Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 407

Chapter 407: Like This! (With a snap)

It was truly strange, as a moment there were only a few people still conscious and breathing, when all of a sudden, a lot of presences started to sprout like mushrooms after rain.

The Thirteenth Princesses and the elders were truly stunned as it was truly unexpected, one or two would still be comprehensible.

Perhaps they could think that these one or two ants had escaped their senses, and had found a way to hide as they fought, but the numbers were beyond any estimations.

It seemed like their senses were just a tasteless joke, because, in just a blink of their eyes, more than 1000 people appeared in their surroundings, completely sealing all their possible escape routes.

They were all shocked at their appearance, as they didn't even seem to be some kind of technique or clones, they were all different physical bodies.

They all had their different smell, and they could be more than certain that each and any one of these guys was a different persona.

To make matters even more surprising each and every one of these guys was a human but not entirely, their noses were extremely sensitive, and could feel that inside them there were one or more powerful bloodlines.

Just what kind of weird encounter was this? Where did these guys spring out from, and how were they connected to what was happening right now?

It was clear that their intentions weren't peaceful, otherwise, they wouldn't be blocking each possible direction, and be in a stand-by position.

Their only consolation could be that these guys weren't really powerful, as they seemed young, and most of them were on the first levels of the Golden Core Realm.

Still, the fact that they were so many of them, so young, and with those cultivation levels was an even greater threat to one side, as a power that could raise these many of them, was certainly something they couldn't dare to provoke.

This whole situation was extremely tricky and incomprehensible to them. Just what was going on? Was this guy part of the local's army, this was their biggest worry at the moment!

If these guys were part of those crazy bastards, then they surely were in for a big headache. Still, it wasn't to their benefit to immediately start a war with them.

Thinking like this, the Thirteenth Princess took a deep breath to calm her fast-beating heart, as today had truly been a rollercoaster of feelings for her, and one couldn't really blame her.

As she tried to speak with a diplomatic voice towards what seemed like the leader of the group,

"Esteemed Master, I am the Thirteenth Princess of the Werewolves race! I wonder who might you be, and what are your intentions!?"

In fact, she was a bit startled because the leader seemed to be even younger than her, but she couldn't see through him, and what his level of strength was.

This was usually something that was possible only if the person in front of her had some kind of treasure protecting him, or was much stronger than her.josei

While she was inclined to believe more the first incentive, she couldn't really reject the first. While it was impossible, she didn't know why but she had a feeling that it wasn't truly wrong.

One thing was for sure, this guy seemed truly handsome and charming, and she couldn't help but think of some weird thoughts about him.

Men weren't the only ones who could lust after someone, as ladies were more than capable too. And she was the type that took the offensive approach, and not the defensive one.

Tianlong Yun was able to notice her looks and ulterior motives, but he didn't really care, he wasn't some shy, useless kind of guy, if women came knocking on his door, then he would surely accept them.

For that reason, he just looked her right back with the same kind of look she gave them, as he said with a calm, and carefree voice,

"My identity is of no importance, as for my intentions here, let's just say I am here to invite you all as 'guests' of my abode.

I have been truly amazed by your bloodline, your skills, and your abilities, as I can't stand my curiosity to see them up-close.

So, I would really appreciate it if you don't make me lose face, and accompany me to my abode!"

His words clearly stunned the princess, and the elders beside her, but the people beside him were clearly looking at this scene calmly like they had heard the most normal thing.

It seemed like a tasteless joke, as he was speaking like this was the most common, and normal thing, as they understood what the term 'guest' included.

Only a naïve idiot would think they would truly be treated as the term suggested. But the most shocking fact was that he was saying this when the strongest of his group was in the Golden Core Realm mid-levels.

While their numbers were a bit troublesome and would give them a little headache, they were still could be considered ants in front of the elders.

It was true that a colony of ants could bite an elephant to death, but that was only one, and there was clearly more than one elephant in their group.

So, Tianlong Yun's words to them were just empty, and shameless boasting or there was probably something wrong with the kid's brain.

The Thirteenth Princess and the four elders were stunned at first, as right after they started laughing out loud, as the Princess said mockingly,

"Young Man don't you think you are letting your tongue speak before your mind!? Don't take courtesy as fear from our part, will you!?"

Differently from their expectations though, Tianlong Yun just started laughing at her words too, as he said with a serious tone,

"Oh, I never did beauty! I said that fully aware of your strength and capabilities. I have always wished to taste a furry!"

Once again, the five were shocked at his words, but this time there was also a bit of anger in their expression at Tianlong Yun's words, as he was treating their precious princess as an object.

This was clearly unacceptable to each and any one of them, and even more so for the Thirteenth Princess, who truly didn't like his words.

Now she was even more motivated to make this kid her playing toy, and teach him some manners that his parents had clearly failed to.

So, with this newfound resolved, she asked with a mocking expression and tone,

"Oh, and how do you think you will be able to pull this off, kid?"

Tianlong Yun pretended to not even have seen her mocking expression, or hear her mocking tone, as he asked with a simple voice,

"Like this!"

As he said those two words, he snapped his fingers, and immediately a powerful burst of energy exploded from his position and the surroundings.

The energy seemed to have a golden hue, as it spread in almost in a single instant and covered everything and everyone in an area of 5 kilometers without encountering any barrier.

One moment there was nothing, and the next one snap and the whole area was covered in that golden hue!

The scene was the same as earlier, there was no visible change in the surroundings either, besides that weird golden hue, surrounding them.

In fact, the Thirteenth Princess and the elders beside her were startled at this sudden change happening, as they thought that they had just been trapped, and would suffer some powerful attack.

If something like that happened it would have truly been a massive hit to them, and their confidence to prevail over this situation, but no matter how much they waited there was no change or even the slightest intent of something happening.

They felt like their startle, and scare had been just some kind of joke, as this guy was clearly bluffing. Did he really think that he could bluff them like that?

With these thoughts in mind, the Thirteenth Princess started to laugh and mock him, but she couldn't. It seemed like her vocal cords didn't work, or didn't even exist.

This clearly startled her, as she had truly felt no change to her body or her inner Qi, so what was happening here!? Just what was this golden hue, and what had he done to them.

But she wasn't able to ask, or even change the direction of her eyes, as she could even feel her transformation were off, and turn to her human form.

After all, she just had the Werewolves bloodline, she wasn't a truly Wolf turned into a human due to her high cultivation Realm, so she was more of a human than a wolf.

Everything was happening slowly, as even her smell sense was slowly starting to stop working. She could feel that each and every one of her bodily functions was starting to halt.

The worst part of this condition was the fact, that she was able to sense all this happening inside her body, but she couldn't control them.

It felt like she was a bystander of her own body, as her body slowly stopped working totally, as her consciousness was the last thing to wear off, and she fell unconscious.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was still keeping the formation ongoing, as the elders behind her were still conscious, and he couldn't rest until they were all unconscious.

His face, and the faces of each and every one of the disciples he had taken out of the Old Pouch, were extremely pale like they were on the verge of losing all the blood they had.

It wouldn't be exaggerating it to say that their faces were getting white as paper, as some of them were even on the verge of falling down, but were able to stand due to their sheer will alone.

It was amendable they were even able to still stand as they should have passed out long ago. Yet none of them dared fall, or pass out without Tianlong Yun's order…

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