Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 475

Chapter 475

Chapter 475: LIKE A PSYCHO

“YOUR MAJESTY, we have secured Prince Nero. But...”

Nikolai understood what Rufus Quinzel was trying to say even though he didn’t get to finish his report. josei

The dead bodies scattered on the ground already let her know that he was too late.

[Nero already killed many people...]

Dead bodies lined up on either side of the alley, leading to a corner where he could feel Nero’s violent aura. The stench of blood was stronger there, too. Thus, he could tell that there were more bodies in that area.

“Are there witnesses?” Nikolai asked indifferently. “And did they recognize the Crown Prince?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. The witnesses have recognized His Royal Highness because of his glowing red eyes,” Rufus said while nodding. “We arrested them for now so they wouldn’t spread the news to other people.”


It was a good thing that he called Rufus and asked him to look for Nero.

The duke, along with the Black Hawk Knights, was in charge of the Public Order in the Royal Capital, after all. Since it was their job to keep the peace and order in the Royal Capital, they knew best where the toughest alleyways were.

[Moreover, Rufus has also covered the entire area with his veil, so it’s safe for us to meet and talk like this.]

“You did well, Rufus,” he said to his cousin, then he turned to Hanna who was standing quietly behind him. “Hanna, I’m grateful that you accompanied me here, despite the danger. You may not like what you’d see if you get close to Nero. So why don’t you just stay here and wait until I subdue my son?”

“His Majesty is right, sweetie,” Rufus said to Hanna worriedly. “The sight isn’t... pretty.”

“Your Majesty, Father, I’m grateful for your concern, but I’ll be fine,” Hanna assured them politely. “I’m someone who lived in a graveyard for months in order to master the Shadow Manipulation Technique. Seeing corpses doesn’t faze me.”

That was impressive, and he could see that Hanna didn’t bat an eye despite the corpses around and the stench of blood in the air.

But, to be honest, that wasn’t what he was concerned about.

“Do you think you can handle Nero in his Lunacy state?” he asked Hanna seriously. “You’ll see my son and his insanity in all its ugliness. Are you sure you can accept him in that condition?”

Hanna’s face remained determined. “Yes, Your Majesty,” she said firmly. “I’m ready to accept all of Prince Nero’s layers- even the ugly and the crazy ones.”

That actually made him smile.

He liked the determination and sincerity in Hanna’s eyes. She was really fitting to be Nero’s future Crown Princess.

“Alright,” he said, then he turned his back on the young lady. “Follow me then.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Hanna said politely.

“Rufus, clean up the mess here,” he said when he passed by the duke. “And make sure no eyes are watching.”

Rufus bowed his head towards him. “I’ve received Your Majesty’s order.”

He just nodded, then he continued walking.

The young Quinzel Heiress followed him silently.

He was once again impressed by Hanna’s ability.

She didn’t hide her presence because it would be impolite of her to do that in his presence. But her footsteps were so light they were barely audible.

[Hanna is strong.]

And he was satisfied by the abilities of the empire’s future Crown Princess.

His thoughts were distracted when they rounded the corner. At the end of the dark alley, a pair of glowing red eyes greeted him.


His son’s white hair and pale skin were also clear in the dark.

[There was no way the people wouldn’t recognize him as the Crown Prince.]

But the scene was gruesome.

Nero was holding a cheap sword in his hand. He probably stole it from one of the people he killed. Then he turned the cheap sword into a murder weapon by covering its blade with his Mana.

The corpses at his feet were proof that a de Moonasterio didn’t need a decent weapon to kill. All they needed were their naturally strong body and Mana.

“Nero,” he called his son carefully. “Do you recognize me?”

“Father,” Nero said in an indifferent voice. “What are you doing here?”

He was relieved that his son recognized him, at least.

“I’m here to pick you up,” he said. “Let’s go home. Your mother-”

“Did Lu snitch on me?” his son growled. “Where is that traitorous bastard?”

He was confused.

[Who is ‘Lu?’]

“Your Majesty, perhaps Prince Nero is talking about Lewis,” Hanna whispered to him. “I heard from Princess Neoma that in the past, Prince Nero would address Lewis as ‘Lu.’ But I don’t understand why His Royal Highness is referring to Lewis by his old name.”

He nodded in agreement without turning to Hanna. It wasn’t like he was being disrespectful. He just didn’t want to take his eyes off of his unstable son.

[There’s no reason for Nero to think that Lewis snitched on him, too. They’re not close enough to do that to each other.]

The way Nero spoke was strange.

It was as if...

His eyes went wide went the realization finally hit him.

[Nero is speaking like... like he’s the Nero from Neoma’s first life.]

He didn’t have the memories of his first life. But he had heard enough from Neoma to know what kind of person his son was during the first timeline. Moreover, the fact that Nero addressed Lewis as if they were close was enough proof.

“Father, who is that girl behind you?”

Nero didn’t recognize Hanna.

That further proved his hunch.

[Did the memories of his first life take over because of his Lunacy?]

“Father, I asked you a question.”

“This is Hanna Quinzel.”

“Quinzel? House Quinzel doesn’t have a daughter other than the one they adopted,” Nero said, confused. “What’s her name again? Neoma Quinzel? My stupid twin sister, right?”

Now he was certain that Nero was acting and talking like the Nero in the first timeline.

[He’d be aghast once he came to his senses and remembered that he called Neoma ‘stupid.’]

“And doesn’t that girl look too young for me, Father?” Nero snapped at him. “Have you lost your mind?”

“You’re the one who lost your mind for you to speak to me that way,” he said sternly, his eyes glowing red. He was used to Nero talking back to him. But he had to subdue him this time. “Get your act together- we’re going home.”

“Father, I already told you that there’s someone I want to marry,” Nero said while stepping out of the dark, approaching him menacingly. “Dahlia Letizia is the only woman I want to marry- and you can’t change my mind even if you remove me as the Crown Prince.”

Nikolai suddenly felt awkward about Nero’s declaration.

[Hanna heard him, didn’t she?]


“ARE YOU worried about Prince Nero?”

“I know that Nero will be fine,” Neoma said, answering Lewis’s question. They were free to talk that way because they were having tea in the lounge area of her bedroom at the moment. “I’m just sad that his violent nature showed up, even in this lifetime. I thought I already “tamed” him. It seems like I failed as his older sister.”

“How is it your fault?” Lewis, who was sitting on the chair across from her, asked while tilting his head to one side. “It’s not your fault that Prince Nero ended up that way, Princess Neoma.”

She smiled, touched by Lewis’s encouraging words. “You know how to comfort your mother now,” she said proudly. “You’re the best son I could ever ask for, Lewis.”

He frowned at her, as expected. “I’m not your son, Princess Neoma.”

She laughed. “I haven’t heard that catchphrase in a while.”

Their “mother-and-son” moment was interrupted when they heard a knock on the door.

They both knew who it was.

“I’ll get the door,” Lewis said, then he stood up. “I’ll be guarding outside, Princess Neoma.”

Ah, Lewis already knew that she needed privacy with her mother.

“Alright,” she said, smiling at her “son.” “Thank you for working hard, Lewis.”

Lewis just nodded, then he walked towards the door and opened it. After greeting her Mama Boss politely, he said his goodbye and left the room quietly.

Neoma stood up and bowed to her mother as a greeting.


To be honest, she was nervous around her Mama Boss. She acted like an insecure bitch and vented out on her mother. Now that she had come to her senses, she felt ashamed of herself.

Mama Boss smiled at her. “May I join you for a cup of tea, Baby Muffin?”


How could her mother be so kind to her? She couldn’t help but get emotional. How could she be so mean to her Mama Boss who was the sweetest to her?

“Mama Boss,” Neoma called for her mother, her voice cracked. “I’m so sorry.”

Mama Boss suddenly burst into tears, then she closed the distance between them to give her a bear hug. “I should be the one saying sorry, Neoma.”


“DAHLIA Letizia is the only woman I want to marry- and you can’t change my mind even if you remove me as the Crown Prince.”

Hanna heard Nero’s declaration loud and clear.

She would be lying if she said she wasn’t hurt.

But she also knew that Nero wasn’t himself. It was obvious that he had confused his past memories with his present memories. Thus, he was talking and speaking like the Nero in the first timeline.

[It’s okay. I already know that he loved Dahlia in his first life. But once he comes back to his senses, his feelings for the Black Witch will disappear.]

“Nero, stop talking nonsense,” Emperor Nikolai scolded the royal prince. “Let’s return to the Royal Palace first- Nero!”

The emperor yelled when the royal prince ran past him.

Hanna was surprised when the next thing she knew, Nero was already in front of her...

... and his hand was wrapped around her neck.

“No hard feelings, child,” Nero said, his glowing red eyes turning darker as he squeezed her neck tighter. “But I must kill you before you become a hindrance- argh!”

She slapped Nero hard, and it sent him flying until he hit the wall that crumbled instantly upon the impact.

But she didn’t use her hand.

The moon was bright tonight. Thanks to the moonlight, the shadow behind her grew big- big enough for her Shadow Beast to emerge from it. While Nero was threatening her, she summoned the creature she fondly named ‘Hebi.’

And Hebi was a Seven-headed Shadow Serpent.

Nero was slapped by Hebi’s tail, and the royal prince was sent flying because the serpent’s scales were as hard as steel.

The royal prince looked shocked by what she did, and so was the emperor.

She didn’t feel sorry, though.

“I am the precious daughter of House Quinzel. Prince or not, you do not have the right to hurt me, Nero de Moonasterio,” Hanna declared coldly, her green eyes glowing brightly in the dark. “I, Hanna Quinzel, demand an apology from His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince.”



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