Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 438

Chapter 438

Chapter 438: THE NATURE’S SONG

“WOAH, TTEOKBOKKI,” Neoma said, amazed by her Soul Beast’s transformation after Stephanie and Alphen dressed him up earlier. “You look like a young noble now.”

Tteokbokki, in his human form, wouldn’t fit in her clothes because he was taller than her.

Thus, her Soul Beast had to borrow clothes from Lewis.

Tteokbokki just wore a simple linen dress shirt, pants, and combat boots. The accessories he wore from head to toe were also on the simpler side. But there was something about the way he carried himself that reminded her Tteokbokki was supposed to be a god.

“Thug princess, your mob boss of a father almost killed me back when we were still both babies. Back then, it was inevitable because you and your father had a sour relationship,” Tteokbokki, who suddenly hid behind her when the door of her bedroom burst open, whispered to her. “So, I can’t believe I almost died at your father’s again just when the two of you have been getting along well recently.”

“Exactly, Tteokbokki,” Neoma whispered back. “My Papa Boss almost killed you because we’re finally getting along well. Papa Boss only has two moods: it’s either he hates you enough to kill you or he loves you so much that he’d kill for you- there’s no in between.”

“You de Moonasterios are really crazy.”


“Stop stating the obvious, Tteokbokki.”

Her Papa Boss cleared his throat to get their attention. “Stop talking as if I’m not here,” he said sternly. “And you, puny dragon. As long as you’re in your human form, I won’t allow you to stay close to my daughter.”

Her father waved his hand.

And just like that, Tteokbokki was sent flying.


But this time, it seemed like her father held back. After all, Tteokbokki didn’t hit the wall. Her Soul Beast was just sent to the other side of the room by her Papa Boss’ wave force.

[Poor Tteokbokki looks shocked.]

If she looked closer, she’d see that her Soul Beast was on the verge of crying.

“Papa Boss, stop bullying Tteokbokki,” she scolded her father. “You’re making him cry.”

Her father glared at her. “So, you’re taking his side?”

“Come on, Papa Boss,” she said while shaking his head. “I already told you that I won’t get seduced by the dragon I raised. Tteokbokki is just like another younger brother to me.”

“I’m afraid I can’t trust you, Neoma.”

“But why not, Papa Boss?”

“Because you’re weak against handsome boys.”

Oh, god.

Her reputation wasn’t looking good. But she could deny her. She was really a sucker for pretty faces.

“But Tteokbokki isn’t even human, Papa Boss,” she said. “Don’t worry too much.”

Her Papa Boss remained frowning.

“Can you please stop speaking nonsense?”

It was the always grumpy William, of course.

The Grand Spirit, who left earlier saying that he needed to retrieve the key to the Black Ocean, finally returned.

[Ohh... Master looks happy.]

William had a semi-permanent frown on his face, but his eyes were shining. It wasn’t every day you’d see the Grand Spirit in a good mood.

“Is everything ready?” her Papa Boss asked.

[Ah, it isn’t only William who’s happy and excited today.]

Her Papa Boss had a resting bitch face, but his pretty ash-gray eyes were sparkling with excitement.

“Yes, everything is ready,” William said calmly. The Grand Spirit was always snapping at her Papa Boss for no reason. But this time, William was in a good mood, and as a result, he was interacting with the emperor like the proper adult that he should be. “Neoma de Moonasterio just needs to get in her Spirit form, then we can leave.”

It was pretty amusing to see two men, who were always grumpy, acting like little kids excited to open their birthday presents. Her Papa Boss and her Master both looked innocent at the moment- all for the same reason.

[They really love Mama Boss.]

Once again, she felt a fit of unreasonable jealousy towards her own mother.

She couldn’t help it, though.

[Aside from my family and friends, everyone wants me dead. Mama Boss, on the other hand, is loved even by great Spirits. I mean, I don’t need them to love me. But at least let me live in peace?]

“Neoma?” her father called for her, snapping her out of her trance. “Is everything okay?”

She smiled and nodded, telling herself to focus. “Yes, Papa Boss,” she said, then she turned to William. She avoided her father’s gaze on purpose because she didn’t want him to realize that she was feeling jealous of how her Mama Boss was loved. “Master, do I just need to get in my Spirit form?”

“Yes,” William said in a controlled yet still obviously excited voice. “I’ll take care of the rest. After all, I’m the only one who can bring you and your Soul Beast to the Black Ocean safely.”

She gave the Grand Spirit a thumbs up. “`Gotcha.”

“Neoma, if it gets too dangerous, you may return.”

She turned to her father with a shocked look on her face. Knowing how much her Papa Boss loved her Mama Boss, she couldn’t believe she heard those words from him. “But you can’t wait to meet Mama Boss again, Papa Boss.”

“That’s true,” her father admitted. “But I don’t want you to rescue your mother at the expense of your own safety.”

William rolled his eyes at her father’s sentimental words.

If the situation wasn’t serious, she would have teased her Papa Boss for being cheesy. But to be honest, she was touched by her father’s words even though they were sappy.

[Papa Boss loves Mama Boss more than he loves Nero and me.]

So, to hear her father tell her to prioritize her safety over her rescue mission was touching.

“Mona wouldn’t be happy if you get hurt while trying to rescue her,” her Papa Boss said gently. “And I won’t forgive myself for letting you shoulder this alone if that happens.”


She almost cried.

[Papa Boss, we’ve truly gone a long way.]

Neoma, to lighten the mood because she didn’t want to cry, made finger hearts to her father. “Papa Boss, saranghaeyo1.”

Her Papa Boss looked confused because he didn’t understand the Korean word she just said.

Neoma didn’t offer an explanation, though, because she was shy.

[I’ll say it properly to you someday, Papa Boss.]


NERO, who was sitting on the rocking chair beside the window, clicked his tongue. “Why are they noisy?”

He was talking about the Spirits in the Frozen Wood.

This time, it seemed like even the trees, the snow, and the animals in there were making noises. He was used to hearing Spirits. But for some reason, the noises he was hearing at the moment were too much for him.

“They’re not making noises, Prince Nero,” Dahlia, who was still wrapped in a thick blanket while having her second mug of hot chocolate in front of the fireplace, said without looking at him. This crybaby was still avoiding his gaze. “They’re singing, Your Royal Highness.”

To be honest, he wanted to ignore the Black Witch.

But he was morbidly curious as to why the Spirits and the other “living” things around them were “singing.” josei

He didn’t have to ask, though, as she continued speaking to him.

“They’re singing because they’re happy about Lady Mona Roseheart’s return.”

He raised an eyebrow. “My mother hasn’t been rescued yet.”

“But she will soon emerge from the Black Ocean,” Dahlia said. “My friends on the island told me that Lady Roseheart will be returning to the surface.”

“Your friends?”

“The fish you met when you visited me in my dream, Your Royal Highness,” the Black Witch explained. “They are Spirits.”

Ah, yes.

He remembered that the “fish” that he met back then were Spirits.

“They should stop celebrating early,” he said disapprovingly. “What will they do if they jinx my twin sister who’s about to rescue our mother?”

“It won’t happen, Prince Nero.”

“And you’re certain because...?”

“Because Lady Roseheart is loved by the Nature itself,” Dahlia explained, then she turned to him with a smile. “Prince Nero, are you excited to meet your mother?”

He froze on the spot.

After all, he didn’t expect to see Dahlia smiling at him...


... and for some reason, his stupid heart suddenly started to beat hard and fast against his chest.

“Don’t smile,” Nero said coldly. “Don’t smile at me and act like we’re close, Dahlia Letizia.”

He didn’t expect his voice to sound as cold as it did, but he couldn’t help it.

Although he and Dahlia both recognized that they seemed to have a huge misunderstanding in their first lives, they both silently and mutually agreed not to fix it. After all, there was no need for them to reconcile.

Whether there was a misunderstanding between him and Dahlia, it didn’t change the fact that the one he needed to marry in this lifetime was Hanna Quinzel.

[And I already made a promise to Hanna.]

“Prince Nero, you’re being harsh,” Dahlia, who seemed like she was seriously hurt this time, look at him straight in the eye. This time, she didn’t look like she would cry. In fact, she looked angry at him. “Can you please give me the basic respect that I deserve?”

He wanted to apologize when he saw the fire in her lavender eyes.

But his pride got in the way.

“I challenge you to a fight, Prince Nero.”


“If you win, I’ll ignore the Stars and disappear from your sight,” Dahlia declared bravely. “But if I win, you’ll apologize to me properly.”

Nero, who didn’t want to back down, nodded his head. “Fine, let’s do that.”



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