Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 361

Chapter 361: 9 days

It was a shame that there were not many people witnessing such an Oscar deserving performance besides Elder Tao, Elder knife, and the three ladies inside the room.

Continuing with his Oscar-winning performance Tianlong Yun pretended to get really engaged in those moments as if he was losing control.

But while he was showing this on the outside, inside the isolated space, he said,

"Very good, don't forget that everything should be done according to the plan, and you have at most 10 days to complete your mission.

At the same time, play as you have already been instructed so that we can deal with these people as soon as possible, I don't plan to stay long in here."

With that said, Tianlong Yun seemed ready to fly into a rage but was able to control himself, as he opened the barrier around them, and started walking towards the room he was staying.

As soon as he entered inside, he entered his meditation state, trying to forget everything and everyone around him. Whoever looked at him would believe this immediately.

Nobody dared to follow behind him, or ask him anything about this matter, or they should be prepared to face Tianlong Yun's bottled-up anger and hatred.

After this episode, the rest of the day passed quickly, with Qin's family investigating Tianlong Da Diushi, and his connection to Tianlong Yun, while some of their elders tried to approach him.

Tianlong Yun seemed to have thrown him in the middle of the vultures, as he stayed quiet in his room in silence. When night came by, he got out of his meditation and had another battle with the girls.josei

Of course, the battle ended with his win, but the important thing was that Yue Que was starting to make use of her special constitution.

The Bewitching body was a special constitution that had great help on the body, it could not only absorb almost any Qi released from sexual activities but also gain Qi during the act.

The attributes of the Qi that the possessor gained were of the same attributes as that of her partner. Normally these body constitution possessors would not choose only one man in their life.

This special constitution helped them easily absorb any Qi attribute their partners had, so as many partners that much more attributes one could gain.

But now that Yue Que had become Tianlong Yun's woman there was no way she could have someone else in her life, he wouldn't allow such a thing.

As for the partner of someone with such a special constitution their biggest gain was that last part. They had no problem absorbing any Qi attribute and easily mixing them.

This was like a gift that had fallen from heaven for Tianlong Yun who was cultivating Yin and Yang energy with his cultivation.

He wanted to try and mix the two slowly, but now with the Bewitching body by his side, his chances of that happening were more than double of the usual.

Like this, in this atmosphere 9 days passed in a heartbeat. A lot of things happened in these 9 days, but today was the expiry date for the twin's mission.

Tianlong Yun was staying at his room's window looking at the moon with a bit of melancholy while waiting for some kind of news from the twins.

In these 9 days, Tianlong Yun had achieved almost all of his objectives he had on the Qin family's mansion. It had been a bit difficult, but at the end of the day, he was satisfied with his state of works.

He had secured the Qin family's support and help in bringing down the guy who had unjustly taken over the Shadow Clan, and had also killed his Master.

After that Oscar-winning show, Tianlong Yun had 'accidentally' slipped his tongue while being drunk that the news he got was that the Clan had been taken over from his life enemy.

As if this wasn't enough that guy had killed his master who was his only left relative. He had come here with the life guardian that the previous Patriarch had gifted him to better hide and protect himself.

Hearing those words while he was totally wasted and also that tear writhing performance, comparing it with the words of the guy they had captured earlier, everything fell into its place.

Since the situation was like this the Qin family thought to benefit from the created situation and place their own puppet on top of the newly risen Shadow Clan.

For that reason, the next day Master Qin invited Tianlong Yun for negotiations because the rabbit was already outside of its hole.

Seeming a bit unwilling, but with no other choice left Tianlong Yun accepted Master Qin's 'help' to take back what was his.

The biggest irony of their deal was that Master Qin offered his first daughter, or better known as the 2nd Young Master of the Qin family, Qin Bao as his future bride.

In his words, Qin Bao was the most beautiful woman out there even amidst the 5 fairies, but to protect her beauty and identity she was treated like a boy.

Tianlong Yun almost lost his bearing at that moment because this guy was offering his woman to him, and what was worse was that she was being treated as a trading chip.

But it was still too early to act, otherwise, Master Qin would be a dead man that same day. But even his death must come from Qin Bao's hands, this was their deal.

For that reason, he had held back and didn't act. After the deal went through even Master Qin's behavior towards him took a different approach as he tried to be even more courteous towards Tianlong Yun.

There were new ladies for him almost every night with the exception of Yue Que, as she never left his side, the food and drinks became even better, and his freedom too.

Of course, not everyone was happy with the treatment that Tianlong Yun was getting, and especially the notorious 3rd Young Master.

He despised Tianlong Yun from the bottom of his heart, not only did he consider him not worthy of being beside his Qin family, but he had also taken his woman and humiliated him in front of the family.

These reasons were each enough on themselves but right now they had even accumulated and enforced each other.

But his biggest problem was that not after the deal between Tianlong Yun and Master Qin, he lost the support of the Elders of the opposing faction.

Of course, they didn't refuse him their support for the next Master, but they started to falter on Tianlong Yun's matter, taking a wait-and-see approach.

While he didn't know the reason for something like this happening, he was clearly disappointed and furious at their inaction.

Well, in actual fact the reason was quite simple, they had made their own deal with Tianlong Yun. They would help him take over his clan, and after that, he would help them take over the Qin family.

As they saw it, they and Tianlong Yun were in the same situation, so it was like helping each other out in all this.

But they weren't anything better than Master Qin, because to seal this matter they traded Yue Que as a chip to him, as his first wife.

Apparently, she was the niece of one of the leading factors of the opposing faction, to be more precise she was his wife's niece, but that treated his wife like her mother, and never opposed her.

The reason they had allowed her to be beside the 3rd Young Master was to better control him. But now that they had a better chance, 3rd Young Master had turned into an additional piece.

They wouldn't throw him away and support him like usual but in Tianlong Yun's case, they would cut their support line.

In these days they had even included Tianlong Yun in the list they would make for the mysterious Ancient Ruins.

Tianlong Yun had pretended to not be aware of this and seemed really touched that he was being included for something like this.

While the opposing faction pretended to oppose his participation in the exploration team, and especially the 3rd Young Master, in the end, they accepted him, disappointing the 3rd Young Master once again.

As for why the Qin family allowed him to enter with them was because now he was their ally, but most importantly he was just a single person.

At the end of the day, he was just one more to their numbers and the Ancient Ruins were huge, furthermore, he was young and strong, a good addition to their numbers.

If he got something good from the Ruins then they could 'ask' him to hand it over, after all, they were allies who needed each other's help.

The agreement between the big families and the big powers was that they could bring as many people as they could, they wanted to thoroughly explore the ruins.

Of course, the Shadow Clan had also been invited into this exploration, and they would send their own people belonging to Tianlong Yun's enemies.

With this occasion, they could also announce their support for Tianlong Yun's Clan retrieval, and their justified war against the Shadow Clan.

Tianlong Yun's plans weren't just for the weak and helpless Qin family, he was thinking far ahead. He made the Shadow Clan appear to the World, but he didn't want to be the center of the new war.

The attention he received after showing up was too big, and he needed to create this fake inner war to loosen the situation around them.

In this way, he took care of the three big families, trained his disciples, and also profited a lot of outside resources to train another force to 'oppose' his own.

All these people were dancing to his tune without understanding anything! While he was thinking like this, he suddenly looked in one direction and said…

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