Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 481

Chapter 481: Upgrades

The five level 3 trees were set up in a pentagon structure at first, surrounding the mother tree in the middle of it.

The structure would change every time that Tianlong Yun took down one of those trees, as they always tried to protect the mother tree from the enemy.

So, Tianlong Yun and his disciples had to take quite a roundabout way, but still, he finally managed to reach here.

Now that all the level 3 trees had been cleared in the surroundings, the pressure into what had previously been the Nightmare Forests was already at 50%.

Even though Tianlong Yun and his army had cleaned the outer area of any possible tree, the pressure still remained in the prior area.

Most probably that was the area that the mother tree could spread its pressure, and one had to accept that it was a terrifying one.

After all, with the earlier pressure, even light particles couldn't be found in these places, making it a pitch-black abyss.

Even though right now the situation had changed quite a bit, as light particles had somewhat restored in the place, it still was nothing more than dusk.

The vision of everyone in there was only around 100 meters or so, but at least the power they could use had increased, and the amount of Soul Power they exhausted had fallen sharply.

Coupled with the experience of fighting these trees every day for more than 2 months, the disciples had turned into powerful chainsaws each and every one of them.

In these 2 months, many things had happened, as each of the disciples by Tianlong Yun's side had matured so much and gotten really strong.

Tianlong Hu Die had matured a lot too, as right now, she totally completed the look of a legal loli, not only in appearance but also in her conduct, and attitude.

Even though she still was a bit clingy towards Tianlong Yun, due to her fear that he might disappear, she was slowly regaining her old trust, and belief in him.

The 4 maids weren't an exception to the change either, as after they showed their unwavering loyalty towards Tianlong Yun, he had decided to seriously help them get stronger.

He had used everything he could to nurture them to get stronger, as right now, each and every one of the four maids was close to entering the Nascent Soul Realm.

The 4 of them could have already taken the step to enter the Nascent Soul Realm, but Tianlong Yun had advised them to be patient and stabilize their foundation if they wanted to walk far in cultivation.

After the treatment, they had received the 4 maids who had totally subjugated to Tianlong Yun and never questioned his word, or orders anymore.

The two princesses and Irina also had their benefits, as Tianlong Yun had started to guide the Ruthless Princess and Irina in regards to Soul Power.

Even though it was really difficult for them to understand it and work through it, they were nonetheless on their right path, and slowly were making up for their weakness.

He could have helped them more, but he first wanted to win their loyalty, certainly, they were his slaves and abiding by his whims and orders now, but what would happen if they escaped it.

This world was far too big, and Tianlong Yun wasn't some overconfident idiot who would think that he was at the top of anything.

He always abided by the expression saying that there is a higher mountain and a deeper sea. While he hadn't seen anyone able to remove his seal until now, it didn't mean it didn't exist.

So, he had to be extra careful about it, without having the full loyalty he would never give them more than needed.

In fact, even what he was doing right now, it was a kind of trick to make them more curious and interested about him, and what he had to offer.

As for the thirteenth princess, her situation was a bit different, with his experiments, Tianlong Yun had found out that while the Werewolves didn't have high-regeneration they had a tough body.

Their skin, bones, and even fur seemed to be impenetrable by people of the same level, and even weapons had difficulty cutting their hide, and bodies.

But that wasn't all, when they transformed to their true shape, which in the thirteenth princess case was just a human with extra fur, fangs, and sharp teeth, they performed a kind of soul attack.

The thirteenth princess didn't seem to understand that she was doing that, but it certainly happened, so Tianlong Yun started guiding her too, but more carefully.

The last but not least, Tianlong Yun himself had gotten quite a harvest these two months, especially after refining the cores of the 5 level 3 trees.

Not only had he recovered more than 50% of the technique that the Soul Gold had left behind, but he was also about to break through the Soul Grandmaster Realm, and enter the Soul Lord Realm.

In fact, he had already surpassed the Soul Power requirements to break through, and he could do it anytime, but he had personally decided against it and was forcefully stopping himself from doing so.

It hadn't been long since Tianlong Yun had entered the Soul Grandmaster Realm, and if he went too quick he feared that he might create an unstable development.josei

Slow and steady, was better than rash and careless, so he had decided to forcefully impede his breakthrough as much as he could.

That wasn't all there was to it though, as in these two months he had been able to break through even in his Qi cultivation Realm, as he was now an 8th level Nascent Soul Realm cultivator.

If he took everything into consideration, his Qi cultivation, Soul cultivation, and all his trump cards, then he was assured that he would be more than able to fight with a 3rd level Soul Formation cultivator.

And while he couldn't fight equally with people stronger than that, escaping was not an issue. In fact, he was sure that as long as he didn't fight a God he would be able to escape with his life.

Well, it would be more accurate to say with his soul, as with the Soul Splitting technique available to him, as long as one of his Soul Clones existed he would be able to live.

One pleasant thing he had discovered in the meantime was that whenever one of his Soul Clones was destroyed, all the information it had gathered until then would appear in his main Soul Avatar.

This was truly bendy, especially considering its utility in scouting missions and information gathering mission.

Even if he lost his Soul Clone he would still have the information of what his Soul clone had discovered until then.

This was certainly a great advantage for him, especially considering the fact that besides this place, in Earth, or in the Immortal World, soul cultivators were almost inexistent.

It was almost because there was nothing certain in this huge ass universe they were living, nobody knew the end of it, so it was more than logical to think that they hadn't discovered everything until now.

Not to mention that the fact that such a place existed, and that there had already existed a Soul God made this whole thing even more probable.

In these 2 months though Tianlong Yun had created precisely 63 soul clones, which all seemed to have the cultivation of a Soul apprentice.

The fact that he was forcefully impending his soul cultivation was a big fat reason why he had been able to create so many of them, as he used them as a reason to expend extra Soul Power.

The more this continued, the more it seemed like it wouldn't be enough, so lately he was thinking of creating stronger Soul Clones, with higher Soul cultivation.

Most of these Soul Clones were lying around or placed in safe locations in order to secure Tianlong Yun's life, but they also had their own uses.

Tianlong Yun had discovered that he could use his Soul Clones in any object animate or inanimate that he wished, but only those placed in one animate object were truly useful.

The soul clones integrated into inanimate objects would only treat that object as their new resting home, and stay there, while those placed on animate things would take full control of the target.

It was the same as replacing the already existing Soul Avatar inside it and turning it into some kind of incarnation subject of Tianlong Yun.

If the incarnation was located in an area that Tianlong Yun's spirit sense covered, he would be even able to take control of it, and also of its senses.

Otherwise, it would act as a puppet with Tianlong Yun's character, until it developed its own, and started to develop itself.

The biggest difference between a puppet-like those that Tianlong Yun was using on earth, and these things was that those were dead living through special methods, while these ones were totally alive.

If one was really sensitive towards death aura, and death energy, or looked at its empty soul they would totally understand that it was a puppet.

But the puppets created through his soul clones were totally indiscernible, unless someone entered the conscience sea of the said puppet, they would never understand that it was under his control.

He had just started to discover these things, but he was already extremely satisfied with what he had discovered until now, he couldn't wait to see what he found out next.

But that was all for later, as right now it was time for the attack to start!

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