Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 483

Chapter 483: Preparations for the Last Boss

Well, stolen was a big word actually, he was just using them to train his disciples in order to make them stronger.

Even though their rate of progression towards the center fell down quite a bit, they were getting better and better by the day.

It truly slowed down the rate they were going towards the goal, but it made their steps safer and steadier.

In fact, this training method was working so well that in fact, Eric thought that they would be able to breakthrough with a solid foundation before they made it there.

He couldn't believe how he had forgotten about this and didn't do it earlier. The results of the training were clearly in front of his eyes.

With the new training though, their speed towards the center fell by about 1-2% at first, but it was stable.

In 15 days, they had finally reached the 90% pressure area, as the darkness had already covered the area they just like when they first entered the place.

Everything was dark around, their vision and spirit sense had once again been somewhat blocked, and they couldn't sense beyond a 7-8 meters radius.

Well with the exception of a few, and their Patriarch Tianlong Yun, who was able to sense up to a 90 meters radius.

This disparity wasn't just 11-12 times stronger if you even calculated the fact that almost in every 5-10 meters the pressure in the area increased, making it even more difficult to look beyond.

Still, everyone could already feel that in front of them was now a terrifying enemy that made all the hairs in their bodies stand straight up.

Just the idea of that thing being so close to them made them feel so terrible right now, as for the first time they even had thoughts of turning back, and escaping.

It felt like their life was not in their hands any longer like they were at the whims and wishes of someone that was much, much more powerful than them.

But that wasn't all there was to it, Tianlong Yun had sensed the presence of at least 1 more level 3 tree at the moment.

Which made him feel quite a bit dreadful, not only did he have to fight against the level 4 mother tree, but there were still powerful minions around it.

The good thing was that until now he could only feel one more level 3 tree in the area, and another one on the verge of leveling up, as there was no sign of the mother tree.

He didn't quite understand what was going on, but one thing was for sure they couldn't stop now, or take their time anymore, they had to go take it down as fast as they could.

Their current strength wasn't enough though. According to the best estimations that Tianlong Yun could think about, they still had around a 30% chance of victory.

That was considering that Tianlong Yun took care of the mother tree in time, as the disciples blocked the level 3 trees.

Even in that estimation more than half of the disciples would be lost. An estimation that Tianlong Yun wasn't satisfied with.

For that reason, he had to think of something else, and fast!

Anyway, the most important thing at the moment was for all the disciples to start breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

In these 15 days their foundation had solidified, even though it wasn't as much as he would want it to be, he didn't have other options right now.

With one thought he immediately brought everyone inside the Old Pouch, as he immediately gave his order for everyone to breakthrough in less than a week.

Whoever was unable to make the breakthrough in less than a week would be left inside the Old Pouch when they made the final strike.

In order to increase their chances of pulling it off, he also gave them a month's resources for this chance.

If they weren't able to pull it off even after all this, then most probably they had reached their upper potential, and if they didn't have some weird chance, they wouldn't be able to proceed forward.josei

He also told the Shadow Hall members to go on and enter secluded cultivation this one week, as in their final assault they would be by his side, including Tianlong Hu Die, Irina, and the two princesses.

The 4 maids would lead the disciples in order to keep the area around them safer, as they tried to block off the rest of the trees from attacking them.

The reason why he had left them behind was that he trusted their skills, but most importantly believed in their loyalty, and that would be really important during the fight.

Furthermore, Irina and the other two princesses would be great guards to him as he fought against the mother tree.

With that out of the way, it was finally time for his last preparations for the final fight!

Firstly, he had to think about the fact that Irina and the two princesses were vulnerable to the soul attacks from the trees, so he had to create some kind of protection for them.

It was by pure coincidence actually, but he had found out that that weird metal cube he had found inside the formation inheritance where he found the Old Pouch was a really good insulator of Soul Power.

Even though he had used a large part of it to smith weapons, and other necessary tools there was still more than a bit left.

In fact, with the thing's sturdiness, and resistance to general attacks would be a waste if he didn't smith some much better weapons, so he had left it for when he increased his strength and his fire.

It was clear that the thing was material for divine weapons, but right now he couldn't find another way to make this work, as he immediately got in action.

The first two days of the week Tianlong Yun was totally occupied with smithing, as at the end of the second day he had managed to smith 1035 helmets.

He guessed that since this was a really important battle he couldn't afford to be stingy with the materials, and preparations so he made a helmet for each member of his current army.

Furthermore, there was still a lot of that amazing iron left for him to play around with once he reached the peak of his smithing and alchemic abilities.

This took care of the defense stuff, but he still didn't feel like this would be enough. He had a truly bad feeling about this.

Well seeing how everything stood right now, Tianlong Yun thought that it was time to use that thing, even though he didn't like the idea of it, he still needed to use it as a last-moment measure.

For the next 5 days before the operation started nobody was able to even look at Tianlong Yun's shadow.

Even Tianlong Hu Die wasn't able to meet with him, as he had told her that he had important things to take care of.

For almost a whole week, the Old Pouch seemed to be a deserted land even though there were still people inside it.

It was only around the 5th day that finally noises and sounds started appearing through the whole place, as screams of happiness, and achievement started breaking the silence.

On the 5th day, more than 100 disciples were able to make a breakthrough easily, as they would use the two remaining days to stabilize their breakthrough.

On the 6th day, the number sharply rose up to 650 disciples that were able to break through, as the rest finally made it on the 7th day, with a 100% break-through rate.

All the disciples had successfully broken through and were raring to go outside and put an end to all this.

The only one missing was their Patriarch, but none of them dared to even think about asking for an explanation, or whine about his lateness.

It took Tianlong Yun a full hour after the announced time to finally appear in front of them, looking like he had found the cure to cancer or AIDS, not that it would be difficult for him.

Immediately after he started handing over the helmets to them, one by one, making everyone's spirit and more rise sharply, as he said,

"These helmets will protect you against soul attacks, even though a bit crude they are really useful. If you are able to come out victorious of this fight, I will make you guys my divine guards."

Having such a thing would already be extremely useful to the fight, but hearing their Patriarch's words, made each and every one of them have their blood boil in their veins.

Tianlong Yun didn't say anything extra for a while, as he just looked at the faces of everyone participating, and finally said with a low but clear voice,

"Are you ready to go out there and put an end to all this!?"

"Yes, Patriarch!!!"

As soon as he said those words, the whole army in front of him started screaming that in a synchronous voice.

"Very well I expected nothing less of you! Just remember, no matter how difficult the situation out there looks, and sounds as long as you don't give up we will find a way to win this."

The army didn't quite understand his words, but nonetheless, they seemed confident of themselves, and their chances to win this last battle.

Satisfied with their attitude Tianlong Yun immediately teleported everyone outside, and as they took their positions Tianlong Yun was taking a look at the enemies only to be completely stupefied by what he sensed…

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