Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Disappointed

With a simple thought, two small blasting sounds were heard, as a stanching smell of blood and semen was spread through the environment.

For a moment none of them were able to understand what happened in there, it was total silence, and nobody even screamed since Jake Long had blocked their vocal cords.

It took a while but finally, they were able to look at some weird bloody yellow stuff starting to drip on the floor and spread.

The source of that weird composition was the Golden Core Realm cultivator, Master Fei, who had a red face and his mouth open wide, but no voice was coming out of it.josei

The other people around were all dumbfounded, and shocked, he seemed to be in really horrifying pain, but there couldn't think why in the least.

He seemed to be fine on the outside, just like any other one of them, but yet they could see his horrific expression and also that weird substance on the floor.

All of them were racking the brains what could it be when they thought of a possibility that made them all feel chills down their back and shiver all the way to their marrows.

Apparently, Master Fei's male pride had just blasted to smithereens, as he could no longer be a fully-fledged male anymore.

Tianlong Yun seemed quite calm and carefree though, as if he hadn't done anything big, and had just dealt with an ant or a fly, nothing to enter his eyes.

But then thinking once again of the people that were present there, he turned around towards Yu Qing and said in a sorry voice,

Tianlong Yun:" Sorry you had to witness this, but he deserved it, after all his intentions were to leave you without kids for the rest of eternity."

Hearing those words, Yu Qing was a bit startled at first, but then processing them she finally understood what he meant and her face got a red hue.

Nonetheless, she felt a bit warm inside as Tianlong Yun indirectly told her they would be having kids in the future.

Normally in the Immortal World powerful man would have kids only with their first wives, as to not have too many descendants that would start fighting each other.

At the moment, Yu Qing was just a concubine at most, so hearing something like that made her really satisfied, like this even if her clan was decimated, their bloodline would go on.

Returning to the situation at hand, Tianlong Yun turned around once again to face his enemies or would be more precise to say his victims, with the same calm attitude of earlier.

With a thought, he released Young Master Wei's vocal cords once again, and see what he had to say now, but contrary to all expectations, that guy started laughing as he said,

Wei Po:" Hahha… Tianlong Yun, do you know who you just offended right now? Do you know who Master Fei's master is? You are a de…"

Before he could finish his words though, his vocal cords were blocked once again, as Tianlong Yun turned towards Yu Qing as he said,

Tianlong Yun:" Am I losing my logic here? Or these guys don't understand that I can kill them all if I want to?"

Yu Qing seemed to think hard for a moment, and then said with a bright smile, even though her face was average, that smile showed her really pretty,

Yu Qing:" Perhaps they will fear you if their background is kneeling in front of you!?"

Hearing that answer, Tianlong Yun seemed like he had been finally enlightened, as he released that old man that had been with Young Master Wei to the Immortal Hall in Tianchang city, and said,

Tianlong Yun:" Go tell the Patriarch of the Wei family, and whoever the Master of this trash here is, to come here and be in front of me in less than an hour!

For every minute they arrive late, I will kill one of the people here. There seemed to be around 102 people in here, so you have 2 hours and 42 minutes to arrive.

If they still don't come, I will just crash the Wei house myself. Now please go and extend my invitation to my guests!"

The Old man was speechless, he didn't expect Tianlong Yun to do or say such a thing. It seemed like he wasn't afraid in the least of the Wei family, and their backers.

So for a moment he just stood there motionless even though the pressure on him had completely disappeared.

Seeing him like that Tianlong Yun said with a calm smile,

Tianlong Yun:" While I don't care about the lives of these people in here, I think you are exploiting precious time by staying here like that.

Not to mention that your Young Master feels like his salvation will come to him, with the appearance of his father, and grandfather."

These words finally woke up the Old man, and while at first, he was a bit dubious if it was true, he didn't tarry any longer and immediately ran towards the Wei family residence.

Leaving behind in the restaurant Tianlong Yun, and the rest of his attacking team. On the other Tianlong Yun just turned back to his lying-down position with his head on Yu Qing's lap.

Placing his head on her lap seemed even better than the cushions by his side, they were really silky and comfortable. All his women seemed to have this specialty, as he felt very well in that position.

In the meantime the rest of the people inside the room were stupefied at his calmness and carefree attitude, it seemed like even the mountains collapsing wouldn't make him lose his calm.

It took more than 1 hour and 34 minutes for the Old man to return accompanied by an even larger number of fighters and cultivators that were the core of Wei's family of Shanghai.

In their midst were even two old men that seemed to be in the 1st level of Nascent Soul Realm, but they looked like they were with one foot on the grave.

In this amount of time 34 people had already died, with their bodies untouched, it seemed like only their hearts had exploded inside their bodies.

The atmosphere inside the box that Tianlong Yun, Yu Qing, and Jake Long were still resting seemed to be peaceful, and silent, with only Young Master Wei, and Master Fei being alive beside them.

All the others had already died and been transported to the hallway, as not to spoil the mood of the trio inside.

It was just like Tianlong Yun had said, for every minute that passed, he had killed one more person. This situation had terrified Young Master Wei because he didn't know when it would be his time.

But later he had thought that the situation wasn't as grim as it looked since, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to kill him, and in his head, he had only one opinion.

'Tianlong Yun didn't dare to kill him because of his background and standing, this made him regain a bit of his composure and previous arrogance.

At that moment, the new entourage entered the box lead by the two old men with a foot in the grave, but the expressions were clearly ghastly.

They had seen more than 30 disciples of their family, in the hallway dead, with their hearts exploded. This made them infuriated at the massacre and the guts of this person.

He was willing to kill so many of their disciples and didn't mind going against the Wei family, he was clearly asking for his own death.

Entering inside with their ghastly and infuriated expressions, they were still surprised to confirm that their enemy was still a young man, at around 20+ years old.

He was lying there in a girl's lap, eating the delicacies she was feeding him, while the other guy seemed to fill his wine cup.

For a moment they couldn't believe their eyes, but just as they were about to say something, they felt another disciple's heart explode and die.

This clearly enraged them, as both of them seemed to have lost control of their selves, as they accumulated two Qi arrows to attack Tianlong Yun.

Seeing the direction of the arrows though, neither of them wanted to kill him and were just trying to injure him as much as possible.

They weren't going to allow this little kid to die easily after all he had done, no he had to suffer deeply. They weren't the only ones who thought so, Master Fei's Master wanted this as well.

Seeing their elders attack like that, the people behind them also used their cultivation, and Martial Skills to attack Tianlong Yun.

While an ant was weak, 1000 ants could bite an elephant to death. This was their idea and plan, they wanted to cause the damage they could to their family's enemy.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't seem like he was worried in the least about this situation, as a matter of fact, he was even gently caressing Yu Qing's face.

Just like the previous time, the moment that the attacks were about to arrive in front of him, a big black mist appeared once again, entrapping all the attacks and the new guests inside the box.

This move clearly dumbfounded all the people inside the room, even the two old men at the Nascent Soul Realm couldn't do a thing.

They were just as useless, and worthless as all the other people that had come here with the intention to subdue Tianlong Yun.

They couldn't understand how this shit was possible, in all these years that they had been alive, this was the first time witnessing this.

While Tianlong Yun seemed to be disappointed at this situation, as he said with a sigh,

Tianlong Yun:" Sigh~! Old Man I told you to bring the Patriarch, and this trash's Master. What is the meaning of this?"


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