Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 444

Chapter 444: Breakthrough (7th level Nascent Soul Realm)

That thing was really dangerous, as it would be just like some kind of virus or parasite inhabiting his consciousness sea, and that was under no circumstance something good.

No matter what a mountain could not hold two tigers, and two sharks in a pond were too much. That little thing would grow one day and would most likely try to occupy his consciousness sea.

Not to mention that he would have nothing to gain out of him, as he would just increase his already peaked desire for revenge and blood.

He was so lucky to have paid attention to this thing and not let it slide, otherwise, he would just have a ticking bomb inside his consciousness sea.

With that taken care of, it was time to deal with the big guy that went towards the center area where his Soul Avatar was supposed to be. While this thing was bigger, it was less dangerous than that little one.

He was in plain sight and had nowhere to hide, at most it would be a big brawl fight, where he was more than certain that he would win.

Just as he had predicted this part of the remnant soul was still trying to break his defenses, and it was really close to doing that, but unfortunately, his time was done.

Without tarrying anymore, the unavoidable, Tianlong Yun's Soul Avatar approached the black thing from behind as he was covered in flames, and took it down with one sneak attack.

This 'herb root' he had eaten seemed to be much more effective than the first, as this one gave him around a full cup of water Soul Power.

Still, he couldn't be too happy with his achievements, as a new variable was added to the mix. It appeared to be that the bigger the trees were the higher their Soul Power but also intelligence.

These things were already troublesome as they were, but it seemed like they could get even more troublesome to deal with.

Not that he would give up on using them, as the pros clearly outweighed the cons in this case, but still this meant that another headache was coming his way.

With that out of the way, he decided that they would stay quiet for some time and wouldn't get out to fight outside.

His disciples needed to consolidate their gains up to now, but he also had to cultivate in seclusion as he could feel that he was close to making a breakthrough in his Qi cultivation.

He would have liked to go and pay a visit to his new slave additions, but that just wasn't meant to be right now, as cultivation clearly held priority for him.

For that reason, he quickly informed Tianlong Hu Die, and everyone else inside the Old Pouch about his secluded cultivation, as he also told them to do their best to breakthrough in this time.josei

He also instructed Tianlong Hu Die to start collecting the 'herb roots' in packs of 10 and place them under the Soul Severing Formation for more than 1-hour time.

After that, she had to select 10 disciples and give it to them, of course only to them who deserved such a reward, but even then, she had to keep an eye on them all the time.

While keeping those things under the Soul Severing Formation for more than an hour should be sufficient to take care of the remnant souls, he still didn't want to risk it.

With that, everything important should have been taken care of, so now he could continue with his secluded cultivation without problems.

With that thought in mind, he immediately closed his eyes and concentrated totally on his meditation and cultivation.

He could feel the Qi around his body enter, then circulate in his system, and finally enter his Nascent Soul where his Dantian was supposed to be, and feed it.

This wasn't the first time it happened, but he would always feel a soothing feeling as it happened. It felt like he was once again being fed with his mother's breast milk.

He could feel that it wouldn't go for long, as he was truly getting close to his breakthrough, so he decided to enjoy it as more as he could.

His senses were totally shut, and concentrated on that feeling, as this was a place where nobody could harm him.

The only way for someone to harm him inside the Old Pouch was only if they could destroy the Old Pouch with him inside.

But even then, this thing had an ejection formation inscribed into it, and in case of damage, it would eject everyone inside to the outside.

Now wasn't the time to think about this stuff, as he had to concentrate on feeling that awesome feeling that was ongoing inside his body.

Slowly but surely the remaining empty part of his Nascent Soul got filled up, and it started to get agitated, and restless.

In the room, the Qi surrounding his body started to become restless, as it was moving in circles around him, creating a small typhoon with him as the eye, and then started pouring in.

At that moment Tianlong Yun felt like never before, as he couldn't help but transform into his true form, with his bony wings on his back, his horns, and his metallic shining tail.

His clothes had turned into nothing more than dust, as flames were slowly surging from his inner parts.

He looked so dashing, and majestic at this moment, as even space and air stagnated for a moment as if trying to honor and respect their ruler.

Tianlong Yun didn't have the time to look at the abnormalities he was causing to the room he was in, because he was totally concentrating on the changes inside his body.

Even though it was just a minor level breakthrough, it was still a really important one, because this was the first minor level he had broken through without any outside help.

While this might seem irrelevant, and meaningless to most people, to him it was really important because it was in times like this that he could solidify his foundation, and compress it.

Thinking like that, he immediately got to work, as he started to squeeze his Nascent Soul, slowly compressing it, and all the Qi he had gathered up to now.

It felt like squeezing some watered sponge. The water was leaving the sponge the more he squeezed it, as he tried to make the sponge more and more solid.

This continued for some time, as he finally couldn't squeeze the sponge anymore, and he had also passed his breakthrough. He was now a 7th level Nascent Soul Cultivator.

Opening his eyes, he could feel the power surging through his body, as he couldn't wait but go outside and try his new gained strength.

But that had to wait right now, as he first had to have a look at his disciples, and also the new slaves, they would be important to his future.

Right after that though, he spread his spirit sense through the whole Old Pouch in order to have a look at what everyone had been doing.

Most of the disciples were still cultivating, or training waiting for his exit from secluded cultivation, ready to go out there and have another hit and run at those trees.

They were having a blast with that training, while it was dangerous and the smallest mistake could have them killed, it was still a great opportunity for them to grow stronger.

The moment they had started their path towards cultivation and had become part of the Shadow Clan they had already forsaken their lives, and only wanted the peak and glory.

While they wouldn't die unnecessarily and would always try to live to reach the peak, that didn't stop them from putting their lives in danger if there was a great opportunity in front of them.

Furthermore, even though their Patriarch hadn't said anything to them, they weren't stupid to not understand the situation they were in right now.

Most probably they were somewhere in the middle of this forest, and to get out of it they would need to erase it all.

They didn't know if their Patriarch had entered willingly or unwillingly inside this forest but the truth was that they didn't care.

Their lives, souls, and bodies belonged to their Patriarch and they would do whatever he told them to do, even if it was to kill themselves in front of him.

Well, that was true for most of them, as they weren't all in the same line of thought, there were always exceptions, but even they wouldn't dare to make their ambitions known at such a time.

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with the general situation in his 'camp' as he stood up, and then disappeared from the place, to reappear in front of Tianlong Hu Die.

This girl had been working hard all this time, managing everything inside the Old Pouch without saying even half a word of complaint.

She was truly a big fortune to him. Heavens had bestowed him with a truly great gift. At the moment the little lady was resting on top of her desk, but she had a satisfied smile on her face.

She looked like a little fairy that was dreaming about her beloved. Her face was so cute, and beautiful that it would enchant any living being.

Even though there was a bit of drool on the corner of her little mouth, she still was charming, and beautiful.

She looked so unique and rare at that moment, that Tianlong Yun couldn't control himself, and gave her a light kiss on the lips.

She didn't give much of a reaction, and it looked like she was still asleep. Still as beautiful as before, and Tianlong Yun planted another kiss on her lips…

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