Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 402

Chapter 402: Nightmare [R-18]

Not to mention that the fact that he might wake up with each passing second kept her really excited and on edge, making her find some pleasure in the pain of being popped like that.

But that wasn't the end of it, as the next moment, Tianlong Yun pulled his hips, and then thrust forwards one more time.

The Ruthless Princess had yet to recover from the first thrust when the second one came, and she felt like she was about to lose her mind.


Even though the gag ball blocked most of her sounds, these were throat sounds, that even the gag ball couldn't be a remedy of.

That was just the start of it though, as Tianlong Yun started to continue pounding her hard, and fast, without caring about her, or her pain, and feelings.

This woman wasn't someone he needed to be careful with, as she had done much worse things to others, and she was just a lust-release toy for the moment.

He didn't care if he broke her, or made her some kind of stupid addict, as long as he managed to use her to leave the Vampire's camp, and took her bloodline, he had no need for her as an individual anymore.

He had no feelings of revenge and hate either, as she was just one of the many people in this world, and she had done that to people he didn't know and didn't care about.

Tianlong Yun wasn't some kind of humanist, or hero, he was just someone who cared only for his own people, and stuff.

Whoever tried to mess with what was his would end up wishing he had died that moment, as, for anything else, he didn't really mind.

Even if he got the whole Universe under control he wouldn't change the way things were, as he didn't really care about the Utopia or a perfect world.

No, he cared only for himself, to have a long, happy, comfortable, and fun life for himself, and the people close to him.

For that reason, he just continued releasing all the accumulated lust he had on her body without even thinking of what was happening around him anymore.

Whoever saw the scene would think that it was just some kind of robot pumping in and out of the Ruthless Princesses secret garden, making her moan in pain and pleasure.josei

"Aahhnn, slappp, mhmn, slap, mhhmm, slaappp, aahhh…"

It was like a spectacle of moans, and clashing sounds, as from the force, and momentum Tianlong Yun's milk factories were clashing strongly with her rear soft mountains.

The Ruthless princess seemed to have forgotten where she was, and who was beside her, as she seemed too engrossed in what was happening with her body right now.

Her throaty moans were becoming louder, and louder as a big climax had started to build up inside her.

It was like the fact that she had just had her cherry popped up was something that belonged to the past, and all those feelings of disgust had disappeared in time.

She was so engrossed in what was happening as she didn't even understand when her gag-ball had been removed, as her moans and screams became louder and louder.

"Aaahhhnnn, slappp, sooo, mmmhhnn, goooood, slaappp, nnnnhhhnnn"

Unknown to her, her screams had awakened from his sleep even the other person in the room, who was watching the scene and hearing her sounds without being able to make sense of the situation.

The truth was that he was obsessed with her, just as his big sister was with him, as he was already planning to marry her and try to make her happy for all her life.

For that reason, he had allowed her to hypnotize him so easily and even did whatever she asked of him because he loved his big sister.

As for her character, or attitude, he didn't care in the least. Everything was perfect for him as long as she was happy beside him.

But now watching this new look of her he didn't know what to think anymore. His ever-loving big sister was being treated like a cheap sl*t from the guy in front of him and seemed to be enjoying it.

This didn't really make sense for him, as his big sister was supposed to be his, she was supposed to only love him.

That was what she had always told him, that was what she had promised him. Yet right now she seemed to be enjoying whatever was happening to her.

It took him a while to understand what was going on and recollect himself from the shock of what was happening in front of him, and the sounds he was hearing, as he finally screamed,

"Big sister, what is going on here!?"

The Ruthless Princess was clearly surprised by the scream of the only person she didn't want to see her like this, and she was startled by what she just heard.

But Tianlong Yun's relentless pounding didn't let her startle for long, as her body was already too excited, and she couldn't really concentrate and stop.

She felt like her own body was working against her, as it was cheating on her, but there was nothing she could do about it, besides saying between her moans,

"Slapp, aaahhnnn, swee-sweetie, slapp, mmhhmn, do-don't, slapp mhhmmn, loo-look, slapp nnnhhhnn, yo-your, slapp, aaahhhnnn, siss-sister, slaappp, nnnhhh!

Slapp, aaahhnnn, siss-sister, slaaap, mmhhnn, i-is, slappp, nnhhh, be-being, slapp, mhhhmmn, viol-violated, slaaappp, aaaahhhnnnn!"

Even though she was saying that her face clearly showed that she was pretty much enjoying her violation.

It was truly weird for him to understand, but he couldn't separate his eyes from what was happening in front of him.

On the other, the Ruthless Princess who was getting the pounding of her life could feel his gaze on her indecent, and sl*tty figure, but that seemed to be boosting her excitement, and upcoming climax.

Contrary to what she might have thought in the beginning, she seemed to be enjoying the fact of being violated in front of her little brother.

If someone told her something like this before this, she would have killed, and tortured them just for thinking about it, but right now she couldn't refuse the facts.

She was totally enjoying being taken as an animal in front of her little brother. She enjoyed the feeling of being fulfilled and pierced in two by that monstrous dragon.

No matter how many she had seen, none of them could even approach in size to the one she was getting pounded from.

But there was no way she could care, even give a damn about that right now, as the climax of her lifetime had engrossed her body and mind.

Whatever she had reached by herself, or even the previous time with her little brother seemed like jokes in front of the one that had engrossed her at the moment.

And each coming thrust just made her moan and scream louder but in a shorter breath, and time,

"ahn, aah, ahh, mhm, nhhh"

Hearing her moans get higher in pitch, and shorten, just continued to pound her faster, and harder, going as deep as he could inside her secret cave.

"Aahnn, Shhooo goooood…"

When finally, she climbed the peak, and then exploded in a large flood of her love juices, and a powerful shaking, and trembling of her body, as she even lost conscience in that moment.

But that didn't mean that this was the end of whatever was happening, as this was the climax only for her, and she wasn't the one who had the situation in control.

Even though she was trembling uncontrollably in her climax, and her love juices were coming out like a dam exploding, Tianlong Yun kept going at her.

He kept pounding her with the same rhythm as before, as the only thought on his mind was to get his own satisfaction and totally release his lust on her.

But due to the contractions of her secret cave walls after climax, he was approaching his own climax, and he didn't plan on releasing his milk outside.

It took him only three more thrusts for him, to finally reach his own climax, and then release everything with a gruntle,


With that sign, all the milk he had produced during this time was all released inside her secret cave, and a lot of it entered her secret chamber, only to be pushed back, and flow outside together with her love juices.

Their mixture was overflowing outside of her secret cave's entrance and then leaking down their legs, and on the floor, even though Tianlong Yun's dragon was still inside her.

The Ruthless Princess had only been able to feel all that warmth explode inside her body, as she still hadn't been able to recollect herself from her climax, as her body was still twitching.

This was her first time, but it had been a hell of a first time, as she had never thought that it would happen like this.

By their side, her little brother was looking at everything that was happening with clear shock, hate, wrath, disgust, despise, betrayal, and a lot of other complex feelings.

He still had some hope of this being just some kind of nightmare that he was watching, soon he would be able to wake up from this, and escape this nightmare that was destroying his mind.

There was no way that this was true, there was no way that his ever-loving big sister could be this one in front of him.

There was no way she was going to give in to someone else besides him. There was no way she would moan and scream under some other man like that.

But it seemed like reality was playing a weird joke on him, as he was thinking like that in stupor, he heard a startled awakening scream, as his eyes registered the sight of Tianlong Yun continuing where he left… 

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