Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 478

Chapter 478: Aftermath, Fear, & Depression

Even though the situation inside the Old Pouch looked extremely fu*cked up at the moment, with the rebels and all them, in reality, it wasn't a really big thing.

As soon as Tianlong Yun took care personally of the Masterminds behind the rebels, who were even more stupid than he thought, as they had just changed owners with what they did, everything else was simple.

All their 'justice and righteousness' brought them was just a fake feeling of freedom, and eventually their death sentence.

If there was one thing that Tianlong Yun would never forgive that was treason. The moment these guys thought of betrayal they had signed their own deaths.

Furthermore, for Tianlong Yun, Tianlong Hu Die was much more important at the moment than some rats who had turned their backs to him.

The Soul Clone was a perfect copy of him at the moment so it was completely clear how he would deal with the idiots who had betrayed him.

Not to mention that he had ordered Irina to take care of all the traitors, and not show mercy to any one of them, he didn't need rats by his side.

Leaving everything on his maids' hands, he took Tianlong Hu Die to his cultivation chamber as he waited for her to wake up.

He had been truly scared when he saw her lying on the floor, slowly withering away. In fact, he could feel his heart skipping more than a beat at the time.

At the same time, he was reminded of Tianlong Xia. They shared a really deep soul connection with each other, and he was certain that she had felt that he had disappeared for some time.

In fact, most probably she had experienced something similar, which made him feel really sorry for causing her extra pain, but there was nothing he could do.

The most he could do was to finish things here as quickly as he could and return to her side to see how she was doing.

After what happened to him, Tianlong Yun understood one thing, his family, and his women were much more precious to him than anything else.

They were his roots, and also his wheels, and wings, as long as he had them by his side he would be able to fly through the endless horizon fully motivated and determined to reach the end of the peak.

This didn't mean he had forgotten about his revenge, or about his other priorities, it just meant that this was his biggest priority.

With these thoughts in mind, he waited more than one day for Tianlong Hu Die to finally awake from her slumber, and see her beautiful eyes once again.

All this time he had only been looking at her sleepy face, and her figure, without even blinking once, as he didn't want to miss her awakening.

The moment she did, there were a few tears falling down from her eyes, through her cheeks, and ending to her ears.

Her tears weren't tears of pain and suffering, but tears of happiness, as her beloved was truly alive and was there by her side.

That huge fear and burden on her body and Soul had been relieved, and now she could finally see him again, hug him, kiss him, make love to him.

Without losing any second, Tianlong Hu Die immediately jumped over him, as she pushed him down on the ground.

She didn't understand what she was doing, her body was out of her control, she just knew that she wanted to feel her beloved as much as possible, she wanted to prove his existence.

The only way she was thinking she could do something like this at the moment, was making love to him and feeling him complete her body once again.

Tianlong Yun didn't want to let her do this as she was still weak, but looking at her erratic movements, kisses, and care he knew that stopping her would make things worse.

The only thing he could do about this, was try and be really gentle with her, as they once again melted their bodies into one.

Tianlong Hu Die kept him inside that room for more than one week, as she was afraid that he might disappear from her side at any moment.

It was only after one week that she gradually was convinced once again that Tianlong Yun was really alive, and he wouldn't just disappear.

It would take a while for her to return to the same girl she had been before this happened, but if she surpassed this state, then she would become even better.

While right now she was totally paralyzed by fear, once she was able to surpass this fear she would grow and mature a lot, and she would be even more of a help for him.

But he would have to wait a little a bit for that! Even though she was a really intelligent, and smart woman, she was only 17 years old young girl who had gone through two similar traumas.

One when her family abandoned her, and once when she thought she had lost him. Both of these traumas had left a mark on her, that she would have to recuperate from.

At the moment, Tianlong Yun was looking at the changes inside the Old Pouch, and the aftermath of what had happened.

After the rebellion had been put down, the maids with Irina's and the two princesses' help had managed to clean up the whole place from any remnant rebel.

No one was forgiven, no matter how much they pleaded, or begged they were all beheaded without exception.

Even the ladies that had been used by the leaders of the rebels weren't an exception! No matter what fate they had, their choice was already done.

In such cases being kind to these rats was being cruel to oneself and family! The lives of some rats weren't worthy enough for him to spoil the peace of his family.

In the passing weak light had turned inside the Old Pouch, and at the same time, all the barriers and seals were redone.

A surprising fact of his third rebirth was the fact that the slave seals on his current slaves had become much stronger, and the connection run much deeper.

It was like on top of the original seal now there was another one, much stronger, and much more complicated than the first one.

Making him totally certain of the safety of the seals, but as he was thinking like this, his mind started hovering over something else.

Could have the same thing happened with his old slaves in the Immortal World once he got his second rebirth!?

If that was true and possible then what could have happened to them?

One had to know that as the Crown Prince of the Royal Dragon Clan, Tianlong Yun had millions of slaves under his wing, and a lot of them had considerable strength, that could help him at the moment.josei

If people couldn't replace his seals on them, then they wouldn't be much useful or valuable to them, and most would end up as spare products.

If possibly he had the chance and opportunity to find them and buy them for a cheap price then he would have another source of power on his hands.

But that was all in the future right now, he had more important things to care about, like sweeping clean the Nightmare Forests, and grabbing hold of the inheritance.

With the purge after the rebellion, there were left only 974 disciples, and 24 Shadow Hall members, but the ones left were the truly loyal and selected few.

On top of that, he also had enough information on the power withheld within the Nightmare Forests, and the troubles he would have to go through in order to reach his goal.

In the memories he received from the level 3 tree, he now had a piece of general information over the layout of the Nightmare Forest and its strength.

His information couldn't be said to be 100% complete and up to date but at least it was a good start for him.

With those thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun was looking at the disciples inside the Old Pouch, everyone seemed really gloomy and depressed.

Who wouldn't be after all that happened in such a short period of time, everything had gone from good to worse in just short few weeks.

Tianlong Yun couldn't blame that much, as they had seen their fellow disciples, their friends, and brothers turn their tails on them, and try to kill them.

This certainly wasn't something that would make these guys feel good about, in fact, it was already good enough that they were in the state they were.

But even for them, this was a good chance to grow up, and mature. Once they did they would turn into really strong fighters, but Tianlong Yun couldn't wait long for them.

They had to sweep clean the Nightmare Forests in the shortest time possible, as only like that would he be able to return to his Tianlong Yue, Lu Bing, and the other disciples.

It had been a long time since he last saw them, and he was afraid that something might have happened to them.

Only when he saw Tianlong Hu Die on the floor was he able to understand the pain of losing someone close to him, and he didn't want to relive that feeling.

For all of the above reasons, he had no time to lose, as he flew up in the air, in the middle of the Old Pouch, as he started speaking his mind to his loyal soldiers…

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