Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 336

Chapter 336: Audacity

According to the information he had he had been handed over a few moments ago, after the party, some drunkards had gone to attack the Tianlong family's boutique.

Those drunkards seemed to have attacked just because they didn't like the lightning of this place, as it blinded their eyes, and started hitting the place with rocks or even attack head-on.

In first view they truly looked like drunkards doing stupid things due to their alcohol levels, the only problem was that this was a Fashion street.

The closest place bar to their shop was more than 500 meters away, and there were a lot of other shops with higher lightning in that place, on both sides of the place.

Not to mention that once the drunkards got the attention of the people inside, including Ling Jie, they started running at a speed that didn't match with their drunken state and a normal person's speed.

Of course, this was just a trap to make Ling Jie follow them, and then surround him and attack him as a group, with the purpose of capturing him, and torturing him worse than Young Master Yao Chen.

According to Ling Jie's report, they were all people with cultivations at Golden Core Realm between 2nd and 5th levels.

Since they weren't aware of Ling Jie's cultivation and strength they had tried their best to overestimate him and make sure there were no problems with the capture.

But they still failed, because even their best overestimate had been an underestimation of his strength, and the one being captured had ended to be the attackers.

Tianlong Yun had been notified of this information from the moment that it happened, which was around 1 AM in the morning, and of their breaking around 3 AM in the morning.

It was the fact that their attempt had failed, and there weren't any problems with the staff, and only material damages, that had kept Tianlong Yun this quiet until now.

This hadn't happened only in Shanghai, as the Tianlong Industries were attacked all over China. While all these attacks seemed random and were kind of justified people knew who was responsible.

The weird thing was that none of those attacks had succeeded though, they had all failed their target because no matter how much they overestimated their targets, it was still an underestimation.

All the attackers had been apprehended by the forces protecting those places, and the biggest damage was some broken glass and some damaged clothes.

While this news hadn't spread out to the general public yet, with the network of information that Tianlong Yun possessed it was only a matter of seconds to learn.

The fact that the big families had decided to act immediately after yesterday's party was a bit surprising to Tianlong Yun.

But he guessed that they had thought that it was the best time to strike since they made their stance known, or some people were trying to add oil to the fire.

Either way, that didn't change the fact that the three big families of China seemed to have started the play with fire when they were drenched in oil.

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun left the Immortal Hall accompanied by Zi Qian, who was following behind him just like Jake Long did, as they headed towards the Yao family.

Tianlong Yun could notice that as soon as he got out of the Immortal Hall, more than 20 experts with relatively good cultivation levels were following behind him.

Their levels were from the 3rd level Nascent Realm to the 7th level of the Nascent Soul Realm. That last one most probably was even the leader of the 20 people following him.

All of them seemed to be looking for an opportunity to attack and kill Tianlong Yun. According to their estimation, these 20 people were like using a big machete to kill a little chicken.

But after all the disappointing results of the previous night, they had decided to not hold back in the least, and try to capture Tianlong Yun.

He was a really important key to reaching the Shadow Clan, and their higher-ups. They didn't dare to kill him, as that would spark a whole head-on fight and that was stupid to think about.

So they planned on capturing him to get information, and at the same time to use him as a trading chip, in case they would have to.

They already had someone close to him who seemed close to breaking and telling them all he knew, but with Tianlong Yun in their possession, they could double-check the information.

To Tianlong Yun these guys were like a pre-gift from the big families, and he would never dare to refuse such precious gifts that those guys were handing over to him.

Right now he was thinking that his plan of creating a big Arena was going to get completed much sooner than his initial thoughts and estimations.

For that reason without changing his direction, he found a dark alley that seemed to be completely empty.

It was really difficult to find a big empty place in this crowded big city like Shanghai, but with Zi Qian's help, every place could be used for their fight, as she could isolate the area.

This was a great opportunity for Tianlong Yun to also have a look at his fighting prowess. After the intimate act with Yu Qing, and two days of cultivation he had managed to breakthrough.

He was now a 6th level Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, and he could feel that his fighting strength had increased so much from his last cultivation level.

And the truth was that all this time, he hadn't had a real fight with death at stake where he could challenge himself and his limits.

While he didn't think that these guys would be enough for him to do such a thing, they were nonetheless some good punch bags to stretch his muscles.

With those thoughts in mind, he entered deep into the alley, and said calmly to Zi Qian who landed by his side,

Tianlong Yun:" Stay behind me, and isolate the area, there shouldn't be any disturbance in the surroundings by the battle that it's supposed to happen.

Also no matter the situation don't act without my order!"

Zi Qian just answered without emotion,

Zi Qian:" Yes Master!"

With that said Tianlong Yun just turned towards the other side of the alley as they waited for his little flies to enter the net, allured by the honey in front of them.

There was also the option of chasing down the flies, but that would be too alarming for the people around the place, and not to mention extra energy wasted.

The best way was for them to come here, and then he could deal with them one by one, or all of them at the same time.

The flies seemed to be a bit alert and didn't want to enter the net at first, since they were worried that this might be a trap for them.

But then thinking that Tianlong Yun didn't know they were coming, and the fact that he was accompanied only by a weak-looking girl, they decided to try their luck.

They all took the last turn and showed up in Tianlong Yun's line of sight, who seemed to be having a calm and expectant look.josei

As soon as they all saw that look, all the 20 people felt like something was wrong, and if they walked more into this they would lose their last chance of escape.

What they didn't know was that they were already on Zi Qian's range, and the barrier had already been set up, entrapping all of them inside the invisible cage against Tianlong Yun.

Looking at their indecisive attitudes and their long faces, Tianlong Yun started smiling as he said,

Tianlong Yun:" Weren't you here to track and capture me? What happened to your earlier guts!?

Did you drop your balls on the way here?"

Hearing those words, all the old fellows that were part of the 20 people team, were enraged and pissed off. After all, Tianlong Yun was just a junior and an easy target to them.

Yet he dared to mock them like that. The rage and anger from his words, made them forget about that earlier instinct of fear, as one of them said with a red face,

Old man:" Junior, don't you think you are being a bit excessive here? We are here only to invite you as a guest to our family's mansion.

After all, you are an esteemed guest from the Shadow Clan, we can't allow ourselves to not show our hospitality now, can we?"

Hearing those words Tianlong Yun just started laughing out loud, he seemed like he had never laughed so much in his life, as he looked at that old man and said calmly,

Tianlong Yun:" You know 'senior' I have never met someone so 'honorable and just' as you, and I am really amazed by your 'goodwill' in your words.

But 'senior' doesn't have to worry about this, because I already have all the intentions to personally experience the hospitality, and kindness of all the three big families. I swear!"

The old men in the team looked really surprised by his words, as they hadn't expected Tianlong Yun to say such a thing, and it seemed like he really meant all that.

He not only wasn't leaving this place without getting noticed, but he also seemed really decided to make the big families pay a biter bill to what they had done.

This was the first time they had seen something like this happen, not to mention that those words were coming from a junior of the new generation, that wasn't even 1/8 of their age years old.

To them, Tianlong Yun was just like their grand-grand-grand-grand-son or something. That was difficult to even be worded.

But soon they found out that he still hadn't finished his words, and the rest were even more audacious as his last ones,

Tianlong Yun:" Well with that out of the way, there is something I need to tell you 'senior'. It's about the fact that I really need your help, you see the disciples of our clan don't have enough punch bags…


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