Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Domination [R-18]

This wasn't the first time she saw a man's pride and glory, but this was one was especially big, and threatening.

It truly looked like a dangerous enrages python that was about to attack his prey, which in this case was her secret cave.josei

She wanted to ask for forgiveness at that moment, she hadn't thought about that until now, but once she saw that huge thing she knew that if Tianlong Yun wasn't careful he might break her totally.

This was the first time in her life that she was afraid of having intercourse with someone, and especially was someone she considered a 'little boy'.

It seemed like this 'little boy' was extremely grown up in some needed areas. A bit too grown up, if she could say.

But she could not produce even a small sound at the moment, there was nothing coming out of her throat. She was in Tianlong Yun's mercy.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was basking in the look of extreme surprise and shock on Yue Que face as soon as he took out his slumbering dragon.

Approaching it's head towards her secret cave, he started rubbing it a bit with her secret cave entrance, so that it got slippery in her love juices.

His rubbing movements clearly made Yue Que relax a lot after her earlier fear of being ravaged to death. At least he showed a bit of consideration towards her.

But that didn't last long because as soon as he felt that it was ready, without giving any kind of warning or explanation, he pushed his hips forwards to enter inside and pierce her purity in one go.

He caught her unprepared, and her secret caves walls were still relatively relaxed, and he was able to enter more than half of his length.

Clearly his invasion had destroyed her purity in one go, as her eyes went wide, and she was still in shock and pain from the invasion.

Blood was trickling down from her secret cave, as her secret cave walls were forcibly trying to close down, and dispel the invader that had injured it.

It seemed like it wanted to cut her invader in two at the entrance, but no matter how much it tried it was impossible for it to reach it's objective.


On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was standing still for a few moments, to allow her body to get used to the new feeling, and also lose her nervousness.

He wanted to pound her to obedience but not through violence, but pleasure. He was a 'macho' man for show, he wanted to truly dominate her body and soul.

To make her relax easier, he was even teasing her soft pillows, and other special parts of her body, as the nervousness was slowly retreating, and she was relaxing once again.

All this time, Yue Que couldn't make a sound as the only thing she could do was look at Tianlong Yun and think.

Feeling her relax considerably, Tianlong Yun started moving his hips forward a bit more, he still had less than half of his dragon outside her secret cave.

Yue Que's body immediately reacted to it by nervously contracting a bit, but since the thrusting was slow and weak, didn't last long.

It was still a bit painful about Yue Que, and the fact that she couldn't even make a sound made her more nervous, but with Tianlong Yun's ministrations and her love juices made the process smoother.

Slowly but surely Tianlong Yun started moving inside and outside her secret cave, as slowly her cave walls started getting used to the new invader.

Very soon new love juices were being produced and released from her secret cave, as slowly Tianlong Yun started increasing his speed, and power.

Yue Que couldn't make a sound, but it was clear that her breathing was getting rougher. The sound of that wasn't coming from her throat, but from the currents or air inside and out her mouth and nose.

But even though there was no sound coming from her, she was easily understood that she was having a good time as Tianlong Yun started pounding her for real.

Since there was no one else bothering them at the moment, and they were almost alone in that quiet place, the only audible sounds, were the squelching sounds due to their love juices.

'squelch, squelch, squelch'

The only people hearing these sounds, and noises were the duo in the bed, and the two old men outside the room, but Tianlong Yun didn't care in the least about the duo outside his room.

He just kept going at it without caring in the least. He was pounding her harder and faster with each thrust, as Yue Que had to take her tongue out to feel she was breathing.

She was feeling Tianlong Yun enter deeper inside her with each thrust as he was even approaching her womb, only slightly touching it.

At first it was really painful, but slowly she got used to it, and every other time that she felt it she would approach closer to her climax.

No matter how hard she tried to calm herself, and hold herself back, she couldn't. She was terribly close to her climax with each passing second.

She felt like she was going to lose her mind soon, as her climax was coming closer and closer. As for Tianlong Yun he was still going at it, but he felt a little a bit weird.

This was the first time he was doing something like this where his partner in crime couldn't even make a small sound, and was completely at his wits and fits.

It was a bit weird not being able to hear any moans or heavy breathing sounds, but still the squelching noises and the soft trembles of her body were enough to make up for that.

Making this a new, and unique experience for Tianlong Yun, as he kept going harder at it. He could feel his special milk factories crash on her back mountains all the time.

He didn't stop even for a moment, as he kept going at it with everything he had, as finally Yue Que could hold back anymore.

Taking her tongue out, her eyes turned white, grabbed the sheets as hard as she could, and she stretched her legs as long as she could, as she finally climaxed.

It was powerful, truly powerful, she had never felt something like this in all her life. Just this one time could easily shadow all her experience until now.

If he suffered it again then she would surely become addicted to it, because it was better than any kind of drug someone could use, as it was a natural response of her own body.

She couldn't think of anything else during her climax, as the only thing that kept her awake was her firm will of not wanting to give in to Tianlong Yun, whom she had called a 'little boy'.

Tianlong Yun didn't bother about her thoughts at the moment, and didn't even allow her to relax after her climax, as he turned her around in her fours, and holding her in that position invaded her once again.

Just like before he was ruthless with her, pounding her hard from the first thrust, but even though this was only the second time this body had intercourse it was getting used to it.

Yue Que's secret cave seemed to be taking shape according to Tianlong Yun's dragon. Slowly she was forgetting how it started, and concentrating only on how good it felt.

In this position, Tianlong Yun had his claws on her average rear mountains, feeling their elasticity and tenacity.

While they were average in size, their elasticity was out of this world, he could shape them in any shape he wanted, what he liked most though was pulling on them, as his dragon went full inside her secret cave.

He could feel it that he was going even deeper inside her, touching spots he couldn't in his earlier position, and the squeeze of her secret cave's walls was even tighter.

He was having even more pleasure coming from this position, and the squelching sounds were even more audible in this position, and especially the clash between his milk factories and her thighs.

He was loving it like this, it was really good, and he could feel even his climax starting to build up slowly, while Yue Que was trembling in his hands unable to even stand in that position.

It was Tianlong Yun who was keeping her in that position using his strength, it wasn't a hard thing to do with his strength and stamina, but it showed just how weak Yue Que was in those moments.

A second climax was building up inside her, and this time her climax was even bigger and even more powerful, she felt like she was climbing Everest and she was afraid of having to jump from it.

But she could do nothing about it, she was in Tianlong Yun's hands and he didn't seem like he would let her go easily.

He just kept pounding her harder and harder, as finally Yue Que reached the top of Everest and then a strong powerful wind pushed her off the top, and she jumped.

Her climax had officially begun, when the feeling of her contracting secret cave walls made Tianlong Yun reach his own climax, as he released all the special milk he had in store inside her womb.

The feeling of that warm special milk entering her body, while climaxing, sent Yue Que towards a higher climax, as her body melted down on the ground, unconscious.

She had lost her battle, and was completely dominated, the last thought in her mind was that she had gotten addicted to this…

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