Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 102 - The Fear Of Death

Chapter 102 - The Fear Of Death

"How could you talk about a child's life in such a manner? If you were going to act in such a manner, why did you adopt her? Why did you bring her into this family to be treated in such a way?"

"I adopted her for Anna and the result was good. Anna woke up from coma because of the girl, what else do ask of from her? She made you proud by flaunting her designing skills but she refused to work for you. I think the girl is dead. We will wait for a while before we think of her funeral."

"Have you lost your mind? I don't intend to let go of that girl just like I waited for Anna to return. Have you ever thought that someone might be using those kids to hurt us?"

"Two very different people took them. The people who did appear to be way powerful that I don't intend to get involved as far as we don't get hurt. How many times have we been in positions where they could easily take us but they never did."

"Just get out," Valerie ordered him when she could not bare to keep listening.

Justin stood up and walked out without hesitation. He was happy Rose was finally out of their lives after playing her role well. He was tired of having to answer questions from the Royal council over and over about Rose.

Rose's existence was either tagging him as a betrayer by taking care of the late Queen's daughter or tagging his wife as a cheat who had a child out of wedlock and he was tired of wearing a green hat.

Rose was a beautiful girl and he could still remember her smile which made him sad to lose such a beautiful asset but he was not going to go beyond his boundaries to help her. Anna have new friends now and she could definitely survive without Rose.


"It hurts all over," Rose cried as soon as she felt those familiar arms around her.

"Shh . . . You are going to be alright?" the deep musical voice that she could still remember clearly even in this life whispered soothingly.

Why was every she associated with her angel the same with that of Liam. His voice, his hug, they were all the same. Was he her angel all long?

She felt him put pressure on her bleeding wound and that was all her senses caught before she drifted off.

This had to be a simple dream, right? Rose wished that it was all a dream that she never got stabbed by a psychopathic pretty lady. Just like most wishes don't come through, her wish did not come through as she groaned when the pain in her abdomen woke her up.

"It was not a dream," she moaned closing her eyes immediately she opened them. She could not seem to get use to the feeling of the light in the room. It was not too bright but it wasn't dim either. It would have been very comfortable on a normal day.

"It was not a dream," a deep voice echoed close to her.

"I wish it was," she told the owner of the voice with a slight pout of her lower lips.

She opened her eyes to see Liam sitting on a chair beside the bed she laid on.

"Same here. You almost lost your life. This is the reason I told you to stay away from Star city," he scolded.

"I should not be scolded considering my state," she murmured further pouting when she met his gaze.

"I am happy to see you in this state. You will be alright soon. The knife went through your liver, you had to undergo a liver transplant," he told her and stood up.

"Really?" she asked surprised and placed her hand on the place that hurt most. She could feel the dressing of the wound underneath her fingers.

"Luckily, you woke up well. You will get better as days go by," he told her as he adjusted the blanket covering her.

"Perhaps you did all this to make me believe you. The timing was almost too perfect," Rose said watching him closely as she spoke.

Liam did not answer her and ignored her totally. He grabbed his coat and left the room almost immediately and soon people she assumed were doctors and nurses walked into the room.

She scoffed and looked away. If he thinks she will let any of this strangers close to her then he was fantasizing. "Leave me alone," Rose said and made an attempt to get down from the bed when the doctor who was in his mid fifties made an attempt to check the bag of fluid hung up.

The man took cautious steps away from her along with the others and one of them ran to call Liam back. She smiled secretly when that happened although she really found herself unable to trust anyone else.

"What do you want now?" Liam asked with a sigh when he walked back into the room with a frown.

"Nothing. I don't just trust them," she replied sincerely as she met his gaze pleadingly.

"I have to go out for an urgent meeting I don't think I can stay with you. They are all trustworthy and if anything happens, they will lose their lives and their families will join them," Liam said very easily.

"Cruel," she said under her breathe. She flinched when he moved close and gave her a gentle pat on her head.josei

She seemed to have forgotten she was not talking to a normal person. Just like the others in the room froze when they heard him, it seems she was also scared of the power he welded.

"Be good," he said almost begging.

Rose pressed her lips together before nodding but she couldn't calm the fear she felt left in the room with people she was very unfamiliar with. It was better to be with him since she felt he thinks she is of great importance to get hurt.

"Fine, I will just watch from the side," he told her sitting down when he saw that she was sincere. It pleased him to know Rose trusted him and that was a sign of progress, right? He glanced at his wrist watch and rested his gaze on Rose through out.

Rose watched him secretly as she could not keep her eyes off his alluring grey eyes that reminded her well polished silver under a bright afternoon sun. She gulped when she met his gaze and looked away like the guilty culprit she was.

She listened inattentively to what the doctor had to say as her mind travelled back to the restroom where it all happened. She have heard and read about psychopaths in novels but she have never seen one or confirm fully that someone was one.

She actually had an encounter with a psychopathic serial killer and she was a victim. She looked down at her hands clinched together resting on her lap. It was scary way more scary than what happened to her in her past life.

She actually begged for helped despite her vow never to. She remembered the plea she made just before the knife was pulled out. The memory of the pain made it feel so real like a replay of the whole event. She actually thought it was over and she was definitely going to die.

"Rose are you okay?" She heard Liam's voice call out.

Opening her eyes to see the worried expression he wore through her tears-clouded eyes, she realized she had been crying out. She shook her head furiously as she continued crying this time completely unrestrained.

The doctors and nurses immediately excused them but Rose was totally unaware as she continued crying. "It is okay. You are fine now," Liam whispered calmly as he rubbed her back gently.

"I thought I was going to die. I was all alone. It hurts everything hurts. I am scared she will find me and kill me. If she finds me again, I might not be able to escape death again. She said it was a message from the Queen," Rose paused occasionally to narrate as she continued crying.

"You did not die. I will never let you die even if I need to travel through time to ensure you survive. You are not alone anymore. Whoever she is, I will find her and make sure she doesn't get close to you," Liam made so many promises he wanted to keep even if it costs his life.

Rose hugged him tighter finding refuge in his embrace. "Why is the whole world coming after me?"

"Even if they do, I won't let them," Liam promised as he continued patting her back soothingly.

She buried her face into his chest and inhaled deeply letting her tears wet his shirt without hesitation. She remembered the few seconds before her death and how he promised her that he will help her avenge.

"When you feel better, you will tell me all that happened, okay? We are tracing the person who did this to you and as soon as we find her, she won't be able to hurt you ever again," Liam promised her.

"No," Rose snapped moving away from his embrace. "No, I am ready to talk now so you can find her earlier. I also want to go home."

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