Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 470

Chapter 470


[THEY’RE LIKE giant caviar.]

Dahlia thought the new saint’s divine power were like caviar inside Queen Brigitte’s body. She entered the queen’s consciousness in order to check on her Majesty’s condition internally.

[The caviar is really eating at the queen’s life force, and it’s worse than I thought.]

Visually, the queen’s consciousness that she entered look like a plain, empty room.

The white ceiling, walls, and floors were Queen Brigitte’s life force. Thus, the “caviar” clung to them like parasites. If it weren’t for the protection that she covered her soul with, the “caviar” would have already attacked her.

[Scary. These things are scary.]

The queen was only seven-month pregnant, but with the speed the new saint was eating at her life force, Her Majesty wouldn’t last long.


[This saint... is stronger than the former saint Dominic Zavaroni.]

It was only a fetus for now, but the baby’s divine power was already on the same level as the former saint. Thus, it needed more nutrients than the other saints born in the past. It was a miracle that Queen Brigitte lasted seven months while fully functioning.

[Queen Brigitte is amazing.]

“Your Holiness, I understand that you can’t control your hunger, but please slow down,” Dahlia said, then she opened her hands. “I will give you something else to eat in the meantime.”

Black smoke came out of her hands.

Then that black smoke scattered like piles of clouds that fell on the floor. Then the clouds rose and slowly changed their form. After a few moments, the piles of clouds were already unrecognizable as they turned into black fish nets.

Yes, fish nets.

But of course, they weren’t normal.

The fish nets separated the “caviar” from the queen’s life force. Now the ceiling, walls, and floors were covered with fish nets covered with silver light.

It was Moonglow.

To be precise, the Moonglow that the fish nets were covered with came from the de Moonasterios that her predecessors executed in the past. Thus, the fish nets made of Moonglow were actually made of those de Moonasterios’ life force, too.

After all, her predecessors stole the life force of the de Moonasterios who weren’t scheduled to die yet.

[In our coven’s defense, the de Moonasterios they killed early deserved it.]

Anyway, the Moonglow and the de Moonasterios’ life force that accumulated from her predecessors’ “collection” were in her hands.

She was the last Black Witch, after all.

“Please eat those fish nets for now, Your Holiness,” Dahlia whispered to herself. “We will save you and the queen, I promise.”


[LITTLE Dahlia is doing well.]

Mona was impressed.

Right now, she was closely watching Queen Brigitte and Dahlia. josei

The two ladies were sleeping side-by-side on a huge bed while holding each other’s hands. Dahlia entered the queen’s consciousness to slow down the new saint’s divine power from eating at his mother’s life force.

[It’s possible since she’s a Black Witch. Her predecessors have a collection of the Moonglow and life force that they stole from the de Moonasterios they executed in the past. She probably inherited the whole collection from her predecessors.]

“Lady Roseheart?”

Mona turned to Glenn who was pacing the room back and forth earlier.

Thankfully, the king finally stopped moving as he stood in front of her with a worried look on his face.

[He’s really worried about his wife.]

“Lady Roseheart, I’ll get straight to the point,” Glenn said, then he gulped before he asked. “Is there a way I could give half of my life force to Her Majesty? I noticed that my wife is getting weaker day by day. If my life force could help her recover her strength quickly, then please help me give half of it to her.”

“Glenn, I understand what you’re feeling, but please listen to me first,” Mona said gently. She addressed Glenn casually because he insisted. But, of course, she would address him formally if they had an audience. “To answer your question, yes. It’s possible to transfer your life force to another person. But that technique only works best between two people connected by blood. In short, among family members.”

And it worked especially best between twins.

[Just like my Baby Muffin and Baby Pumpkin.]

“If giving your life force to a stranger is easy, then people who desire immortality would have already used that method to prolong their life,” she said carefully. “But it’s not, and only a select few have the ability to extract life force from one being and give it to another.”

That select few included the Black Witch coven.

“Glenn, the process is dangerous even between people related by blood,” she said, then she lightly patted his shoulder. “It will be life-threatening for you if we do that. Do you want to die before your wife?”

Glenn immediately shook his head.

“Then let’s not do that,” she said. “I don’t think Queen Brigitte would like it if she finds out you want to give half of your life to her without asking for her opinion.”

Glenn’s shoulders slumped, and now he looked like an abandoned dog.

[He looks so different when he’s on the battlefield.]

“I just want to do something for my wife,” Glenn said dejectedly. “She’s suffering and yet, I can’t take her burden for her.”

“You don’t need to carry all the burden- your wife is not weak, Glenn.”

“I know that, Lady Roseheart. But it breaks my heart to see my wife in that state while the only thing I could do is worry for her...”

“That’s not true,” she said softly. “You run this kingdom in behalf of the queen. Moreover, no matter how busy you are, you never left her side.”

Glenn practically created an office in the corner of Queen Brigitte’s room.

“Glenn, your presence and your support are two of the things that your wife need the most at the moment,” she said solemnly. “You’re doing well- as a husband, as a father, and as a king.”

“Lady Roseheart...” Glenn said in a cracked voice, his face filled with relief. “Thank you.”

She just smiled and nodded, then she changed the topic. “I feel guilty that Nero and I have to leave so soon. I would like to stay here until the queen gives birth to your baby, but I couldn’t.”

“Please don’t worry about that, Lady Roseheart,” the king said. “You’ve done plenty enough for our family.”

It was still enough.

After all, aside from the fact that the Hazelden royal couple had been good to her family, Glenn was also like a brother to Nikolai.

[Neoma even calls Glenn her uncle.]

“I asked the snow fairies residing in the Frozen Woods to look after your family,” she said. “They will help Dahlia to take care of Queen Brigitte until she delivers your child. The snow fairies are combat fairies, too. Thus, you can rely on them to keep your wife and your baby safe. The other Spirits living in the kingdom will also look out for you and your family. They will inform me right away if something happens.”

Glenn looked touched. “Lady Roseheart...”

She laughed softly at the king’s puppy-like expression. “The Snow King also gave me the right to open a portal between his territory and the empire’s palace. So, if you need our help, don’t hesitate to call us.” She patted Glenn’s shoulder again. “My family and I will come running to you.”

Glenn, who looked like he was about to cry, bowed his head in gratitude. “Thank you, Lady Roseheart. Thank you for everything.”

Mona bowed politely to the king as well. “We are family, Glenn- and I mean it.”


“YOUR MAJESTY, please drink this tea.”

Brigitte blushed when Lady Mona Roseheart handed her the teacup.

Since she couldn’t move yet, she was just sitting on the bed while leaning against the pillow behind her back. And Lady Roseheart was sitting on the chair beside the bed while serving her.

Glenn left the room to ask the kitchen to prepare her lunch.

Ever since she got pregnant, her husband had been more caring than ever. Since she got cravings from time to time, Glenn made it a habit to personally check on the food that the chef would prepare for her.

On the other hand, Miss Dahlia had returned to her room to rest.

Thus, at the moment, Lady Roseheart was the only person taking care of her.

[God, this is embarrassing.]

Such an important person on the entire continent, perhaps the whole world, was serving her tea. It should be the other way around!

“Thank you, Lady Roseheart,” Brigitte said, then she bowed to the Daughter of Nature. “I should be the one serving you. I’m sorry that someone like you has to do this for me, my lady. Once I get back in shape, I will make it up to you.”

“Oh, no. Please raise your head, Your Majesty,” Lady Roseheart said, and she seemed as flustered as she was. “You shouldn’t be bowing to someone like you. I am just a matriarch of a fallen noble household.”

It was true.

If they followed the social hierarchy, then she outranked Lady Roseheart.

But Lady Roseheart’s “value” didn’t rely on her status or household. Her very existence was important as she was the Daughter of Nature- one of the select few that the Cosmic Tree had accepted as its “child.”

[The noblemen of the Great Moonasterion Empire are stupid for not realizing Lady Roseheart’s worth. They don’t deserve her. Those scum- oh, no. I shouldn’t curse. Baby, I’m sorry. Mommy will only use pretty words from now on.]

“Your Majesty...”

She raised her head and met Lady Roseheart’s warm gaze.


[Ah, she’s really Princess Neoma’s mother.]

That made her laugh softly.

Of course, Lady Roseheart looked confused.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m not lauging at you, Lady Roseheart,” she said while waving her hands. “I just find it adorable how your warm gaze resembles Princess Neoma’s. Although her eyes have the de Moonasterio’s physical traits, I see Lady Roseheart’s spirit in them.”

It seemed like Lady Roseheart was pleased to hear that because her face lit up.

“Thank you for saying that, Your Majesty,” Lady Roseheart said. “My children look like Nikolai’s replica because the de Moonasterio’s physical features are strong. So, to hear that my daughter resembles me in some aspects makes my heart swell with happiness.” She smiled and clasped her hands together. “Your Majesty, if you don’t mind, could you share more stories about my daughter? I heard that the two of you are close. I want to get to know Neoma more from other people’s perspective since she doesn’t like talking about her achievements.”

That was true.

Princess Neoma was arrogant, but she wasn’t the type to brag about her achievements. She only enjoyed bragging about her looks.

In some way, the princess was actually humble.

“Of course, Lady Roseheart,” Brigitte said, smiling. “I’d love to talk about Princess Neoma’s greatness with you.”



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