Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 434

Chapter 434: Bleak Past & many Firsts

Tianlong Yun started approaching her slowly, as the look on his eyes intensified with each step he took.

The more he approached the worse his look got, and the more assured the old beauty became of her impending doom.

This was the first time someone was being so disrespectful with her, and the second time in her life that she felt like her body was in danger.

The truth was that the marriage with her ex-husband had been nothing more than a deal that her father had been able to reach.

In fact, her looks and fate had probably been her father's greatest blessing from the heavens, as he was able to not only raise his position, but also the reach of their family.

She had been nothing more than some kind of a good that had been sold in order to help the business of her family.

The king of that time wasn't some kind of angel either, as he was a man who thought with his 'little brother' and as soon as he saw a beauty he would make sure to give it a try.

He wouldn't even spare the wives and concubines of his own sons and bastards. He truly had no standards or a line of morals.

For that reason, even her first night of marriage had been nothing more than a practical rape from her new husband, that she had to endure for the sake of her family.

And after her first night, every once in a while, she would suffer the pain, and torture for being the wife of that animal.

Still, due to her good luck, or due to that animal's idiocy and bad luck, he didn't have a long life, and soon died, leaving her a widow.

She finally felt free, and unfettered as if she had finally been able to recover from some terrifying virus or disease.

As she was thinking like that, life and Heavens seemed to have a different thought about this, as she was once again embroiled in another deal.

Her beloved father was once again trying to sell her once again to another man, and this time it was no one else but one of her stepsons, the current King of the Vampire race.

It seemed like the first time hadn't sufficed for her 'beloved' father, as he was trying to make the most out of it, without thinking in the least about her wellbeing, honor, and even her rights as a being.

This was truly something that crossed the line for her, as she publicly denounced her father, and her family, and declaring that she would be a widow till her death.

This of course angered her family, and the King as they tried to pressurize her and make her life a living hell.

But with her special status, they weren't able to do anything extreme to her. Not to mention that she was strong!

She had been able to make use of all the perks that the palace and her status bestowed her, and she was one of the strongest ladies in the palace.

So, every extreme attempt would either gather unwanted attention or would end up in a failure. There were a lot of throne pretenders waiting like hyenas ready to take their heads, and their position.

After all, it was about the throne of all the Vampire race, as the power they would command, and what they could do was something that no man would be able to neglect.

When the opportunity of exploring these ruins came along she had thought of it as an opportunity of leaving the palace and taking a breather, as she had used all her connections to participate in it.

It didn't take a really deep logic to understand that people were looking at her as an eyesore, or as an opportunity.

If something were to happen to her, the first suspects would certainly be her father or the current King, so it was a perfect reason to stage a coup.

While she didn't care about politics and just wanted to live a lone and quiet life, she had already understood that she couldn't, for that reason before closing her eyes, she was relieved for dying.

Who would have expected that she not only wouldn't die, but she was also going to end up in the state, and condition she was right now!?

She was totally surprised to have survived firstly, but then her feelings got mixed the moment she understood why she had been kept alive.

At first, she had been shocked by the reason and hadn't been able to act in time, but the next moment she had already made up her mind, as she wouldn't let herself get sullied again, as she wanted to take her own life.josei

Just as the thought passed through her mind, that powerful pressure came out of nowhere and she found out that she couldn't even take her own life.

Just how cruel were the heavens trying to be on her, wasn't what she had been through until now enough? Just how much darker her fate had to be for the Heavens to finally have some pity on her!?

And now she could do nothing but watch as her enemy approached her slowly with that devilish grin, and that lusty look.

It was like she already knew that her fate was sealed, and there was nothing more that she could do about it. She would be ra*ped once again!

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun had finally appeared in front of her after that slow walk of his and was looking her right into her beautiful ruby eyes.

She was truly beautiful, even though she was supposed to be around a century old, her skin, her eyes, her lips, her hair didn't show it in the least, in fact, she looked like she was in her mid-twenties.

Her looks would make any man salivate, as the fire burning inside them would be fully lit, and they wouldn't be able to stop their selves from fantasizing about her.

In his case, he had the opportunity to make this beautiful fairy his, and he would certainly not give up on her.

Her helpless, and painful look made him just rethink the situation for a moment, but that was all, just rethink it for a fleeting moment.

This woman had tried to kill him and had almost taken his life for real, so he should certainly teach her a good lesson, and since he was at it, he could try and make her work for him.

Even though it seemed difficult, extremely difficult at that, he didn't care, as he lost nothing by trying.

In this life, he cared only about himself, and his loved ones, other people were just a means to meet ends, or there for him to play, collect, or use.

Common sense and morals had become utter bullshit, as his path in life was already against Heavens Will, as cultivation itself was against the natural order.

These were useless thoughts at this moment, as he placed them to the back of his head, and slowly approached the face of the beauty in front of him, and without breaking eye contact, planted his lips on hers.

His kiss was light, but savory, as he was slowly trying to kiss more and more of her lips gently at first, and getting more daring and rough later.

The beauty suffering these attacks seemed to be startled, and surprised at this, as she even forgot for a moment that the person in front of her was doing this against her will.

It was only when his tongue opened her lips and entered her small and aromatic mouth, that she finally regained her senses and tried to bite on his tongue.

Who could blame her, she had never had a real kiss, all she had received until today was only bites, and sucking of her lips, kisses were a myth to her, for that reason she was lost for a moment.

But her attempt seemed to be futile, as Tianlong Yun's tongue seemed to be too fast, and slick, as it slipped her attack, and the moment her teeth locked, it ran over them, and under her lips.

From then on it seemed to start a game of a cat chasing mouse, as Tianlong Yun would slip through each of her attacks, and do whatever he wished inside her mouth, without getting caught.

The more the chase continued though, the more she started to think, and feel that she didn't really hate the kiss, and it wasn't as bad as she thought it to be.

In fact, her attempts at being the cat running after the mouse even halted for a few short moments, as she tried to savor the taste of their kiss.

This was her first real kiss in this lifetime! Slowly it felt like it was getting better and better, but once again she was brought down to the ground when she felt his hands over her soft pillows.

He was gently cupping them with his big hands and squishing them softly as if trying to learn just how soft and squishy they were.

Still, that was enough to wake her up, and once again start her cat chasing mouse little game with her teeth, as Tianlong Yun got back to slipping through the attacks, and counterattacking.

The only difference was that now his hands were playing with her soft pillows, which seemed to perfectly fit into his hands. He felt like those were created just for him.

The more he continued with what he was doing, the harder her small buds on top of her soft pillows were getting, and the more she lost the will to properly chase and resist.

As soon as he saw that she was losing the will to resist for a second time, Tianlong Yun immediately attacked, as one of his hands went…

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