Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 396

Chapter 396: A weird morning

Lowering his eyes to the side he was able to look at the sleeping cute and worried face of Tianlong Hu Die.

She had swollen red eyes, which were a clear indication of her crying, as she probably didn't even have much time that she had fallen asleep because she seemed really exhausted.

Even though she had become an expert of the Golden Core Realm, she still had been truly exhausted from her concern for him.

Tianlong Yun felt a bit sorry to have made this little beauty worry so much, but at the last moments, he wasn't able to really determine the place of appearance inside the Old Pouch.

In fact, he didn't even remember where he had fallen during that time, but that didn't really matter, what mattered was that he was alive, and this little beauty was by his side.

In fact, Tianlong Hu Die had grown into a really dependable asset, her wits, and analyzing abilities had turned her into his left hand.

For that reason, he had selected precisely her to take along to the Immortal World on his first return, as she would be responsible to build their foundation in the Immortal World.

Of course, he would be by her side to help her whenever she needed, but she would take care of most things by herself.

With the help and tutoring of Tianlong Xia, she had turned into a real monster even though she was still a 16 years old girl.

She had grown up a lot mentally these three or four years she had been by their side, but that wasn't the only thing she had grown.

Her body curves had become really dangerous, as her soft pillows were amongst the top 5 in his harem, and they made a perfect cushion material.

Together with her small waist, and large and perky butt, she could be considered a perfectly rounded beauty.

Her only problem was her height, even though she had grown up so much in curves, she hadn't grown up even 5 cm in height, and she looked like a legal loli.

It surely wasn't a big problem, but it was her weak spot, as she thought that with her heights she wouldn't be able to compete with the other ladies of his harem for his attention.

He had tried so many times to tell her that she was perfect and that she didn't need to worry about it, but she still felt a bit bad about that.

For that reason, nobody dared to even mention something like this in front of her, if someone did it, he would surely suffer a lot.

Everyone respected, and admired this legal loli, as in front of them she was like some kind of general figure, that could win any war with her wisdom.

Until now Tianlong Yun hadn't touched this flower, as it was still too young and fresh to decide, even though she mentally was much more mature than any woman who called herself mature.

Still, he had decided to abide by the stupid laws, and rules of this planet, and not touch these girls until they were deemed to be an adult.

He knew that it was a weird decision, especially for him that killed left and right whenever he needed and took whatever flower he wished.

Even then this rule applied only to her, and the other girls he had built a relationship beyond that of lust and desire.

Thinking about these, and her curves, it wasn't weird for him to have a huge desire to ravish this little girl by his side.

Normally he would be able to control himself better, and wouldn't easily give in to such feelings, but this time felt different.

His blood was ablaze inside his veins, like molten magma trying to erupt from a big volcano. He had never felt like this before.

Worrying that he might lose control, and jump on the little almost naked beauty by his side, he immediately entered in deep meditation.

While he was in meditation he started thinking about the possible reasons for his reaction, because surely it wasn't that he was a hidden loli lover deep down inside.josei

Surely, it didn't take him long to understand the situation, since his bloodline had been 'boosted' by that ultrasound vibration attack, it had brought the qualities of his bloodline even more to the surface.

The lust of a dragon was something that normal people couldn't understand, as they were able to compete in lust even with those of the Royal Succubae race.

He was lucky at the moment, as it was his Phoenix bloodline that helped him gain better clarity, and enter meditation, otherwise, he might pierce his little angel in two parts.

This was one of the big reasons why the Royal Dragon Clan had to find mates, that could stand the pleasure and torture when they went on fire.

When he transmigrated to Earth his bloodline had come with him somehow, as he even got the Royal Phoenix bloodline from Tianlong Xia, but it didn't have its earlier brightness.

Partly because of his reservations against the bloodline, and partly because it seemed like it was kind of sealed, or blocked, and he wasn't able to truly experience its abilities and properties.

Of course, this had its own perks and sanctions. One of these perks was precisely this uncontrollable lust that the Dragon bloodline had, once it reached maturity.

Which was clearly gone right now! To make matters worse, his human blood part seemed to act as a catalysator to that condition, and fuel it up even more.

He was able to pass through it this time since this was the first time, and his Royal Phoenix bloodline helped him have more clarity and control over his body.

But the problem would be once he got the Vampire bloodline, while this bloodline was Yin in nature, it had a weird special characteristic which was lust.

As things were looking right now he guessed that really soon his lust would be uncontainable, and he would have to expand his Harem by a lot.

Not that he minded actually, he was a man that loved beauties, and the more he had the better it would be, but he didn't like the fact that he might be affected by that lust.

Still, there was nothing he could do in a short time, he would have to pass that bridge when it appeared in front of him.

With these thoughts in mind he woke up to the weird and red face of the legal loli by his side, and she had no fault as she was awakened to the view of the sleeping dragon roaring to the heavens.

She had accepted Tianlong Yun as her man long ago and would be his to the death. Even though he had allowed her time until she became 18.

She had been able to hang in there for almost 4 years now, and there were only two more left, but even these two short years looked like an eternity for her.

To a cultivator, two years were a drop of water in a big bucket, and yet to her felt so long. So, seeing this reaction she was really pleased because this meant that he wanted her too.

She was confident with her curves, but she still thought that he might treat her as a child seeing that she wasn't really growing in height.

But this clearly showed that it wasn't the case, he obviously looked at her for what she was, a young woman.

While she was thinking like that, she got more curious about the big dragon that would visit her secret cave in the future, as she approached it, to touch and caress it over the cloth.

Just as her hand would touch that big dragon, Tianlong Yun opened his eyes, and looked her directly into her eyeballs, with a clear questioning look, of what was she doing.

Caught in action, Tianlong Hu Die didn't know what to do, as her face turned almost beat red. But then with newfound courage from god knows where, she extended her hand, and grabbed it.

Since her grab was sudden and a bit extra motivated she grabbed him with more force than she should, and kind of hurt him a bit.

But Tianlong Yun didn't mind the pain at the moment as he was startled by her sudden action and the fact that she seemed to have done it impulsively.

As he looked at her with his surprised face, she became even more embarrassed and grabbed him tighter, clearly the pain this time was greater.

Still, their differences in cultivation, and strength weren't something that could be surpassed easily, even if that was a weak spot, and she used her full strength, Tianlong Yun would be able to bear it.

But seeing the unusual red face of this girl that would normally stay rigid and serious he said in a fake painful voice,

"Careful little girl or you are going to break my pride!"

Hu Die was startled at those words, and she immediately released it, as her heart was beating faster and faster. Even she herself didn't understand where she found the courage to do what she had done.

She didn't dare to even raise her face and look towards him because she thought she would die from embarrassment.

Seeing this little girl act like this, made Tianlong Yun chuckle as he said,

"Little girl how come you don't show this cute face of yours often. You know that if you stay serious all the time, then people won't get close to you."

It was only now that she understood, that she was being played by her scoundrel, as she said with a harrumph,

"Hmph~! Why do I need others to like me, I have you, my sisters, and my family!"

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