Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 409

Chapter 409: Mysterious Person & Running

Startled at feeling that presence she immediately turned around, as the knife that Tianlong Yun had given her earlier appeared in her hand.

She was prepared to kill or die at that moment, as even the moment she felt the presence of the other party was just too late.

She had only felt the presence of the person by her side when it was less than an arm's length away from her.

There was no way she could dodge any kind of attack towards her, as it was impossible, and since the mysterious person had come so close to her without her sensing, then he surely was an expert.

It seemed like the tests, and trials for her didn't have an end today, as she was once again on the brink of dying.

It seemed like Heavens were after her life today, and wouldn't stop until she was dead. She was resentful towards the heavens, but there was nothing she could do, but the best to survive.

She had no time to even think about it, as immediately she started transforming right away, as her hand pierced towards her left as fast as she could.

The power surmounted in that attack was truly enormous, as it looked like even space would start to tremble a little bit, just a little a bit, yet in front of her enemy, it was probably just a sneeze.

What surprised her the most was the fact that she could feel a familiar aura from the person behind her, but her mind was working in the opposite direction.

She was thinking that her race, her own people, had sent someone to get assured of her death. They seemed like they truly wanted her dead no matter what!

All this happened in one instant, as in the blink of an eye, the mysterious person opposed her knife attack by grabbing her hand, and making a frontal block.

Immediately after, a huge impact and moment spread from their contact, as a huge airwave appeared behind the mysterious person, able to destroy everything on its way.

The Ruthless Princess wasn't able to move at that moment, as even the impact and momentum of the attack from the clash was absorbed by that mysterious person.

It was at that time that the Princess was finally able to have a look at who the mysterious person might be, only to be electrified at her appearance.

The mysterious person was none other than her Great Grandmother, that had left her earlier to go and fight the other expert from the Werewolves Clan.

Her appearance though was so different from how she left, as her clothes were ripped, and torn in different parts of her body, revealing her ice white cold skin, covered in red blood all over it.

Even though most of her injuries were healed, or being healed, she was nonetheless in a really bad shape, as she looked to have survived only through slim chances.

But that wasn't the end of it, as right now she had underestimated the power of the Princesses retaliation, and hadn't prepared well enough for the block of her attack.

Not to mention that she was really weakened and didn't have her normal and natural self-body defense, so the attack seemed to have stirred up a few of her inner injuries.

For that reason, a small trickle of blood started following down her lip at that moment. Her already worse situation had worsened up once again.

Seeing who the mysterious person was, and what just happened, the Ruthless Princess pulled her attack, this time easily since she had released her hand, and then said a bit attentively,

"Ancestor? Why are you here? And in this state? Just what happened?"

The Ancestor in question stayed calm, and quiet for a moment keeping a check on her internal injuries, and their new shake-up, as she just looked at this grand grandniece of hers.

She had understood that it was a trap only after she faced that other expert, or to be more exact the other experts, as they were more than one.

One of them even attacked her from the dark behind her and injured her critically otherwise even if she lost she wouldn't be in such a shape.

It didn't take a lot of brains to understand that the trap they were using for others, had been a double trap prepared precisely for them.

While she didn't understand the reasons why something like that had happened, and just who was the one that wanted her death too, she knew that in the shape she was right now, she was just a tasty big bite.

She had had the same line of thought as the Ruthless Princess as she had tried to run wisely away from her followers, and escape from this place.

Right now, what she needed the most was a safe place to recover from her injuries, only after she was once again in her top form, would she return and deal with the created issue.josei

There was no way she was taking something like this lying down! While she didn't have much reason to continue living, and she would happily lie down her life if her King asked, she wouldn't give in to such a death.

She was an Ancestor of the Vampire race, and also one of the previous Queens, there was no way she would accept such rudeness and treatment.

Her ego didn't allow such a powerhouse like her, to allow others to treat her like that. Not to mention that it was her own blood that had betrayed her.

The people behind this were surely tired of living and had decided to put an end to their misery. This was what she thought.

But to her surprise, she wasn't the only one who had been able to escape such a trap, as even that rude and ruthless girl had been able to survive and escape the trap.

She didn't understand how she was able to do something like that, because surely there should be a similar trap waiting for her too.

All this time she had thought that this girl was just a useless stupid child, who had no other thoughts besides her ruthlessness, and perverted ideas on her little brother.

Earlier she wanted to test her a bit, and even see how she would react, but clearly, her response had startled and surprised her.

She didn't expect her to be so decisive and powerful, it was completely out of her expectations. Still, her opinion didn't change much.

Of course, all her expressions, and emotions were kept dark under her veil, as she could lose any piece of cloth on her body, but not her veil.

She just looked at the Ruthless Princesses eyes, and just as she was about to say something, she felt someone of something approach them, so she grabbed her by the arm, and started running.

Her speed was something that even the Ruthless Princess in her hands wasn't able to see it, as she could only see shadows of her surroundings, appear and then disappear.

But even though her action was quick and unexpected, the Ruthless Princess didn't say a thing, because she understood that her attack might have attracted unwanted attention.

They ran, or to be more exact, the Great Grandmother ran carrying the Ruthless Princess for more than 10 to 15 minutes, as the distance they had traveled was no joke.

From the north of Fortress city, they had arrived in the South and were really close to the barrier at the entrance.

Seeing that the danger seemed to have been avoided and that there were no threats around them, she stopped her step and let her down.

The trickle of blood down her mouth had become more apparent, as even the blood was darkening, and thickening.

She had been forced to clench her teeth and run for such a time, even though her shaken inner injuries had once again exploded in full swing.

There was nothing she could do about it, as at the moment she was running for her life, and even now she felt a bit reluctant to stop, but she couldn't continue longer.

On the other hand, the Ruthless Princess was a bit startled at her appearance, as right now this Great Grandmother of hers was a line of defense for her.

She didn't need to ask her how she was to understand that she was in a really terrible condition, and if she continued like this, then she wouldn't last for long.

The problem was that they were already being followed, and considering the fact that their Thirteenth Princess was nowhere to be seen, she was almost certain that they were going bonkers.

Still, the most important thing right now, was to take care of this Ancestor of hers, as she didn't expect an answer, or question as a bottle of a strange liquid appeared in her hand, as she said,

"Take this, it will help you boost your regenerative abilities, and enhance your recovery!"

The Great Grandmother looked a bit suspiciously at the small medicine bottle in front of her, as there weren't really many medicines that could help someone like her.

Even though the girl in front of her looked really certain, she still had her own reservation regarding that. She didn't think that it was poison, just that it wouldn't work.

Anyway, they had nothing to lose right now, as they were already in a fight for their life, they had to try everything they could if they wanted to escape this.

For that reason, she took the bottle, even though a bit reluctantly, and gulped it down…

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