Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 447

Chapter 447: Existence Crisis (A motive)

He was right!

Everything he was saying was totally right! All this life she had lived like nothing more than some kind of merchandise that her father and her family had used.

The first moment that she had turned against it, and had made a stand, she had been thrown away to the enemies.

No matter how one looked at it, she was nothing more than a thrown-away stone that held no value anymore.

Her whole life had been nothing more than a façade, nothing more than the life of a cheap doll that had been thrown away after use.

But if that was the case then wasn't her life even more miserable than she thought? Wasn't her life even more empty than she ever thought it to be?

What meaning was there, and what meaning was left to her life. She was emptier than a shell, she had nothing to hang on to.

Tianlong Yun had made her feel a new low, a new bottom that she had never thought she would reach, as she lost even her last dregs of will to live.

At this moment she felt a big void in her mind, and in her soul, as all she wanted was to just die and disappear, but even that wasn't available to her.

She was even more miserable than she thought the lowest to be. Just for what should she keep living if she had no reason.

Tianlong Yun could notice her change of being and her loss of will. Right now, she was just a carcass, nothing more than an empty shell.

Taking advantage of this, he let her feel that emptiness and void for some time, and then continued with the momentum he had,

"What about now!? Do you want to die? Do you want to disappear!? You are even more of a coward and stupid woman than I previously thought!

Congratulations on exceeding my lowest expectations beauty! Perhaps you will never amount to something higher than a sex doll! At least you have those looks for some time!

I will surely have fun with your body from now on, and when I have had enough of you, perhaps I will gift you to my servants! They will surely appreciate the gift!"

His words were poisonous, just like a poisonous snake he was poisoning all her weak spots, making her feel more and more pain.

If he wanted to overwrite her heart, and her whole look on life, and a new reason to live, at first, he needed to give her an electroshock.

He needed to give her dead heart an electroshock to start beating again. Her heart had stopped beating, but she wasn't dead yet, there was still a chance to bring her back to life.

For that reason, he was hitting, and poisoning her where it hurt most, where she would feel the biggest burn, in her pride and arrogance.

At first, it looked like it would be useless because her eyes kept being dead, without even the slightest sign of living.

But the more she heard Tianlong Yun's words the angrier she became. This guy was saying so much shit, just because he could.

Was she really that worthless? Was she really that meaningless? Then what about what she had done until now?

Was it all for nothing? Had she cultivated to such a stage for nothing? Had she lived so long for nothing?

Even though she had been sold from her family, she had been the Queen of Vampires for some time, and she was proud of being one.

Even though her husband was a trash, a scum that always treated her like some kind of sex doll, she still tried to be a good Queen.

She led the palace and tried her best in doing it. People said words behind her back, but no one dared to do that in her face.

As long as she was the Queen all the undercurrents were suppressed, and plots like the one that gave her away wouldn't happen.

She had tried her best to educate, and help her descendants to reach new heights. She had given birth to a daughter, and she had been married to the current King before she died.

Even though she knew that her daughter had been killed, for the sake of her family, and Clan she had left the matter be.

She had given so much to the Clan, and yet the Clan hadn't given her back anything. Was all this so meaningless?

Was she truly just some cheap sex doll just for any man to have his fun with her!? Was she nothing more than an object that man could use to release their lust on?


No, she wasn't! She didn't want to be! She had had enough of all this shit! She was a woman with her own pride and arrogance, and her dead heart once again revived and start beating.

Her white to yellow face turned completely red, as she looked towards Tianlong Yun full of hate and anger and started screaming,

"Stop, stop talking! You know nothing about me! I am not just an object! Shut uppp~!"

Hearing her explosion though Tianlong Yun didn't get startled or angry, in fact, he was satisfied and happy. He was worried for a moment that he wouldn't be able to wake her up again, but now she was.

Still, it was too soon to get satisfied, so he just kept his mocking face, and tone as he said,

"Oh, you aren't dead after all! I thought you were gone for a moment!

But what do I don't know about you? You can't deny anything I said, can you? Just what meaning does your existence have?"

Once again, the old beauty was thrown to the depths of despair, and emptiness. While she had her pride and arrogance, she couldn't use them as meaning to her existence, could she?

And, if she couldn't use those two that boiled her anger a moment ago, then what could she use!? She didn't have much choice, and the ones she had were unacceptable to her.

Once again, she fell to the same low she had been a few moments ago, but right now her heart was still beating and her mind pondering like crazy.

She was looking for an answer and hadn't given up like the previous time. This time she would definitely find something.

But no matter how much she thought about it, she was unable to come up with something good. Her family was a big no, they thought of her as nothing more than merchandise.

Her Clan was an even bigger joke, they had thrown her to the enemies just because she didn't accept being a cheap who*re.

Her descendants, they were useless, and she was so ashamed in front of her grand granddaughter, that made her not want to look at her for as long as she kept living on.

The more she kept pondering, the more she was falling down the drain, and would soon lose the anger that was keeping her alive.josei

Just as she was about to give up once again, she heard Tianlong Yun's voice,

"Well, it's impossible for you to find one now! So why don't you stay alive and by my side until you find one?

I need you and your strength right now, so I want to make use of you! You will need time, space, and more interaction to find your goal, purpose, and meaning in life too.

So, it's a win-win situation!"

His words were like a glass of water in the wide and wild desert for her. He was right! She didn't have any reason to find an answer right now!

She had all the time in the world to do something like that earlier, right now all she had to do was just to keep living.

With those thoughts in her mind, he stayed silent for a few minutes, as finally she opened her mouth and said,

"You are right! I accept!"

Hearing her words, Tianlong Yun wasn't surprised in the least, he already expected such an answer, but he still continued to play his part,

"Are you sure!?"

The old beauty's face twitched for a moment at that remark, as she finally seemed to have calmed down, and said in an exasperated voice,

"Stop playing around young man, I am not that old as to go senile, what other choice do I have!? While I can't say what have you done to me, I know that I am unable to escape your grasp!"

Hearing that, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to want to negate her words, and in fact, it looked like he was proud of that, as he said,

"Haha~! It's good that you understand that! It shows that you are truly an intelligent woman, but let me tell you something though, don't try to use that intelligence against me, it's for your best!"

The old beauty was a bit startled at those words, but she clearly understood the meaning behind them. 'I can help get back on your feet, but I can also throw you to the depths of abyss!'

She didn't know why but she felt truly threatened by that line he said, in fact, she made a mental note to never get on this guy's dark side, ever!

Seeing that she had understood his meaning, Tianlong Yun tried to change the conversation, as he said,

"Well, since we cleared this hurdle, then let me officially welcome you to the Shadow Clan. I am the Patriarch Tianlong Yun!"

But then he was stopped in his tracks, not because of the old beauties shocked expression, as she looked like she could stuff an egg in her mouth, but because he was reminded of something…

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