.

As if realizing his intentions, Tianlong Xia started sending more and more Qi and help towards him. Without even thinking of herself and her own body.

Tianlong Yun felt really bad for this situation, but right now he could do nothing but accept everything she sent towards him, finding new force and determination.

With this newfound force and determination, he started concentrating double or triple on what he had to do. It was like he had become numb to all that pain.

And slowly the bone marrow started reforming once again, but differently from the three different colors that it had before, now there was only one.

A fiery color, a mix of a deep red and golden, that made it look like it was something really special. Only by looking at it, one could feel its potential and power.

But what Tianlong Yun didn't know was that while he was completing his true Seraphim bloodline, big dark clouds were being formed in the sky, above the cave…


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