Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 369

Chapter 369: Gathering Experimental Subjects

Now he didn't have time to think about that because the fight was taking a turn he didn't like. The kid he took an interest in and the people of his race were getting too much attention.

The whole crowd seemed to be focusing on them, as they were not dying no matter how bad they were injured, and were returning every time even more stubborn like some roaches.

He didn't know for how long they would be able to keep regenerating like that and turn back from the dead, but he couldn't allow his most interesting subjects to die like that.

With this thought on his mind, he was searching the surroundings for any possible threat as he waited for the kid and the people on his side to get injured again.

Tianlong Yun didn't know if there were any more puppets amidst the crowd or if there was any expert out there having a look at what was happening so he had to be extra careful.

It didn't take long for that to happen as these guys fighting style was truly reckless, perhaps their high regeneration ability made them think they were Immortals, so they didn't care.

Anyway, Tianlong Yun didn't care much about this, as he had other things to think about. Without losing much time, he dismantled his stealth and approached the trio quickly.

He was really fast, in just one blink of the eye he was able to reach the spot where the kid was thrown flying towards, using his 'Light Cloud' skill movement.

'Light Cloud' was a movement skill that concentrated on the speed and delicacy of the movement, in order to walk as fast as light, but at the same time to be as gentle with the surroundings as the cloud.

This was a movement skill he had used even in his previous life. This wasn't the only one though, he had numerous skills he had trained in his previous life.

This was also the reason he never practiced or thought about finding new skills for himself, he already had a large repertoire that he only had to re-practice them a few times to be able to use them perfectly.

Returning to the present, Tianlong Yun immediately placed his hand over the head of the arrogant kid that had blocked his way a few moments ago and sent him towards the Old Pouch Space.

The kid was already in a really bad mental state, where he was consumed by his instincts and anger, as even when Tianlong Yun placed his hand over his head, he tried to attack Tianlong Yun.

But before his elongated nails could even reach Tianlong Yun he found himself inside a dark prison cell that he had never seen before, as two people immediately jumped over him, and cuffed him.

He tried to resist but he couldn't, his attacker was stronger than him. After that, he was hit by a strange smell and immediately fell down on the ground unconscious.

Outside the Old Pouch Tianlong Yun was satisfied with his successful capture of the arrogant kid, and was on his way to capture two others, but there was one thing bothering him.

The moment he had sent the arrogant kid towards the Old Pouch, a few spirit senses had locked down on him.

He didn't know if these guys were puppets of the native people in here or just crazed people who hadn't been able to resist the drugs they had breathed.

Either way, he couldn't stay there for long and attract too much attention. With that thought in mind, he once again used his movement skill and appeared in front of the other guy.

With the same flowing movements of earlier, he sent the other guy towards his Old Pouch, while paying attention to the spiritual senses locked on him.

Almost all of them showed no response to what was happening, and seemed to only intensify a bit in anger, and hate, while 3 of them failed to do that, and flickered for a moment.

If Tianlong Yun wasn't wrong with his guess then these 3 guys were most probably puppets controlled by the natives.

Looking at their strength, they weren't really powerful, as the strongest amidst the three were at the 7th level of the Golden Core Realm, and the other two were even weaker.

They weren't a threat for Tianlong Yun at the moment, but this didn't change the fact that he had been noticed, and really soon some more powerful experts might appear.

He had to finish this as quickly as he could, he had no time to lose. But then another thought appeared on his mind.

If these guys truly were puppets and were being controlled by some kind of soul part inside their bodies, he could collect them and research how that worked.

At the moment these guys were the best route he could take to finding a way to track the natives of this place.

With this change of thoughts, Tianlong Yun quickly placed inside the Old Pouch the third vampire, and then without thinking twice he appeared in front of the first puppet.

The puppet was clearly surprised by his appearance as it didn't expect Tianlong Yun to be so fast, or target him, as he was in the middle of a crowd of 4.

But it didn't end with this as Tianlong Yun immediately exerted a soul pressure on it to not allow the soul part inside escape the body, as he used 4 palms to break his four limbs.

The pain was unbearable to the soul part inside the puppet, as immediately tried to escape the body it was possessing towards his original body location, but Tianlong Yun's soul pressure made it impossible.

The moment it tried to escape it even worsened the situation for himself, as Tianlong Yun was able to quickly benefit from his lack of defense, and covering him quickly in his spirit sense, sent him inside the Old Pouch.

It was easier than he expected, with one down and two to go. But things would get more difficult because the other two had noticed him deal with their 'friend'.

Not giving them a chance to think about it, Tianlong Yun appeared in front of his second target, and using the same method as earlier he sent him towards the Old Pouch.josei

But when he was about to turn around and hunt for the third one, the partial soul had already left its body and was trying to escape towards the north.

That was the same direction even the previous partial soul that was controlling Elder Tao went, which meant that most probably the original bodies of these guys were in that direction.

Tianlong Yun had no time to think about that, as he had a partial soul trying to escape his grasp, for that reason concentrating on his spirit sense to mark its location, he released a powerful spirit pressure on it.

If one looked closer in that precise location they could see some small white blob being surrounded in a spherical shape by some powerful red and yellow flames.

The white blob was trying to find a way through the flames, trying to escape, but there seemed to be no way, as in fear of getting burned was following the direction the flames took him.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun had not soul stone to be able to store the partial soul, so he did the next best thing he could think about.

He took a knife he had forged himself out of the Old Pouch, and then directed the soul towards it, while he drew a symbol with his blood on its edge.

No matter how the partial soul tried to struggle and escape it couldn't, and in the end was forced to enter the knife, turning the level 2 weapon into a level 4 soul weapon.

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with his progress, but he couldn't stay any longer in the light as a few powerful figures were approaching his location.

Collecting all the valuable materials on the ground, and those of the fireflies that had tried to attack him all this time, he once again used his Vanishing Powder and disappeared from their sight and sense.

In a not far away place in the North, inside a brightly lighted room, a group of people was having some kind of party, celebrating what seemed to be their hunting season.

Men and women of the high society were enjoying themselves with the food, drinks, and the slaves and servants of the place.

Almost all of them were in a happy mood, enjoying themselves, but there were a few dark and gloomy faces here and there, especially the City Lord and his retainers.

They were the people that had suffered under Tianlong Yun's methods, and hands, as he had later disappeared into nothingness.

This disappearance clearly startled and surprised the people coming after him, but there was one thing that shocked them even more.

They had no contact with the partial souls that Tianlong Yun had captured. They could feel that those souls still existed, because they shared the same root, and those were practically their souls.

But they couldn't connect, or contact those pieces of soul, they were somewhere unreachable to them. It felt like they were in some kind of other space, where they had no permission to enter.

But a special separate space inside the 'Eternal Heaven' space was something that they had never experienced before.

In all these millennia's this was the first time they were even thinking about something like this, as it was unprecedented before.

But there was one thought that joined them all together, Tianlong Yun must be carrying some priceless treasures on himself.

These thoughts though made them even gloomier, as they not only had lost a perfect opportunity but also gave him some of their own treasures to him.

Tianlong Yun had to die, and that was only on their hands, as they had to collect their things and the interest…

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