Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 438

Chapter 438: Rewarding 30 Disciples

The winners of course were the team that had brought the most of the 'herb roots', he had decided to call those ugly things by this name, as it made it easier, and more acceptable to him.

These guys had brought around 5 more than the other teams, and their skills were among the best, and also their teamwork was among the best.

Considering these facts, Tianlong Yun's decision would create a disparity between the disciples, but that was exactly his purpose, he wanted the stronger to get stronger, and the weak to get mowed down.

He was an emperor needing an army, and not some lone man looking for relatives and connections, so of course, he would prioritize the strong.

On the other hand, this tactic was also stimulation for the weaker guys, because it would give them more reason to fight and come on top next time, otherwise, they weren't fit to be part of his army.

With these thoughts in mind, he immediately took the first team of 30 with him away from the group, into one of those isolated lab rooms.

While the process of consuming the herb roots was simple, the process of exterminating the remaining souls wasn't, so he would have to be careful with each and any one of them.

He couldn't allow for any mishap to happen during the absorption of those herb roots from the disciples.

For that reason, he even decided for them to go at it one by one, as he didn't know what he would have to face if it were 30 at once.

Giving the herb root to the first disciple, he instructed him to eat it, and then protect his last line of defense towards his consciousness sea, while he lowered all other defenses.

The disciple was a bit startled and surprised at those words but he didn't dare to tarry, as he immediately did as he was told.

He came forwards, took the 'herb root' and stuffed it in his mouth, he started to munch eat, and pass it down, as at the same time he lowered all his defenses but his last to his consciousness sea.

Immediately after, Tianlong Yun concentrated on his soul avatar, as he sent it towards his disciple's consciousness sea.

He wanted to see how did that remaining soul thing entered one's sea of consciousness, and possibly to find a better way to react to it and deal with it.

This was just the first out of many that he would have to face off against, and extinguish, so he had to find an efficient way to do it.

This was running on his mind, as he finally saw some kind of a dark silhouette suddenly appear and disappear in the space of his disciple's sea of consciousness.

The silhouette clearly seemed to be filled with malicious intent, as it almost disappeared totally as soon as it appeared.

It was almost because Tianlong Yun was able to lock on that formless thing and follow it where it went.

That silhouette seemed to be able to track all the nightmares, and the malicious thoughts inside the consciousness sea, and hide between them, as it fed upon them too.

If one didn't look carefully at that specific area then they would be never able to witness the anomaly of those dark thoughts disappearing at first, and then being replaced by even more frightening ones.

It was like the dark silhouette was able to not only feed upon them, but also speed up the process of their formation, and their worsening.

No matter who it was, even the most innocent person probably had at least one dark thought, as nobody was perfect.

This thing would be able to feed upon that, and create more dark thoughts, as slowly the even the clearest of water would turn into a muddy swamp.

But there was another characteristic of those things that made it easier for Tianlong Yun to deal with them, apparently, they were really vindictive.

They were most likely able to remember the soul print of the person that had ended their 'lives' and as soon as they felt his presence in the area they would immediately attack him, without consideration.

Certainly, Tianlong Yun wasn't the one who had ended this ugly thing's life earlier, but as luck would have the disciple consuming it, had.

So without even considering its survival at this point, the remnant soul immediately launched an attack on the disciple's Soul Avatar.

If Tianlong Yun wasn't there, most probably this disciple would have lost his life and existence, but with Tianlong Yun there, he would have no problem whatsoever.

The next moment, Tianlong Yun immediately covered himself in the Nirvana Flames, as it blocked the way of the remnant soul, and gave it a punch.

The remnant soul clearly didn't seem to expect this sudden danger, and had no way to react in time, as the only end left was to get engulfed by those flames, and burned to nothingness.

On the other hand, the disciple was able to refine the 'herb root' as his Soul Power started surging inside his sea of consciousness, and slowly the lake under Tianlong Yun turned into a deep sea.

Without wanting to disturb the guy's breakthrough, Tianlong Yun left the space with his Soul Avatar and returned to his body once again.

In fact, to be more exact, it wasn't his Soul Avatar that got out of his body and left his body unoccupied. It was just a projection of it outside Tianlong Yun's sea of conscience as the real thing stayed inside all the time.

As soon as he had finished with the first, Tianlong Yun immediately made a sign to the second, with the same instructions he gave to the first disciple.

Like this he continued with the 3rd, then the 4th, then 5th, and so on and so forth as he reached the last one, the 30th.

As he was on his way to the 5th the 1st disciple had managed to absorb the Soul Power coming from the 'herb root' at least the most of it and was able to enter the Soul Apprentice Realm.

This was a Realm, that even some of the strongest, and most powerful powerhouses had difficulty reaching, as it was a Realm that they had no idea upon.

Yet Tianlong Yun was able to promote 30 disciples into this realm in the space-time of less than 4 hours.

If the outside world, and especially those guys from the Immortal World got news about this, they would probably throw up a considerable amount of blood, and then hunt him down for the secret.

Those guys pretended to be high and mighty in the public, but once they saw such an opportunity they would immediately disregard their honor, and turn into some thirsty and hungry hoodlums.

The higher and mightier one appeared in the public, the more dangerous, and hoodlum he was truly. This was a lesson that Tianlong Yun learned in the worst way in his previous life.

While he didn't care much if this 'secret' was spread on Earth, as they had no idea on what it represented, and he was more than assured of himself to face whoever came his way.

But if there was any possibility of this secret being spread in the Immortal World, he would rather prefer killing all the people knowing about it, than risking it.josei

Still, he had some time to test these guys, and truly understand how deep their loyalty truly was, so he wasn't really bothered at the moment.

As for losing 30 of these 'herb roots' he didn't mind in the least, as he was able to waste even more only so he could find the true disciples and followers he needed.

Not to mention that this wasn't even considered a loss, with the amount of the trees outside the Old Pouch, that comprised the Nightmare Forests, even if he wasted more than millions, it would still seem a worthless amount.

On the other hand, the benefits it would bring to him if only a few of these guys would be able to reach higher realms, and prove their loyalty, were just unimaginable.

It would be like giving powerful boosters to a Dragon already having its wings, he would be able to leave anyone else in the dust.

With these thoughts and plans in mind, he was able to help all the 30 disciples to remove the remnant souls from the 'herb roots' and help them reach Soul Apprentice Realm.

The disciples seemed to be really startled, and confused right now, as they could feel that they were much more different than before, but they couldn't quite point out what it was.

Their cultivation realm and their maximal output strength hadn't changed by much, and there was no visible change in them, but still, they could feel that they had somehow improved.

They had changed somehow for the better, but just how!? How had they changed!? What had changed exactly!?

Seeing their confused faces Tianlong Yun, just said in a blunt tone,

"Don't bother about feeling your changes now, you will be able to feel them later through the next battle with the trees.

And once you do, I am expected great things from you!"

With that said he returned them once again at the training grounds without waiting for their response.

While he could easily explain to them what had just happened, he didn't want to do it, as it would be just mere wordily empty explanations, and they wouldn't truly understand the main points.

Furthermore, he would have to later explain to them about Soul Cultivation, and some things related to it, and he didn't feel comfortable with that fact.

He would do that only once he had proven their loyalty, and was assured that they wouldn't betray him, and for that, it would take some time.

Anyway, he placed these thoughts to the back of his head, as he was once again ready to head out with his disciples for another round with the trees… 

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