Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 473

Chapter 473: A Chaotic battlefield

These guys had already lost any sense of reason, or logic. The horrifying pain, suffering, and torture they had gone through had made them lose any sign of it.

While their bodies still maintained a few human characteristics, it was still impossible to think of them as rational beings.

They had turned into real animals, they only survived on their instincts, and simple logic that everything and everyone was an enemy, no matter who it was.

The moment the seals and the barriers broke away, only one thing existed in their minds, revenge! Revenge for the pain they had gone through.

Revenge towards the one that had tortured and made them suffer. Revenge towards the one that had broken their souls, and minds.

It was a truly weird situation, as they wanted to revenge, but couldn't really reason towards whom. Their minds didn't work anymore, all they knew was that any moving object was their enemy.

For that reason, the moment their freedom was restored, they came out of their chambers and run towards the closest place where they could sense a presence.

These lab rooms were in the basement of the main building, as Tianlong Yun didn't want them to be far from him, and his reach.

Furthermore, he could also use the barriers, and the protective formations of the main area of the Old Pouch, and could make sure of the security around them.

The entrance to the basement was in and of itself hidden and protected with a formation that needless to say had been destroyed.

Even though tortured, and broken, these guys still retained their original powers, coupled with the fact that there were no restrictions on them, and their goal, they were nothing short of killing machines.

The moment they got out of the basement facility they were faced with the two groups of disciples that were ready to fight.

After all, with the break of the barriers, the disciples inside composing the defenses had just lost one of their advantages.

Furthermore, they now had to live even under the constant fear, that the princesses and Irina might join opponents, then they would truly be finished.

Still, they had no other way at the moment besides trying to do their best and hold on against the attacks.

On the other side, the 4 maids were leading the remaining clan disciples towards the main building, this time without an intention of retreat.

The break of all the barriers was certainly not a good sign, and they couldn't afford to lay there as their Master was in danger, no matter what they had to go to their Master and help him.

Just as the two sides were going to clash with each other, they suddenly heard a noise on one side of the big hall on the first floor, as dust and debris started rising from the spot.

Both sides were startled and didn't know what to do for a moment, as they both took a defending stance against this sudden mysterious interference.

No one dared to let his guard down, but even that didn't seem sufficient, as some shadows came out of the dusty area, and jumped on a few of the people in front of the groups.

They were fast, really fast, only one instant after they got out of the dust, they had decapitated more than 20 members of each side.

Everyone was shocked to still due to fear for a moment, as their hearts were beating faster, and faster, and they didn't seem able to even move or wish to move.

The new enemies were human-like, but clearly not human. Only their body shape could be assumed to be the same, like the feel, aura, and look in their eyes wasn't human.

Their eyes were bloodshot, their aura was unstable and wavering, as they felt more like wild animals than anything related to logic.

And that was just the beginning, as these animals had come out for blood, they didn't stop and think about their advantage, or scaring these disciples, their target was only one. Blood!

Like this, the two-sided battle of the Shadow Clan's disciples with the 'Light Sect' disciples turned into a crazy defending fight against the newly coming animals.

Everything fell into chaos, as everyone had to dig out all the potential they had in their bodies in order to defend against those freaks.

the people with the most mixed feelings about this situation were the two princesses, and Irina though, as none of them had ever thought they would see their people in this state.

Even though they more or less had accepted their new fates, and lives they still couldn't stay still in front of that, so they reluctantly jump forward and started taking care of them.

The reality was a bit harsh, as even though they had been expecting something like this, seeing it with their own eyes was different.

It was difficult for them, but there was nothing they could do besides trying to give them rest and let them enter the reincarnation cycle.

With them joining the battlefield, things started getting on the right track once again, but this time the rebels were a bit more frightened.

The ladies in question though didn't seem like they cared much about the presence of others, as they were only focused on dealing with their own people.

It was at that moment, that even the other 'Light Sect' disciples from above started descending and running to help their friends.

Even though they were still a bit tired, looking at the situation they couldn't afford to stay back, and not get involved with whatever was happening.

Their friends were in dire need of help, so they immediately joined the fray, but as they did so they made a big stupid mistake.josei

They didn't consider the battle situation in the least before entering, and when they saw the two princesses and Irina, they thought that they had finally joined the enemies' side.

So, they waited for a perfect chance when she was totally surrounded, and stuck up in a fight with 4 opponents, as they immediately released their strongest attacks on her.

Even though they were just Golden Realm Core cultivators the numbers that hit Irina were nothing to joke about as they were more than 200.

These guys weren't the simple and easy Golden Core Realm cultivators either, they were ex-shadow clan members, so their strength was certainly a few levels above the normal guys.

On top of that, it was a surprise attack that Irina didn't seem to be expecting, so the results were clearly unknown.

The moment the attacks piled up together and hit the target, a colorful explosion happened in that place, as a big blinding rainbow appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

That attack caught the attention of both groups, as they didn't know what to make of it. Until now Irina had been neutral, not deciding, but she was certainly an important factor in the fight.

One could say that as the situation, and the circumstances stood then this attack could even be the determinant of the fight.

Either Irina would be killed, and it would give a huge boost of confidence to the new 'Light Sect' and their ambition, or she would survive, and they would have finally angered a sleeping calamity.

At that moment, all the small battles stopped, as everyone turned their eyes towards the new center of attention.

The light and colors didn't last for long, as everyone's sight was cleared, as they were all looking at blood, gore, and body pieces.

There was no sight of the 4 opponents she was facing at the time, as everyone thought that she had been truly killed, and died in that attack.

It was unbelievable not only for the Shadow Clan members but even for the newly created 'Light Sect' guys.

Even though the attack had been quite powerful, they still expected a bit more of a resistance, and fight from her.

This was just too easy! It didn't truly make sense for this! They couldn't believe their luck at the moment.

But, before they could even feel happy about their achievement they saw something that brought them from the high grounds of Heaven to the deepest pits of hell.

All that blood, gore, and pieces started to peel up, just like the skin of a banana, as Irina appeared inside it, without a scratch, and not even a simple stain all over her body, with a clear angry look on her face.

That was the sign for the true start of the battle, as things were certainly going to become crueler, and harsher from now on.

As all this was happening downstairs, the four chancellors in the top chambers were clearly enjoying the fruits of their heroism.

In front of them laid the bodies of Tianlong Yun, and Tianlong Hu Die, one was breathing and had a heartbeat while the other didn't.

This meant that Tianlong Yun was certainly dead, but they couldn't be too sure about it so they decided to completely disintegrate him, after taking all his blood.

But that was for later, as right now they had a much more important person in front of their eyes, none other than Tianlong Hu Die.

Even though she was like a legal loli, there was no one who didn't hold a grudge against her or wanted to subdue her under their bodies.

These 4 guys weren't an exception, as a matter of fact, one of them couldn't bear it anymore, as he extended his hand towards one of her melons.

His idea, and plan were obvious he wanted to grope, and see the texture of that melon, but before he could touch it, the other guy slapped his hand, and said,

"Oy, don't be stupid, Master would kill you if you do it!"

Hearing that the disciple in question immediately retracted his hand in fright and terror, as he seemed to have been reminded of something cruel.

At that moment, he heard a calm, and natural voice by his hear saying,

"Can you guys tell what you are doing here, and who is this Master you are talking about!?"

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