Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 316

Chapter 316: Conditions of Subjugation

While she had been talking to him, she had forgotten about her precarious situation. There was a reason why she had to choose between her death and subjugation to Tianlong Yun.

The cultivation art her clan used gave them a rather fast cultivation speed, and a lot of extra benefits, it was a Divine-level cultivation manual, but it had one huge drawback.

After someone had seen through the sigil in their eyes and made the connection, then their body would start burning in carnal heat, exponentially rising for any breath of time.

At the moment she couldn't feel it much because her Qi had been frozen and a few of her meridians were blocked, and with her will and determination, she could neglect it.

But even then her love juices had started flowing out of her secret cave without stop, her small hills over her soft mountains of jade were standing proud, and she was burning inside.

When all of this was happening as she had her cultivation frozen, and her meridians blocked then once Tianlong Yun set her free, then probably she would pounce over him.

It was truly a time for her to choose between death and subjugation, but she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to die, but at the same time, she didn't understand Tianlong Yun either.

Tianlong Yun was just waiting in front of her with a grin on his face, he had no intention of letting her die, whether she want that or not, but he was curious about her choice.

She was a great piece for him, not only was she strong, but she also had knowledge of the Immortal World, and was really beautiful to boot. It would be a shame for her to die.

As if she had finally understood her situation, Yu Qing decided to give up on her stubborn idea of suicide and tried to negotiate a few conditions,

Yu Qing:" Sigh~! I know that you have no intention of letting me suicide and even less of letting me go, so I can do nothing but become yours from today onwards.

But there are some conditions I have if you want me to really try and become yours."

While she was saying that, she was looking in Tianlong Yun's eyes as if wanting to see inside his soul, and see if he was going to really allow her to state her conditions or not.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun just took away his grin, and said in a serious voice,

Tianlong Yun:" Let me hear them!"

While he was going to make her his woman, he didn't want her to sow discord in the middle of his harem, with her strength she could flip it upside down.

That was why he had to find a middle way until Tianlong Xia was powerful enough to keep her down, or she really fell for him and didn't want to cause problems.

There was no loss in this anyway, if he just heard her conditions, as she started saying,

Yu Qing:" Firstly, you will never fight against my clan, or even harm them in any way.

Secondly, I will be your Empress when we go back, and you will never treat me like a subordinate.

Thirdly you will help my clan if they ever need your help."

She didn't know why but the aura and Tianlong Yun's temper made her feel like when he came back to the Immortal World, he would definitely not stay low-key for long.

There was a strange glint on his eyes when he admitted to his identity, it was like soon the whole Immortal World would pay for what they did to him.

So she could only try to use herself and her body so that her clan didn't have to go through the brunt of his attacks and at the same time give them a connection of help.

The second condition was because of her pride and arrogance, she couldn't let someone else reign over her, especially if it was a weak human.

She didn't care how many women Tianlong Yun had, after all a powerful man could have as many women as he wished.

But she would never accept being under someone that had less status and strength that she had. She didn't expect Tianlong Yun turn gloomy at her conditions though, and then say,

Tianlong Yun:" Don't you think you are asking for too much? I just need to release your seal and you will forget about those conditions.

But I am going to give you another option, these will be your conditions,

Firstly, I will not go against your clan as long as they don't get in my way, if they do, then they will get whatever they deserve.

Secondly, you will be one of my concubines, and I will make you my wife only if think you are loyal and work enough.

I already have an Empress and there is no way that you can compare to her in status or knowledge. While her strength is not like yours at the moment, that's just a matter of time.

As for your third condition, while I don't mind helping your clan if they are in good relations with me, I wouldn't give a damn, if they don't know what's good for them.

I might have been a brainless idiot in my previous body and life, but falling from there made me learn a lot of things, so don't ever think of pulling me around, otherwise…"

Tianlong Yun didn't finish his words, but the meaning was clear, and her imagination could do the rest for him.

She was thinking that he might be the same idiot as in the past and that she could boss him around, and pull him by the nose, but she was really underestimating the new him.

Hearing those words, shocked Yu Qing for a moment, she really had thoughts of giving him her body, while she controlled him.josei

If it was the old Tianlong Yun that might have worked, but that dangerous glint in his eyes when he said those words made her tremble in fear.

While his cultivation wasn't really high right now, she didn't know why but she felt like he was worse than the Devil Emperor.

She was still in a dilemma though, there was something that she hadn't told him yet, the reason why she left the Imperial Palace and had to escape to God's Graveyard.

In fact, her clan had decided to join hands with the Royal Dragon clan through her marriage with the current Royal Dragon Emperor, Tianlong Yun's big brother.

That was why she knew that her clan and Tianlong Yun would most probably face and fight against each other, and she was trying to protect them.

Even though she knew she was asking too much, she couldn't help but try, after all, given his past, she thought he might accept.

As for the fact that she was going to be only his concubine and that he had already found a better Empress than her, she could think of only one person.

If he was alive and here, why couldn't she also be alive. While their relationship might be some kind of taboo, there were rumors through the Immortal World that they were a couple.

That was even the reason that the Dragon Emperor had gone out to kill his own son because he made him wear a green hat in front of the Immortal World.

While she was still in contemplation of what to do, she heard the firm and serious voice of Tianlong Yun,

Tianlong Yun:" You have three breaths of time to make a decision, after that, I will just release the seal over your body, and let nature take its course."

Those words weighed like mountains over her, she didn't have much time, not to say anything about the fact that even her body was slowly getting out of her control.

She could feel that if this went any longer like this, then she could only face whatever came her way, and she would be worse than a servant.

With this realization hitting upon her she could only, say with a heard breath,

Yu Qing:" I-I acc-accept!"

There was nothing more she could do, her clan had chosen that direction themselves, and there was nothing she could do about it.

They could only face the consequences of their mistakes while she hoped that maybe Tianlong Yun would show some mercy on them if it ever came to that.

Nobody knew what would happen in the future, perhaps Tianlong Yun could even die in his attempts, nothing was for certain.

She could only hope that her clan didn't go extinct from the Immortal World. As for her position, in the state she was it was already a great boon to her.

Right as those words sounded through the room, Tianlong Yun ordered Jake Long to remove a part of the restriction over her body, and she now had a cultivation one level lower than him.

Right now Tianlong Yun had a cultivation of the 5th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, and his battle power was close to three levels above his cultivation.

Feeling her cultivation come back, at the 4th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, the little demoness prince felt like a part of her chains had been broken, but even then she couldn't touch the rest.

Not to mention that right now she wasn't in a clear-headed situation, because immediately the drawback started showing it's power.

Her body started burning in heat, and she just wanted to pounce on Tianlong Yun and become one with him, let him put out the fire inside her.

At that moment she couldn't even keep up with her appearance transformation skill, and Tianlong Yun could finally see the real appearance of his new concubine.

She was really beautiful, her skin was white with a beautiful rosy pink hue over it, which was turning redder with each passing moment.

Her eyes were a beautiful red color, while her hair was pink, her body was well developed, even though she looked quite young, around just 18 years old.

While Tianlong Yun was enjoying the view though, Yu Qing suddenly jumped towards him…


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