Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 353

Chapter 353: Slapping & Snakes

But the fact that Tianlong Yun had used only his little finger to block his most powerful punch made him even angrier, and furious.

"You dare to block my…"

He wasn't able to say anything more though, because the moment he was about to finish his words, and attack with his other hand, a powerful slap connected with his handsome face.

It was completely out of his expectations, something like this should never happen, Tianlong Yun shouldn't dare to do anything against him in his family's mansion.

And yet a big white imprint was on his face, as the blood started to slowly gather there and turn it into a beet red handprint.

Of course, the old man coming with the 3rd Young Master was startled at first, but then regaining his sanity, he was furious as he prepared to hit Tianlong Yun.

He didn't hear Elder Tao's voice from afar telling them to stop, as a punch was heading towards Tianlong Yun's face.

Unfortunately for him, he had to suffer the same thing as the 3rd Young Master, as a handprint appeared on his face too.

Of course, the two slaps were powerful and fast, and generated a reverberating sound through all the mansion, catching the attention of a lot of people.

Especially since it was after the screams of their 3rd Young Master, they were all curious to know what happened, as they started coming there in packs.

Those two slaps didn't seem to be the end of it, as Tianlong Yun continued to send a lot more in the direction of the two people that destroyed his peace, as Elder Tao arrived at the scene.

While it seemed like a long time had passed, all this had happened in a mere one breathing moment. The duo at his hands though had turned into red peaches.

Elder Tao had arrived as soon as possible, he had been responsible for Tianlong Yun's stay in the Qin family's mansion.

He had just gone to Master Qin to make his report a while ago, and tell him Tianlong Yun's preferences, as he said he would be resting and was meditating, he didn't expect him to cause trouble.

He never thought that trouble would come looking for him though. After that performance earlier, who would be so strong, or idiot to try and look him for trouble.

Apparently, he had overestimated his own 3rd Young Master and that idiot elder behind him. These two were beyond saving in his opinion.

Not only had they come here looking for trouble, but they had even caused such a ruckus through the mansion. There was no one who didn't hear his earlier words.

Or the fact that he had himself witnessed him trying to punch Tianlong Yun first. These were all facts that they couldn't deny.

But still watching Tianlong Yun slap them like that, and turn their faces, and heads into giant red peaches, was something he couldn't stand as he screamed,

"Stooopp! Tianlong Yun stop this!"

Tianlong Yun seemed to not have heard his words, as even with Elder Tao's arrival he didn't stop what he was doing, he just slowed it down, as he said in a loud, clear, and rightful voice.

"Is this how your Qin family hosts their guests Elder Tao!? I am staying here with confidence in your Master's words. Are his words less than shit to you, and these two?

Everybody hears them clearly bullying me, and trying to attack me! Should I just stretch my head for them to kill me?

I thought I was clear earlier that I came here as a guest, not as a cheap servant! I expect an explanation from Master Qin about this!"

All the people in there were clearly stunned, this guy not only didn't stop what he was doing, as he kept slapping the duo close to him, making their faces even redder and uglier.

But he also was asking for an explanation from their family's Master, wasn't that just a pipe dream. No matter what the Qin family wouldn't drop so low would it?

As for the 3rd Young Master, even though he looked worse than red shit, and was feeling his face burn all the time, he felt pleased with this, because his father would never accept something like this.

In his opinion, Tianlong Yun was just digging his own grave. And he wasn't the only one to think so, as a few other elders, appeared in there, as one of them said in a loud voice,

"Kid don't go too far, our Qin family isn't so easily bullied, you are attacking our face and honor in our own house.

You are a guest, so be like one! Furthermore, what makes you think that you have a word here, if it wasn't for Master Qin's word, you would be sealed in the dungeons.

Just what makes you so confident and arrogant staying here, and acting like that!?"

Slowly the crowd was getting bigger and bigger, and there were a lot of people thinking the same as that elder. After all, in their minds, Tianlong Yun was a prisoner-guest and should know his bounds.

Contrary to their expectations though, Tianlong Yun just started laughing out loud like a madman, as he suddenly stopped, and looking towards the elder, he said in a threatening voice,

"Are you threatening me old man? Because if you are let me tell you that it's not going to end well! For you and your Qin family that is!"

Threat! Clear and loud threat! He was so easily threatening an elder of their family, and their family in front of them, with such an ease that none of them were able to reach for a moment.

That elder had clearly a red face with anger as he heard him say something like that, as he started to scream agitated,

"You hear that!? This is what happens when we show too much hospitality to such an ungrateful kid that is part of our enemy's forces.

Is there any Qin blood left in you? He is threatening our family right in our faces, how can you allow something like that to happen!?

Why are you still standing there like idiots, is that how low you value our Qin blood? Why are you still looking at him like idiots, and don't attack?!"josei

Tianlong Yun wanted to laugh at this elder, he was probably one of those people in the 3rd Young Master's faction.

He wasn't that strong himself and feared Tianlong Yun's power as he feared him, and was trying to agitate the frightened crowd to come and fight him.

Elder Tao who was at the side, and had been evaluating the situation while he sends a report to 

Master Qin finally stepped forwards and said,

"Elder Yun should I remind you that he is a guest of Master Qin and that you can not talk shit just because you can. Stop aggravating the issue here, and let's wait for Master Qin's arrival."

That elder Yun and the crowd were clearly diffused a lot hearing Elder Tao's words, but still, the atmosphere was really tense, as Tianlong Yun hadn't stopped slapping their elder and Young Master.

But even though the crowd was diffused and they didn't think of attacking anymore, Elder Yun's words started to spread like mushrooms after the rain.

People in the crowd were restless, and Elder Yun's words made sense, they were a lot of hot-headed youth in the crowd that couldn't really control themselves.

Most importantly though, there were Elder Yun's subordinates, who took his sign immediately went into action, as they started screaming from inside the crowd.

"Why should we endure this? He is slapping our Young Master and our Elder in front of us. He is humiliating our family in front of us!"

These words clearly agitated the crowds once again, as one of them approached Tianlong Yun in what he thought was his blind spot, and attacked him with all his strength.

His position was well thought, as Elder Tao was far away from them to be able to interfere in this, as the attack was approaching Tianlong Yun.

Without caring in the least about the attack, Tianlong Yun continued to slap the duo slowly, one in a breath of time, as he used one leg, to meet the attack.

His leg not only stopped the attack, but it even went ahead and broke the guy's weapon, and hand. The moment that the pieces of the weapon were falling on the ground, some sizzles were heard.

While the attacker was screaming and writhing on the floor, Tianlong Yun seemed to have been truly angered, as a freezing cold killing intent, started to sip out of his body.

His eyes had turned into a deep dark abyss, as he looked at the crowd and said,

"So this is where your Qin family amounts to? A bunch of idiotic bullies, and some poisonous snakes! Truly a shame of a big family!"

The whole crowd was agitated, they wanted to talk back, but what could they say, the facts were in front of them, while that Elder Yun had a red and green alternating face.

He had thought that this would be enough and that the poison if not kill him, it would at least weaken him a lot so that he could deal with him.

But now that had fired back, and as he was ready to start saying something again, a powerful and domineering voice was heard from behind the crowd.

"What is going on in here? Since when have you decided to act without my orders?"

It was Master Qin, he had finally appeared in front of the crowd, and Tianlong Yun who stopped slapping the duo, and let them fall at his feet, as he looked towards him, and said,

"Is this your hospitality Mister Qin? I have to say that I am truly disappointed with you and your Qin family!"

Even in Master Qin's presence, he kept the same tough and brave look on his face and asked for an explanation…

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