Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 376

Chapter 376: Vampires and Experiments

Tianlong Yun now had a general idea about the Vampires race, their organization, their power, and their values.

The vampires had their headquarters in the Eastern Europe, and controlled a few countries in the dark, by corrupting people and turning them into half-vampires, for an elongated lifespan, and strength.

Like this, they were able to go about their business without being bothered, as they set their farms and mansions in these countries.

Of course, all these were fake outlooks, because their real purpose was like some sort of blood bank. In simpler words, they were raising humans like cattle, for their blood.

This wasn't the first time Tianlong Yun was facing something like this, in fact, the Blood Race had done something similar, just that they collected the blood as a tax, and with consent.

As a matter of fact, Tianlong Yun didn't care much about that, as he wasn't any kind of hero, or some great human rights activist.

To him it looked normal, the Vampires were doing this because they were stronger and because they could. Whoever wanted to stop this had to be stronger than they were.

What caught his attention was the fact that the Vampires were organized like a Royal society. They had a King, a Royal family, and the accompanying roles.

These roles and positions were only given to the purebloods, and only they had the right to study the cultivation manual that their ancestor had left behind.

The mixed-bloods like the one that Tianlong Yun experimented with had no right whatsoever to cultivate that manual, even if they showed a high cultivation talent.

In fact, if some mix-blood showed great cultivation talent was either killed or adopted as a slave to the big families, unable to rise above his level his whole life.

Even though the Royal line was slowly declining over time, they still held considerable power, and the big powers didn't dare to mess with them.

As for the arrogant kid, he was the direct descendant of a small baron, but he had shown great cultivation talent recently, and there were words of him being adopted or married to the Royal family.

For that reason, he had been blowing his own horn for a while now, and he behaved like he was already the King of Vampires.

Now Tianlong Yun could understand that guy's swag and arrogance, but still, this didn't mean that he would let him get away easily with it.

After all, he was so lucky to have a pure-blooded Vampire, he couldn't miss the chance and not experiment with the kid.

Even though he might not be the same after he was done with him, Tianlong Yun didn't really care. Not to mention that he already had a few plans, and ideas over this new bloodline.

It would be a shame to lose such a valuable bloodline and not add it to his already fused one. He was sure that his hybrid bloodline would get even better.

With these thoughts in mind, he entered the second lab room, as he continued with his experiments on the arrogant kid.

This time he took a bit longer than the first because he paid even more attention to the details and the abilities of the bloodline.

He also checked the guy's bone structure, body structure, and even the now formulating Dantian, different from what Tianlong Yun expected, his Dantian was blood red, and it carried vitality inside.

It seemed like what the Vampires cultivated was the vitality and life essence. This was their internal energy that increased their regenerative skills, and even changed their bone and body structure, including wings.

When he was finished the guy's arrogance seemed to have totally disappeared as he was now writhing in terror and fear.

He regretted messing with Tianlong Yun, he regretted being so arrogant and so full of himself, he regretted coming to this place, he regretted splitting from the main group.

But most importantly he regretted ever coming here to this place, he was so blessed with the life back home, coming here had been a foolish decision.

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about his thoughts and opinion as he got the information he wanted from him, but at the moment he didn't take any blood from him.

First of all, it was because his blood had almost been drained of vitality and energy, and Tianlong Yun didn't know how he should take it.

Secondly, this was the only pure-blooded vampire Tianlong Yun had at the moment, and he couldn't afford to kill him yet.

The good news was that these weren't the only Vampires inside the Fortress City, they had come here with a full formation, including 8 Earls, and 4 Marquees, and 1 Duke.

This just showed how much value and importance they attached to this place, but they weren't the only ones.

There were a lot of different powers that had sent a powerful line-up to this place, including even some declining families thinking that this was the gamble they had to make so they could rise from the ashes.

Very soon this place would become noisy and bloody to the extreme as both sides would fight for survival and victory.

As the situation was set up, both sides would be fighting for riches and survival, and no one would give up easily.

The locals were sneakier, as they would try to divide the exploring cultivators and then hit them one by one, but their victory was not assured, as there were a few old bones amidst the crowds.

Those people would certainly start acting if their people suffered more than they could take. Still, Tianlong Yun had no idea of entering the fight, if he wasn't already convinced of his win.

Tianlong Yun wanted to play the role of the fisherman, while the clam and snipe fought each other. But he had to wait for the perfect chance to reach what he wanted.

Right now he was glad about his experimentation results, and he wasn't done yet, as he started walking towards another room.

In this particular room, there was a cylindrical shaped table in the middle, on top of which stood some kind of light blue crystal ball.

The atmosphere inside the room seemed to have stopped, as there was no Qi circulating inside the room, not to mention that even the air seemed kind of stuck.

If one looked closely towards the light blue crystal ball they would notice some kind of a shadow inside it, moving around inside the crystal ball.

Entering inside the room, Tianlong Yun removed the Qi constraint on the room, as he also released the seal over the crystal ball.

As soon as the seal was removed from the crystal ball, the shadow that was inside the ball immediately ran towards Tianlong Yun's head front.

It knew that it was impossible to escape from Tianlong Yun's hands, that was why it tried a surprise attack on Tianlong Yun, which had the highest probability of getting out of this place.

But Tianlong Yun didn't panic, nor did he react at that moment, as he lowered his guard and let the partial soul enter inside his sea of conscience.

All this time he had been thinking how to incite the partial soul to enter inside his sea of conscience, but it seemed like he had been thinking too much about this.

He was confident in protecting his core even with that partial soul inside no matter how powerful it was, not to mention that he also wanted to test how strong his mental defense really was.

With these thoughts in mind, he concentrated on his sea of conscience, which seemed to be still the calm and peaceful ocean, with his avatar covered in soul seals, slave seals, and those flames.

Different from what he expected though, everything seemed to be normal, and there was no change around him, or anywhere around him.

It seemed like the partial soul that entered just a moment ago had disappeared inside his sea of conscience, and was nowhere to be found.

Tianlong Yun was really surprised by this, but did this weak partial soul that this was all there was to his soul power and soul cultivation?

In a single blinking moment, the whole situation inside his sea of conscience seemed to have changed, as the ocean started churning with big waves, as his soul avatar was slowly descending.

The more his soul avatar descended towards the ocean, the bigger the waves, became, and the more the flames around him spread.

Slowly it looked like the whole ocean would start becoming a big tornado of water and flames as Tianlong Yun's avatar was staying in the eye of it, unconcerned by the changes.josei

The same couldn't be said for the partial soul that even though had difficulties facing the dangerous storm in front of him, he was still able to survive.

Tianlong Yun had no intention of destroying him so soon though, he just started to surround him in a water bubble.

He was trying to isolate the partial soul first, and then decide how to deal with it. One way would be erasing the soul print, and keeping the information, but that was only as a last resort.

Firstly he wanted to try and analyze the partial soul's qualities, and structure, from what he had seen until now it seemed like a smaller version of a normal soul avatar.

But he was still surprised by the strength that partial soul was showing, even though it looked that small, and weak it was still comparable to his own.

This small and weak partial soul had the cultivation of a soul apprentice, and if it wasn't that this was his sea of conscience and his natural domain, he would never be able to isolate or capture him.

But things didn't seem to work really well for Tianlong Yun, as the moment that the partial soul realized what was happening, immediately started to expand himself, and chose its last resort…

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