Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 218 - The Boss's Double

Chapter 218 - The Boss's Double

"Yes. I want to. I am worried about you," the man replied sincerely. "I will get you water."

Liam relaxed on the swivel chair after turning it to face the door. He took a deep breath with a warm smile as he watched himself walk out of the room.

He pulled open the drawer and picked his pills case and placed it on the table waiting for him to return.

It was very easy for him to persuade his young self into doing a lot of things for him including warning the Queen of the impending danger she was going to face.

He did not need to persuade his younger self to save the princess's life because fate had planned it all.

He smiled when the young man returned to his study and placed a glass of water in the table carefully and sat on the table watching him closely.

All his recorded and unrecorded achievements were not achieved by him alone although most of them were his ideas but he got a lot of help from this young man.

"Old man. You should really take care of yourself," the young man told him making him chuckle softly as he opened the pill case and took out the pills he was to take for that moment.

"I will but it won't make much difference. You are to protect her or you will be forced to return to save her once again and it will be a very stressful circle," Liam advices as he reached for the glass of water the man was handing over to him.

"I will surely come back if I have to. I will but I will try not to," the young man told him with a sincere smile.

"You look really good. I bet she won't be able to tell us apart except that you look more bulky than I do."

"Why not? I am younger."

With the pills few inches away from his lips, Liam frowned when he felt an uncomfortable feeling crawl up his throat.

He opened his mouth letting a metallic red substance escape his parted lips down to his lap and the table in a large Queen.

The young man immediately went into panic mode as he got down from the table he sat on and reached for the shoulder of the older man.

"This is bad," he said as soon as Liam passed out in his arms.


No one was shocked by the appearance of the healthy man standing beside the bed of the almighty Mr. Hale who laid unconscious than Charlie.

He and his best friends have worked for Liam for a while now and they had no idea that Liam had a twin brother or more like a clone.

The only difference they could find was that the Liam lying on the bed looked older and more experienced in almost all areas of life than the man standing beside the bed looking very worried.

He could not ask what was going on because he knew very well that the man on the bed was his boss but he could not decide how to address the other man.

Despite all that, he knew that it was compulsory that he show respect to the man standing beside the bed.

He wondered how the man had gotten into Liam's home and study without him or anyone else noticing.

"He needs more time, Leah," the young man who none of them knew how to address suddenly spoke after a long awkward silence after all the noise and busy activities of setting Liam on life support was over.

Leah found words stuck in her throat. She was not the only doctor working to see that Liam was in good health, her superiors were in charge she was only asked to assist them occasionally.

When Rose was in the hospital, she oversaw Rose's wellbeing because she was a lot easier to get along than the other doctors.

She respected her overall boss and knew about his condition but she had no idea why the strange yet familiar young man was talking to her not to the older senior doctors in the room.

The young man looked very pissed as his grey eyes looked frightening intense.

"You must save his life or you will all follow him as soon he dies. I will kill every single one of you. I will bury you all along with him including all your family members none excluded."

The coldness in his eyes was nothing like any coldness they have seen or felt.

It looked like it was burning them over as well as sending chills down their spines and raising every single hairs on their skin.

It was certain that he meant every single word he said and there was nothing they will be able to do to escape his clutches but the doctors knew there was nothing more they could do to save the unconscious man on the bed.

"He can't die. He must not," the young man said seriously. He glanced at everybody in the room before he walked out of the room unhurriedly.

The normal thing to do was to exhale since everyone of them in the room had held their breath but they could not do that until after they had concluded that he was not going to return.

Even when they exhaled they tried not to do it loudly. Leah escaped the room to her a restroom floors below that floor.

She exhaled loudly in the safety of the restroom and splashed cold water on her face.

Who said Liam was scary? Whoever that young man was, he was definitely a lot more dangerous than Liam.josei

She felt a psychopath vibe from him with the way he maintained a cold expressionless countenance.

She shivered subconsciously and met the gaze of her reflection on the glass. Who that young man was, is something she could not guess the more she tried.

Staring at her reflection on the mirror, a thought crawled into her mind.. That young man felt like Liam's reflection but a dangerous one.

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