Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: Benefits & Mysterious Entity

It didn't take him long to understand even understand the perks of this new upgrade he had just received, and the first thing to make his soul tremble in satisfaction was his processing speed.

His processing rate had become at least 10 times faster, and this alone was a piece of great and vital news for him that would considerably increase his power and prowess.

Just imagine two people fighting, before the first one had even processed what was going on with the fight, the other one had already thought about it, and his next 9 steps.

The fight would be over before even starting, and the end would be devastating, to say the least. Not to mention the help it would give him in crafting, concocting, inscription, and formations.

One had to know that the processing rate of a normal cultivator would increase only in case his cultivation level increased, and he got used to his new strength, and even then by one time more only.

Tianlong Yun had his own boosted by 10 times and that was without his Qi cultivation increase, which meant that his processing speed was almost on par with cultivators of the 1st level Soul Formation Realm.

That was the best he could be at since when a cultivator passed a Realm all their characteristics, abilities, and skills would get a substantial boost.

That was one of the major reasons why it was almost impossible for cultivators to fight across Realms, the difference was just too much qualitative. It was like fighting with a sword, against a clump of steel.

Therefore, what he had received could be counted as a huge boon for him, and considering the fact that he was able to fight against cultivators in his own Realm already, this made him able to pass that boundary.

Now he was certain that if he used all he had them he would be able to fight against any cultivator in the 1st level of the Soul Formation Realm, which was something unheard of before, even in the Immortal World.

But that wasn't the only thing he got out of this breakthrough, as now he could feel that his spirit sense, his senses, and his Soul Power had increased exponentially.

If he got outside right now, then his normal 1-meter radius would be extended to at least 10 meters, and he would be able to have a better grasp of his surroundings.

Thinking up to here in his satisfaction, he was suddenly reminded of what he left outside. He had been extremely concentrated on his breakthrough and the benefits, that he forgot about him for a moment.

As soon as this thought crossed his mind though he left he returned his consciousness towards the outside, and immediately went to check the outside.

His experimental subject was still there, even though he seemed to have lost his mind, as he was pulling his hair from his head, as he laughed in a hysterical manner.

It was clear that he had been broken and that he had lost his mind, but Tianlong Yun didn't care much about it, this guy was just bait to lure out those strange beings of this place.

In that line of thought, Tianlong Yun didn't get outside again but started observing the outside with his spirit sense from inside the Old Pouch.

Just like he had thought, his spirit sense had a far wider radius and area of action, he could now 'see' anything in a 9-meter radius around him.

Just as he already had concluded this place looked like a desolate and 'empty' forest, as there was nothing besides trees in this place.

There was no other sign of life, as even the worms and bugs were missing from this place. Which was surprising the same as the fact that all the trees in this place were in a specific order and distance from each other.

This gave him a strange feeling of artificiality and illusion, but he didn't know what to really think about this at the moment, as he had no idea what he was facing right now.

Until now he had been able to recognize everything that came across him through his experience and knowledge, but this was the first time he didn't understand what he was facing.

Heavens were limitless and held limitless beings and creatures within. He knew and understood this, but he couldn't devise a plan to act against it without knowing what he was facing.

He had already set up the bait, so all he had to do now was to patiently wait, like a good fisherman, for the prey to bite on his bait.

The Old Pouch was an independent space, and it didn't get affected by whatever happened outside, and as long as he had the ownership of it he was more than safe and secure.

With these thoughts in mind, he closed his eyes as he was in his lotus position, and started to meditate and cultivate.

Once again he was surprised with the benefits of his breakthrough in Soul Cultivation, as right now his meditation rate and his capacity to understand the secrets of Heaven had been boosted considerably.

If this was like this when he was only a Soul Master, then what would happen when he got to become a Soul Grandmaster, Soul Saint, or reach the peak and become a Soul God.

He couldn't help but lose himself to his imagination for a moment, only to reproach this condition of his a moment later.

This was the problem with too much information sometimes, as people would start dreaming and think of those peaks as unreachable, and would dampen their resolves and determination.

He couldn't allow himself to fall into such a stupid predicament, so he immediately erased those thoughts from his mind, and entered a cultivation state, his soul imprint was on his bait nonetheless.

Like that time slowly was passing away slowly but surely, without stopping, as Tianlong Yun had to wait for more than 4 hours before he could feel movements outside.

As soon as he heard that, he immediately got out of his cultivation state, as he spread his senses outside, to understand better what was happening outside.

The same as the previous time he could feel those 'crack' and 'whooshing' sounds like someone was cracking his bones or tree snapping.

He felt that his mind was getting out of line once again when he suddenly thought of something that could connect all these dots.

Still, he didn't dare to come to a conclusion without any evidence, so he just kept 'looking' outside. Paying even more attention to his surroundings.

The bait he had left outside seemed to be in the last dreads of his humanity as he started to bloody his own body by scratching and biting his skin.

It was a truly painful and gore scene, as he was inflicting that upon himself, and at the same time wasn't groaning or moaning in pain, but laughing, laughing hysterically.

This scene would make any hero, braveheart, or divine general kneel and vomit until even their intestines were vomited out.

But Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care much about this situation, to him it was like water under the bridge, nothing more.

His thoughts might seem really wretched and cruel, but nothing could change the fact that this was a dog eats dog world, and Tianlong Yun had seen even more horrendous treatment.

There were people that took satisfaction from hurting people. Furthermore, he had been treated with all kinds of torture in his previous life, after he was accused of being an evil cultivator.

He had been able to survive them through sheer will, and the desire for revenge, but he still hadn't forgotten about the pain of those days, and what he had gone through.

While he sympathized with his bait, he didn't think more beyond that, such was the plight of the weak in the real world. The weak were just a tool for the strong!

As he was thinking like this the sounds outside became even more often and louder, as slowly it felt like a whole army was being prepared to attack the little bait he had put forth.

The more his little bait bloodied himself, and the more his blood smell spread in the environment, the more he could feel that whatever was outside was getting impatient.

Still, there seemed to be something that managed to stop it from acting, as it looked like it was afraid of whatever was there and the fact that it could be a trap.

It was cautious, extremely cautious, which clearly made Tianlong Yun think of how it was possible that had been the bane of all those experts when it was like this.

This situation didn't make sense, after all, it was the same as if some serial killer was afraid of any contact with his victims. It didn't make any sense.

Still, Tianlong Yun didn't take any action that could frighten the beings outside, as he calmly waited for that thing to attack.

It was clear that this was a fight of nerves and he didn't plan on losing, as this might be his only chance to understand what was waiting for him outside.

While his goal was the inheritance of the Soul God, and whatever he had left behind, he first needed to survive whatever had brought the death of all the cultivators until now.

Survival was first, inheritance was second, so he kept waiting with these thoughts in mind for his enemy to appear, and it took a while before finally, it made an appearance.

Tianlong Yun already had an idea about it, but he was still surprised by what happened outside at that moment, as there were no signs of it happening while it happened…josei

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