Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 398

Chapter 398: Experiments & Soul Search

Reaching the lab, he immediately went towards the first room where were kept the first team of 6. In order to save some space, and also because they didn't hold much importance.

Tianlong Yun had already made a general posterization of the Vampires race, about their general abilities and skills, and these guys would serve just to enforce, and validate his hypothesis.

But beyond that, they held no real importance, besides their blood that was. Tianlong Yun was thinking of using their blood to create his own army, and version of the blood race.

With these thoughts in mind, he entered the lab room, and in less than two hours he had finished what he had to do.

While the harvest wasn't large or massive it was still a good start. After all, he had 6 samples of vampire blood that he could try to infuse it into 6 soldiers.

He had more than 3000 with him at the moment, accommodated in the buildings inside the Old Pouch, that he had taken as a brick for the foundation in the Immortal World.

These soldiers he had taken were all the best of the best and at the same time part of his most loyal troops.

It would be difficult to select 6 amidst them, but Tianlong Yun already had a plan. He wanted to organize a big Martial Arts competition between his troops.josei

Like this he would keep them sharp, have a better grasp of their abilities, and at the same time, he could give the Vampire blood as a prize to the winners.

Since they would most likely stay in this space for some time, and wouldn't be able to come out at the moment, he needed to find something to keep them in shape.

The competition would help them in that regard, with that thought in mind he immediately sent his instructions to Tianlong Hu Die to start the preparations.

Taking care of this, before leaving the lab room, he took one of the samples and tried to absorb it into his bloodline.

He hadn't expected that even though the Vampire blood in the sample wasn't really pure, and in large amounts, it tried to devour his bloodline.

As soon as this started to happen, his bloodline instinctively used the nirvana flames, and evaporated it, while devouring whatever was left.

He had expected some kind of reaction to happen, and while it was a bit more exaggerated than he thought, it was still within its limits.

The true problem would be when he got the true pure Royal Vampire blood from the King of Vampires or his descendants.

With these thoughts in mind, he left the other samples as prizes and then continued to the second room, where the other three were waiting for him.

These guys were more interesting than the first 6, as they seemed like they were more mature, and surely their bloodlines were purer.

As soon as he entered the room, the Vampires noticed him. They had a special blood sense and were able to sense any kind of blood in their proximity.

Their blood sense was almost the same as Tianlong Yun's spirit sense, only that was focused on the blood.

Tianlong Yun had already tested their sense many times, but they were able to sense him and pinpoint his presence even when he was using his stealth technique.

It was precisely for that reason that he hadn't tried to enter stealth mode after he killed the old guard because it wouldn't work against these guys.

He had been racking his brain to find a way to escape their blood sense but until now he hadn't been able to find anything.

As he was thinking like this, he once again started his tests with his experimental subjects. This time it lasted longer, but at least he got satisfying results.

He was able to learn more about their transformation, and that ultrasound vibration attack they had.

From the words of the trio, they were skills that any member of the pure bloodline had the right and duty to learn.

One could say that these skills were also a huge difference between purebloods, and mix-bloods, as the purebloods were able to cultivate the skills much better, easier, and faster than the mixbloods.

Not to mention that no mixblood had the right, or the possibility to learn these techniques, as these were an inheritance, or heritage from their pureblood Ancestors.

Both skills had 7 levels, and one could practice only the levels, that his bloodline purity allowed him. As it was strictly controlled by the Royal family.

Whoever tried to place his hands on what he shouldn't, or was caught trying to spread them out, would be punished either by a century, or death.

In fact differently from what everyone thought, they weren't immortals, and they could only live up to 300 years old normally.

Then with each increase in their cultivation Realms, their lifespan would be multiplied by at least 10, but seeing how difficult was for them to increase their Realm, most of them died at 300.

Tianlong Yun didn't care much about this crap, as he was more focused on the skills, but neither of the three had the manuals.

From their words, these two skills were only taught to them, as they held the manual only for 5 years, if they weren't able to learn it by then, they would never do it.

And if they did learn it, like these guys, they would be forced to hand over their manuals back to the Royal family, and its structures.

But of course, this didn't mean that Tianlong Yun had given up from trying to procure these two skills, from them, as he chose one of them, and entered his consciousness sea.

Differently from oceanic blue, or green that he was used to seeing, this guy's consciousness sea was blood red and had an ominous aura to it.

Over the blood-red sea, where was supposed to be the avatar of this guy, Tianlong Yun was startled to see that it wasn't a mini version of the guy, but a small bat-like thing.

Normally the soul avatar would represent the true being of the cultivator, and for that reason, his,  was a man with his skin covered in scales, and beautiful flaming feathers and wings.

After all, it made sense since he had the bloodline of a Dragon, Human, and Phoenix. But this guy had this little fellow as his soul avatar, then it meant that their true ancestor must be a Bat.

But not any kind of being could create its own bloodline, as one needed to reach a certain level of Strength, and Realm to be able to do it.

The main issue was that even High Gods weren't able to do something like this, as one had to surpass that Realm, but the way was lost long ago, and no one knew how to reach beyond.

Yet this bat seemed to have reached that level, and had even been able to create his own race after doing it, surely, he hadn't been some normal cultivator of his level.

Whoever had been able to do such a thing, was definitely an unmatched genius of its era, who truly had his respect.

As talent one side, but if one didn't work hard, and passed through numerous hardships they would never be able to reach his spot.

Still, there was an unanswered question on Tianlong Yun's mind, if this guy was so powerful and had such a high cultivation Realm, then who killed him?

People of the High God Realm were already able to live past a billion, so this guy must have a really long lifespan, yet even such a person was dead.

This clearly showed, that one should never lower his guard, and that should never think that it has reached the top.

Leaving these thoughts to the back of his head, he just embroiled the escaping bat in his spirit power and started looking for his memories.

Normally something like this was prohibited in the Immortal World, as if the person doing the research wasn't careful, he could leave deep injuries in the soul avatar or even kill his subject.

Nonetheless, it was prohibited in the public, because no one in the Immortal World abided by it. After all, if one had the strength, rules meant nothing.

Still, the people who tried, and did it weren't really much in numbers, as it required for the attacker to have a much stronger soul power than the victim for it to be a success.

Which clearly wasn't a problem for Tianlong Yun, as he started searching for his needed information. But one thing was for sure, this guy had lived his life through the blood of many people.

This was worse than even those second-generation silk-pants, as they would only flaunt their riches and status around.

But this guy would raise humans like sheep, and they would do them atrocities one after the others. He didn't mind the age of his target, as what mattered was their blood and taste.

To satisfy his lust and desires, he had also tasted many little girls, of different ages, and a few of them hadn't even passed 10.

One could say that what Tianlong Yun was doing to this guy right now, was just a light treatment compared to the one he would do to others.

Tianlong Yun didn't doubt that if the roles were reversed, then this guy would surely give him a much rougher treatment to him, and might even piece him to a cellular level.

For that reason, Tianlong Yun didn't continue to be polite with him, as he started searching for his information brutally.

Someone like his deserved no light treatment, it was just that Tianlong Yun was surprised by what he found in thereā€¦

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