Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 292

Chapter 292: Plot, and Hunting Team.

They didn't know the procedure that these two would follow with Jake Long and that he might start doubting something if they took too long.

For this reason, it was really important that they break these two as soon as possible, and learned everything they needed.

But even then it wasn't completely safe because these two might activate some trap or alarm for Jake Long, and all their cover would be blown up.

That was why Tianlong Xia had left an option as a last resort to the situation. A manual on how to cast a slave seal on both of them.

She had already checked both of them herself and knew that each of these two had a seal already inside them, and also their cultivation was much higher than they showed.

That was why she had given clear instructions that if they weren't able to break them in 2 days, then they had to use the manual and turn these two into slaves.

The only one who could handle that though was Tianlong Yin Guang since both of them had a cultivation of 9th level Foundation Establishment Realm.

Tianlong Xia's manual clearly showed how to make the seals without disrupting the already existing ones, so they won't be discovered.

Like this, the problem was avoided, but they weren't able to know much since Jia Meinu and Zhi Hu didn't know much.

They managed to find the identity of their Master though, Qin family's oldest Young Miss Qin Lian. It was a surprise, especially knowing Qin Bao was on their side.

But anyway an urgent report was sent to the headquarters and Tianlong Xia, while the slaves were going to be sent by Tianlong Yin Guang at the 'Flowers Fragrance'.josei

With these preparations, 2 days passed fast, and it was finally the day that Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing arrived at the camp.

To safe keep their identity they came as maids during the trip. It was truly difficult for them to get used to being maids, but they managed somehow.

As soon as they started getting off the boat though, they were attacked once again. Missiles and bombs started blasting, while bullets were flying all over the place.

This time the attackers seemed to be better prepared, and even more furious at the caravan. With that anger, they started running towards the boat and caravan, like they had forsaken life.

Their goal was to take as many more enemies down as they could. They didn't care about their wellbeing. They were like junkies with a goal.

In this situation, Captain Mao, immediately ordered, for defensive fire, and the caravan to start moving as soon as possible.

While he was giving his orders though, four bullets were fired towards the two poor maids, leaving them dead on the ground.

Captain Mao seemed to check their life signs for a moment, but they were not breathing anymore. No matter how much he didn't like leaving bodies on the battlefield, the situation was critical.

Without any other option, he was forced to let them there, and leave with the caravan towards the camp.

Once he arrived there though, he learned a piece of even more terrible news, the shadows that were supposed to be in the camp, had disappeared in the middle of a fight.

Their best supposition was that they were caught, or were wounded and lying low in the meantime. Also, the last two battles had taken the lives of many of the people in there.

As if these weren't enough, there was a breach in their camp, and a barrack of slaves had managed to run away and were not being found.

Hearing all these bad news, Captain Mao decided to enforce the signal blockage rule in the entire Camp, until the culprits were found.

At the same time, from now on there would be more tight security around the camp, everyone needed to take the permission if they got out of the camp.

If anyone was caught in suspicious behavior they would be sent to another camp. There would be a strict military rule in the camp from now on.

While all these things were happening in the camp, returning back in time, after the caravan and the boat left the area, the firings completely stopped.

It was like their goal was completed, but the startling fact was that the people coming out of their surroundings, were only 5.

An attack that gave the impression of more than 20 people, and yet only 5 came out of the surroundings, who would believe such a thing.

It looked like surprises didn't have an end today, because as soon as those five approached four of the dead bodies on the ground, started to get up.

If anyone normal was around there, they would think that they were seeing the dead rise from their graves.

They had bloody holes in their bodies but didn't seem to care in the least. But on some of them, the blood had stopped, and some shiny armor was showing.

Apparently, all the shots were towards their armor, and none of them had any real wounds. It was a scene fight, with the intention of fooling the extra eyes.

While they also took the chance to make some trimming between the rats in the camp. All the caught and killed rebels were slowly killed like this to the public, not to make a fuss at the camp.

Returning to the scene, Tianlong Yue, Lu Bing, and two other shadows got up and were looking with smiles on their face at their friends.

It had been some time that they hadn't seen each other, and they were like a family. They were finally meeting each other again.

In that way, they threw four other bodies that looked like them in their place of course dead bodies, and then they left towards their hideout.

There were 10 people participating in this mission. Tianlong Yue, Lu Bing, Tianlong Shui, Tianlong Huo, the foreign twins, Tianlong Lu, Tianlong Ying Yan, Tianlong Gang, and Tianlong Jing Shen.

Tianlong Gang and Tianlong Jingshen were the duos coming with Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing, while the others had come from the camp.

They had also brought some gifts though, which were around 40-50 slaves from the barracks. After Tianlong Yin Guang's suggestion, they were selected as possible subjects.

At the same time, she was taking around 10 more slaves with her, so that she could train them personally. She said she liked the look in their eyes.

This would be a group that would from now on survive in the desert by attacking and pilfering the other enemy camps. They would be like a hunting team.

After the emotional meeting and talks, they were ready for their first hit. They had no time to lose since they had a goal they had decided.

In less than three weeks, Tianlong Yun would start refining the 'Heart of the Madman' and during that time, all of them could benefit a lot from their cultivation.

Their goal was that until then, they had to become the tyrants of this territory and that their fame should reach all over the continent.

The Shadows.

They had a name to earn for themselves, and their clan. So quickly they all prepared and started walking towards their first target.

It was an enemy camp, about 5 miles away from them, it wasn't the nearest to their position, but they didn't want to get their own camp in troubles.

That's why they started there. While they could run there easily, they had 40+ badly fed slaves that couldn't run, or walk fast, so they had to take rests.

They managed to arrive there in 80-100 minutes, with all the breaks and their slowly walking. Looking at the horizon it seemed like daybreak was close.

They had at most around 20 minutes to take out all the positional fortresses and attack the camp. Due to their reports, this camp had an E level of difficulty.

There weren't any cultivators inside, besides some really well-trained people. But they didn't make a big challenge for them.

Their true enemy was the big weapons, while they could survive a gun bullet, a bazooka or a bomb was something else.

So firstly they had to take care of the possible risks. Everyone knew what to do, besides the slaves, that were still confused about their role in whole this.

Looking towards them Tianlong Shui said with a serious voice in their language,

Tianlong Shui:" This is a chance for you to earn your freedom, and also get a life for yourself. But we don't need week people, we need courageous people who fight for themselves.

Right now we are going first to take care of the towers, and watchers. When the true fight starts, I will give you guys a sign.

Those who see the sign and run forward to fight will get the opportunity they earn, the others are just weak, dead weight.

Of course, you can try to run away, we will not stop you. But think can you survive the desert without us?

So make your choice wisely!"

Nobody seemed to have an objection to her talking to them. For starters because they didn't know the language.

But also, Lu Bing and Tianlong Yue weren't used to the difficulties of the desert. They were here to gain experience that they didn't have, so they couldn't take charge, despite their position.

With this settled, the shadows together with Lu Bing and Tianlong Yue started running towards their assigned places.

This camp had 4 watchtowers, 2 communication centers, and 2 guard posts on the ground making checks every 10 minutes.

The watchtowers had better weaponry as they had machine guns and simple sniper rifles in their possession.

The guards had mostly Ak-47's while the people at the communication room only had semi-automatic weapons and pistols.

Almost all of them had bombs on their persona, and there were bazookas on the watchtowers. With this formation known there was nothing more to wait for.

It was time for the bloodbath to start…


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