Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 426

Chapter 426: Side effects!

The next moment he used all his remaining Soul Power to transport all the alive disciples inside the Old Pouch once again.

With that their first attack on the enemy trees had finished, and they could finally relax, and recover their lost selves.

While the first attack was more of a reckon and scouting mission, these guys had pushed it a bit too far, and the surprise attack at the end was just a demonstrator of their shortcomings.

But Tianlong Yun decided to not say them anything with regards to that, as he first wanted to see their approach, and then start from there.

While they would respect anything he said right now, it would just enter from one ear and escape from the other.

With that thought in mind, he said in a natural and solemn voice of a Patriarch whose face wouldn't change even if the world collapsed in front of him,

"I want a report on what you think happened tonight, and your personal opinions about it, and I want it ready by tomorrow morning!"

While he was someone from the Immortal World, and normally he would let them forge their path through blood, and fire, at the moment his forces were limited, and he couldn't afford to lose these guys.

While he was certain that he would be able to sweep clean this place even alone, but that would take too much time, and it would be too boring.

Furthermore, training and cultivating another batch of these guys in a short time was impossible, as he didn't even have enough resources to do it right now.

While he knew that these guys weren't the cream of the crops, or like he would like them to be, they were still better than average.josei

To train disciples and soldiers of a high caliber, one would need resources and opportunities. Only blood, fire, and metal could make a peerless disciple or soldier.

Time was of the essence, and it was also the only thing he couldn't waste right now. So, he would have to try harder and take a different approach to train them.

But this trial that was in front of him was a perfect opportunity for them to gain a good deal of fighting experience and a good continuation of their journey to the top.

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with the results as long as he had at least more than half of them alive by the end of this trial.

But one thing was certain though, those that were left would be able to advance by leaps and bounds, not to mention that he was also thinking of selecting a few of them to cultivate their souls too.

Of course, he would give slight benefits to all of them, as he would help them reach at least Soul Master Realm, but he would also create a special unit of double cultivators, and even a unit of only Soul Cultivators.

This would certainly boost their fighting strength, and also his power, as like this he would be able to have one more trump card under his hands, that he could use to surprise attack his enemies.

After all who wouldn't want to have one more key of guarantee towards his success anytime. While fight and honor were important, staying alive, and surviving topped them all.

The honor was just a cheap, and an empty thing that was gained only by true, powerful, and stupid heroes, or by the winners that were able to survive.

Furthermore, honor was important only when someone cared about the opinion of others. But which Heaven topping expert would care about the opinion of some weak idiots.

The same can be said for a human to care about the opinion of ants, firstly the language they speak is nowhere similar, and secondly, why should humans care about the opinion of an insect or an animal.

Thinking like this, Tianlong Yun was walking towards the experiments room he had been in earlier, as he wanted to check up on the condition of the guy who ate that ugly thing.

The guy seemed to be doing just fine, as he seemed to have gained conscience, and ability to think, as he was looking towards Tianlong Yun with clear hatred, wrath, anger, rage, etc.

But that wasn't all there was to it, as there was another dominant feeling, and expression on his face, fear. The fear in his eyes was more evident than any other emotion.

He looked terrified like he was looking at the devil of the 18th hell himself. Certainly, that has to be it, he must be the devil of the 18th layer of hell, there was no doubt about it.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about what this guy's expression was, as he just slowly approached him without saying a thing.

With every step he took, the person in front of him retreated one step back, until he reached the wall of the room.

All this time Tianlong Yun was feeling like some kind of cat following and cornering a little mouse, slowly, as if enjoying its torture at the thought of his fate.

He had to accept that it was kind of satisfying as his ego felt great, but he didn't dwell for long on that, as with a lightning-quick motion he grabbed the guy's hand, and checked him with his spirit sense.

The mouse knew that his life had been forfeited at that moment, so he didn't dare to move or even breath at that moment, perhaps it was the moment for him to finally go his way.

He waited for a moment, two, three, but there was no pain or any kind of aggression coming his way, as he thought that perhaps he had died without feeling anything.

That was the best he could wish at this moment, as he knew that it was almost impossible to ask for something impossible, like surviving and escaping the hell he was in.

With these thoughts in mind, he was about to open his eyes, when he suddenly felt a commotion happening inside his conscience sea.

Without any time to lose pondering, he entered his conscience sea, only to see some kind of black soul fight with the Soul Avatar of his most hated and feared enemy.

At the moment the two of them seemed to be at some kind of standstill, as none of them seemed to be able to destroy the other.

The poor man felt like crying but no tears could come out of his soul avatar, as his most sacred ground, the most important part of his being, was being used as some kind of a battle arena for the two Souls.

Just what kind of karma was this, just what had he done in his previous life to suffer like this in this life!?

Right now, the two Souls looked to be observing each other, and think of their next move, as each passing second seemed to be close to a century or two.

It took 3 full centuries for the two Soul Avatars to move, as the black entity turned into some kind of transparent ghost, that jumped towards Tianlong Yun avatar.

If he hadn't seen this thing for these 3 centuries, he would think that it was truly some kind of ghost that had possessed him.

In fact, only now was he able to come a bit to his senses, as he started thinking about the matters that truly matter.

He could understand Tianlong Yun's presence in there, but what about that black thing, just what was that, and how it had entered inside his sea of conscience without him even realizing it!?

Still, this thing seemed to be more than able to fight Tianlong Yun's soul avatar to a standstill, and it might even have the chance to bring him down if he helped it a bit.

Right now he was in a big dilemma about his next step, as he saw that Tianlong Yun's soul avatar and that black thing once again clash with a boom.

The sparkles and the impact of their attacks were raining down on his sea of conscience, as he felt like his head would be split open right then, and there.

He felt like a big explosion was going to erupt soon, and everything inside his head, and body would be plastered in the room he was in.

This made him angry, angry beyond belief. They were bullying him too much, did they truly think that he was an impotent, and powerful fool or something?

He hadn't done anything until now because he wanted a simple, and easy death, but this didn't mean he was going to allow the same torture on him for a second time.

For that reason, he decided to first take care of his most hated enemy, and then reach an agreement if possible with the one remaining.

With these thoughts in mind, his sea of conscience started churning and creating big waves, as long strings of liquid came out of the sea, trying to bind Tianlong Yun, and wrap him like a present for his enemy.

Tianlong Yun had noticed his presence and had taken into consideration his moves, so he wasn't startled, or anything like that.

In fact, he had been expecting it, because like this the dark soul would get more relaxed, and most probably lower its guard a bit, and he would use that moment to capture it.

When he had entered his experiments subject's sea of conscience Tianlong Yun hadn't been able to even find a trace of this thing.

If it wasn't for the dark soul trying to attack him from behind, and heavily injure him, he would probably never have noticed it.

But now he was extremely happy that he did, otherwise, he would have sent a lot of his disciples down a thorny path, that would hinder their development and his Clan's safety.

One person couldn't make the difference, but an army can certainly do it…

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