Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 457

Chapter 457: Bad apples

The next moment though he heard something that made the look on his face even weirder though, as Tianlong Hu Die said,

"There is also one more thing I have to tell you, Master, this might be just me overthinking things, but there have been a few disciples who seemed to have changed attitude.josei

They have become more competitive, and more rough and violent, not caring about their fellow disciples, and only thinking about how to grow stronger.

In fact, a few of them even want to leave the formation area and go fight with the trees head-on. Until now I have been able to manage the situation, but their numbers are slowly growing.

Until now there have been more than 15 of them insisting on something like that, and they are influencing the crowd."

While these words seemed like a meaningless worry to Tianlong Hu Die, they made perfect to Tianlong Yun who knew about the remnants souls of the 'herb roots'.

But that wasn't that big of a problem, the biggest problem, and what he cared about the most, was that his Clan's disciples had disobeyed his orders, and shown greed.

This showed that their education hadn't been like it should and that they weren't as clean and obedient as he thought.

There were more than a few violations in this matter, not only had some of them tried to 'eat' these things on their own when he had clearly told them not to, but they had also spread the news to others.

This was clearly the work of one of those guys from 1st team as they were the only ones that had directly received the 'herb roots'.

Considering the situation, Tianlong Yun thought to clean the yard as soon as he could, otherwise in the next confrontation with the trees his army would fall in shambles.

Making up his mind, he stood up from Tianlong Hu Die's comfy thighs, stretched his body a bit, in order to open his joints, and then asked with a natural tone,

"By the way Die'er for how long have I been unconscious!?"

Tianlong Hu Die was reminded that in her whole report, she had forgotten one of the most important things, but she quickly recollected herself, and said,

"3 days Master!"

Tianlong Yun was a bit startled at that, but he guessed that it was normal considering that he had totally been drained out of any energy in his body.

In fact, he kind of felt like it was still a short time, but he guessed that his bloodline and the Nirvana Flames did their part too.

Not to mention that he could feel that all three components of energy inside his body had received an upgrade.

Most likely if he fought the level 3 tree once again now, his flaming tornado would go for more than a foot deep in its trunk.

Now that he thought about it, that flaming tornado could be a really useful new skill, but that was just the rough draft.

He would have to work more in order to make it a true new skill for him to use. But there was still time for that, as he looked towards Tianlong Hu Die, and said in a serious tone,

"Die'er I want a list of all those disciples in the shortest time possible!"

Tianlong Hu Die was surprised at his words, but she immediately handed over to him a list with all the names and their possible contacts.

Even though it was just a hunch, and most probably just her overly worrying heart, she had already prepared the list, so it was quite easy to hand it over to Tianlong Yun.

On the other hand, as soon as he got the list, Tianlong Yun covered the whole formation area with his spirit sense and transported everyone inside the Old Pouch immediately.

Everyone was startled to have suddenly been transported inside the Old Pouch so suddenly, and there were a few with weird faces in there, but no one dared to talk.

The most surprising fact about this though wasn't that they were inside the Old Pouch, but the fact that they were all confined separately at the training grounds.

That's right, they were all confined separately in there, as they all seemed to be inside some vacuum bubbles, unable to do anything about it

Only their Patriarch had the ability to send all of them inside the Old Pouch like this, and whether they liked it or not, none of them had the guts to say anything against their Patriarch at the moment.

Right as a few of them seemed to be dissatisfied with what happened, Tianlong Yun came out of his tent and started looking at the bubbles in front of him one by one.

He didn't need to use his spirit sense in order to understand that more than a few of his disciples had fallen prey to the remnant souls.

Even though they had experienced a breakthrough in their soul cultivation unknowingly, none of them had the ability, or the knowledge to deal with one of those remnant souls.

These actions of his, and his penetrative eyes had made more than a few of the disciples understand that they had been found, as they all broke all pretense.

Most of them lowered their heads, kneeled on the ground, started crying, and were asking for forgiveness with snot on their faces.

But there were also those guys who started acting completely the opposite, as they started cursing and swearing at Tianlong Yun.

They even started attacking their confinement with all they had, like their life depended on it, even though their actions were meaningless.

Inside the Old Pouch Tianlong Yun was the God of Creation, and everything depended on his choice and will, even the air, Qi, and space were under his rule.

Well, theoretically he could since he had yet to achieve the strength, and the ability to control space at his wish inside the Old Pouch yet, for that reason he was even forced to that vacuum confinement.

But that didn't matter right now, what it mattered was dealing with the created situation and the possible rats.

He was more than 90% sure that the guys who reacted weren't the only ones to have committed the violations, as a few others might think that they were safe.

Precisely for this, he was ready to check them all one by one in order to make sure that none of the rats was able to escape his reach.

But that wasn't all, he had to make sure that such a thought never resurfaced again within his disciples, for that reason he decided to make this a public show.

The next moment, every denizen of the Old Pouch was brought to the training grounds, including the two princesses, and Irina.

They were all startled at first, but then looking at the situation in front of them, their faces turned solemn as they waited for Tianlong Yun to say something.

Everyone in there understood the seriousness of the current situation and looking at the reaction of a few fellow disciples it wasn't hard to conclude that they had done something wrong.

Now that the stage had been totally prepared, Tianlong Yun floated in the air above everyone, and started speaking with a heavy and solemn voice,

"I know that many of you are wondering, and thinking about the reason I have gathered you all here, especially since most of your fellow disciples are confined in your presence.

The reason is simple actually, they all have betrayed my trust, and disobeyed my orders!

I have thought that by now you all would have already learned that my orders are absolute, and even if I ask you to die, then you have no other choice but to do it!

I don't care if this sounds tyrannical, selfish, or unjust to you! This was the deal from the beginning and every one of you understood it clearly.

You are my possession! Everything you have is my possession, whether you like it now or not! Everything you have is mine, and everything you will have is mine!

I decide your life and death! I am your God, whether you like it now or not!"

As he was having that speech all the disciples in the crowd, had their own unique expressions on their faces.

There were the ones who already understood this, and were totally bound to it. There were those who seemed to have their own dissatisfactions and those who clearly opposed it at the moment.

They had all come from the same place, they had all come from the streets, they had all been given another shot at life from Tianlong Yun and the Shadow Clan.

But who said that they would have to always be under him!? They were grateful to him for the opportunity, but nothing more than that.

They had almost completely forgotten the past! Greed is a strange disease, and no matter how much one has, or wins, he would always ask for more, much more.

When these guys heard Tianlong Yun's words to forget about a future where they were the lord, they were clearly dissatisfied, even though they wouldn't say it out loud.

In fact, there were already a few groups inside the Shadow Clan that thought that they could do a better job at being the Patriarch than Tianlong Yun.

For that reason, they had already created their own factions and were vying for strength and power to reach the top.

This thing happened with every generation and group of disciples that Tianlong Yun and the Shadow Clan trained, and one could say that a cleaning process was necessary all the time.

Of course, Tianlong Yun knew about their presence and identity becauseā€¦

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