Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 405

Chapter 405: Reverse Trap

But even then, she felt a really bad premonition, like she had fallen into a deep pit of a quagmire, and she had no way of escaping.

Right as this feeling and thought passed through her mind, she heard a weird and loud laugh in front of her, and a big explosion was heard in the direction that the other expert should be sealed in a trap.

As if this wasn't enough, the next moment she heard her supposed to be dead target speak in front of her,

"Thank you for getting rid of this trash, Ruthless Princess! I am truly grateful for your actions, but unfortunately, you will have to die!"

With that said, she felt a sharp critical strike coming towards her neck, and it was obvious that it was coming for her life.

It was only due to the momentum of that strike, that the scene got cleaned a bit from all the dust and debris, and she was finally able to believe what she had sensed earlier.

Her sword had truly passed through someone's heart, it just wasn't through the Thirteenth Princess, but the guy who was trying to court her.

As the Thirteenth princess had used him as a meat shield to protect herself, as she was behind him with a clear mocking smile on her face.

It seemed like she had already seen through her attempt or to be more exact, it looked like she had fallen prey to her trap.

It was impossible! This should be impossible! There was no way she had fallen into her trap, the source of her information was one of the Old fogies that were leading their members.

Could it be that she had been set up? But why? She didn't care about the throne, as long as she lived the life she was already living she had no ambitions for the throne!

Furthermore, she wasn't the only one involved in this, as her Great Grandmother, one of the pillars of the race was with her too.

But now was not the time to think about that stuff, as she had to deal with the strike coming for her head, and it was too late to pull her sword from the body it was stuck too.

Seeing this situation, she just raised the dead guy's body above her, as she used him just like the Thirteenth Princess, in other words like a meat shield.

The attack passed through his body like a hot knife through butter, as he was separated in two through his chest line.

The Ruthless Princess was able to use the time of the separation, and its momentum to pull her sword, and jump back, to create a little distance between them.

The Thirteenth Princess, on the other hand, seemed really displeased with the body of the guy that was doing anything to attract her attention earlier, as she said,

"Tch, as if it wasn't enough for you to be a useless interference in my life earlier, but you have to continue being one!"

In that displeasure and anger, she gave him two more cuts, as she separated his head and his lower part from his body.

The poor guy had ended up in four different pieces as if death wasn't enough for him. if he were still alive he would have surely died from anger and humiliation.

But while this was happening with the two Princesses, there were two more big fights happening in this place, one was the Great Grandmother and that other expert, and the other was the rest of the aides and soldiers.

At the moment the two experts were just looking in each other's direction as if they were two statues, and then as if they had reached a conclusion they both jumped far away from the rest.

Considering their strength, and cultivation, if they fought in there, just the impact of one attack would kill all the others in there.

For that reason, they had a noiseless agreement to fight far away from the battlefield of the small fry, which was clearly appreciated because none of them wanted to die.

At the same time, even the soldiers, and the other aides kind of created some distance with the two Princesses battleground, and continued their fight a bit farther away.

Being left alone, the Thirteenth princess was looking towards the Ruthless Princess with a mocking look, as she said,

"So, tell me Your Highness how does it feel to be thrown away like this!? Surely it's not nice is it?"

The Ruthless Princess was still a bit infuriated with what had happened, as she still hadn't been able to believe this was happening, as earlier her action had been only instinctive.

Now that she had a moment to think about it, she was getting more and more furious with each passing second, as she had never thought that the one being set up was herself.

It was something unthinkable to her, something that she hadn't seen possible even in her worst nightmares.

Yet right now she was in that position, as she had clearly been set-up, together with her aides, and her Great Grandmother.josei

The more she thought about this, the more she got furious at the people who might have made this possible.

She was so mad, that she swore that if she was able to leave this situation alive and return to her place one day, she would make the people responsible die by crying tears of blood.

Her anger showed more and more on her face, as she looked at her enemy, and said with crackling teeth,

"It feels really great Your Highness! So amazing that just thinking about their fate, and deaths, ah~ it makes me tremble in excitement."

As she finished her words, there was also a bad fuming smile on her face, that in truth it even looked like some kind of mental smile.

Immediately after, both princesses disappeared from their positions, as they jumped towards each other.

In a flash they started clashing against each other at a really high speed, that normal people could only see sparks flying around, and hear the sharp and screeching sounds of their weapons, and auras clashing together.

The two ladies were fighting with everything they had and could use. They were using their swords, hands, legs, nails, bodies.

Anything they could use was being used, as they seemed to be having almost the same strength, and power, which was more infuriating than the fact that they weren't able to kill each other.

While all this was happening outside, inside the Old Pouch, Tianlong Yun was just paying attention to the situation at hand.

It was surely something that caught even him by surprise, but he didn't care much about what happened with them, as long as he was able to make an escape or even profit from the situation.

For that reason, he was just being patient, and look at the situation, and what could happen. He was waiting for the snipe and clam to fight each other, as he fished them both at the end.

While what was happening with the two ladies was some kind of attention-grabbing for him, the fight he wanted to look at, and see the result was far away from him.

He had no idea how the two experts would far against each other, but he was surely interested in their strength, and their experience.

Compared to them, the fight he was able to have a look at, was like a small droplet of water in the ocean.

In the meantime, he had ordered more than 1000 clan disciples of the Shadow Clan to be on standby if they were needed outside.

He wasn't worried about the two girls, or their soldier but for the two experts, as they didn't say uselessly, that even an old and injured camel is still bigger than a horse.

He was waiting for the two to return at least with heavy injuries, so he could have a slight chance of capturing them both.

Each one of them was a high-end product, and experimental subject in his eyes, and especially due to the fact of how far they had reached.

With those thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun was waiting patiently for the duo to return, as there was one person who was extremely infuriated with the fact that he wasn't coming out and taking control of the situation.

Of course, it was the Ruthless Princess, just like anybody else, even she could help but hope for his appearance in this moment, and situation.

After all, with his help, she would be able to reverse the situation, and then could easily escape before the big fight finished.

But as she was thinking like this, the Thirteenth princess seemed to have grown tired of sparring with her as she said,

"Well, I have had enough fun with you! Now it is time for you to die!"

With that said the sword in her hand disappeared, as it was replaced with a more shiny and powerful-looking sword, that gave one the chills.

This particular sword seemed to have a conscience of her own, even though it was immature, and not really developed.

Pointing the tip of her sword towards the Ruthless Princess, the Thirteenth Princess said in a loud and clear voice,

"Say your prayers, you should be thankful to die by my hands!"

With that said she jumped forwards full strength ahead, as it seemed like some kind of reckless kamikaze attack, but the momentum and strength it perceived left the Ruthless Princess hopeless.

Even though she had been able to resist until now, and go toe to toe with her, this attack seemed beyond what she experienced until now.

At that moment she was thinking that her time had come, as she could feel that she would die in that exchange…

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