Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 501

Chapter 501

Chapter 501: OBSESSION

NIKOLAI actually wanted to talk to Juliet in private, but it was impossible.

When he returned to the Royal Palace, the representatives of the Twelve Golden Families: Count Sean Dankworth, Marquis Lawford Gibson, Duke Arman Winchester, Marquis Frank Balasco, Count Emerson Zachary, Marquis Russell Spencer, Count Benjamin Russo, Count Larry Dawkins, Count Tyler Lucchesi, Viscount Austin Morrisey, Duke Rufus Quinzel, and Marquis Vincent Lennox.

Out of the twelve representatives, he was glad to see his cousin the most.

[I’m glad you’re safe, Rufus.]

He could see it in Rufus’ eyes that he had many things to report.

[Let’s talk later.]

He didn’t have the time to greet his cousin properly because he made eye contact with the person he didn’t want to meet the most right now: Marquis Vincent Lennox- Juliet’s maternal grandfather.


[Juliet’s mother was Marquis Lennox’s only daughter. When his beloved wife and daughter passed away, Marquis Lennox poured all his love into Juliet.]

“Greetings to the Moon and the Lesser Moon of the Great Moonasterion Empire,” the representatives of the Twelve Golden Families greeted Nikolai and Nero who arrived together.

But most of the representatives, even the servants behind them, were obviously more interested in Juliet and Calyx Dalton who were standing behind him and his son. Shock, disbelief, amusement – those three emotions were the dominant reactions he saw.

[Where’s Kyle?]

Kyle Sprouse was his chancellor. The count was supposed to be there to deal with the nobles in his stead. But he wasn’t there.

No wonder some of the nobles were attacking him with questions nonstop.

He felt like a big headache was coming.

“Your Majesty, just what is happening here?” Marquis Vincent Lennox asked him sternly, then his confused yet longing gaze lingered on Juliet Dalton. “Who is this woman who looks exactly like the late Empress Juliet?”

“That’s what I want to know, too, Marquis Lennox,” Nikolai said, then he turned to Juliet Dalton, who looked confused. “I brought Lady Juliet Dalton here with her son Calyx Dalton to know the truth.”

He said that, but Marquis Vincent Lennox was already looking at Juliet Dalton as if it had already been confirmed that the woman was indeed Juliet Sloane.

“Your Majesty, did you bring me to the palace to confirm whether I’m the same person as the late empress?” Juliet Dalton asked in a voice that trembled a little, then she grabbed Calyx Dalton’s arm and hid behind her ‘son.’ “Are you going to take my son from me?”

It was hard for Nikolai to see Juliet in this state. After all, this wasn’t the Juliet that he knew. Was losing your memory a reason for your personality to change a lot?

[You said you never wanted to have a child in the past, Juliet...]

“Calm down,” Nikolai said to Juliet. He sounded indifferent because he didn’t like most of the people around them at the moment. “I invited you to the palace to have a private talk with you. We will discuss what will happen if your identity is confirmed. And regarding your son...”

He turned to Calyx Dalton, then he knitted his eyebrows.

When the ceremony at the academy began, he could tell that the young crow was interested in him. But right now, Calyx Dalton was staring at Nero, who obviously didn’t care.

[What’s wrong with this young crow?]

“I’m sorry, but I’m getting overwhelmed,” Juliet Dalton said, her face turning pale at the moment. “Your Majesty, I’m so confused right now. Can we do this another time? I’d like my parents to be with me when we talk about me and my son.”

“Your parents?” Marquis Lennox asked, and he looked heartbroken when Juliet mentioned her ‘parents.’ “Who dares to claim to be Her Majesty’s parents?”

“I’m not the empress, so please don’t address me as such,” Juliet Dalton said to the marquis. Then she clutched her head tight. “Calyx...”

Calyx Dalton finally took his eyes off of Nero to turn to his ‘mother.’ “Mother, would you like to go home now?”

He raised an eyebrow. [Home? Where? The crows’ hideout?]

Juliet Dalton nodded at her son’s question, then she turned to him. “Your Majesty, I’m sorry, but I can’t do this today. Moreover, my parents must be waiting for me.”

“Are you talking about the Daltons that live in the countryside?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I miss my grandparents,” Calyx Dalton said to his ‘mother,’ then he turned to him. “Your Majesty, my mother isn’t feeling well. Can we go home for today?”

He didn’t really care about Calyx Dalton, but he was worried about Juliet Dalton because she really looked like she wasn’t feeling well. “Alright,” he said. “But bring the Daltons with you when I summon you again.”

“Your Majesty, are you really sending Her Majesty home?” Marquis Lennox asked, obviously displeased with his decision. “Now that Her Majesty has returned, shouldn’t we keep her in the palace to keep her safe?”

“Don’t worry, Marquis Lennox,” he said indifferently. “I will send Geoffrey Kinsley to escort Juliet Dalton and her son home.”

Sending Nero with the Daltons was also an option.

But he noticed that the nobles weren’t happy when they saw Nero and Calyx Dalton coming out from the same carriage.

[They’re probably thinking that Nero will try to harm Calyx Dalton.]

He didn’t want people to have that kind of misunderstanding, so he decided to send his trusted Paladin instead.

“I’ll also send the flaming Vermillion Bird,” he said.

This time, most of the nobles were satisfied to know that he’d be sending one of his Soul Beasts with Juliet Dalton.

[They already decided that Juliet Dalton is indeed Empress Juliet.]

“I still believe that it will be in Her Majesty’s best interest to stay here in the palace,” Marquis Lennox said, then he frowned at her. “I wonder if His Majesty’s determination to send Empress Juliet home has something to do with Lady Mona Roseheart who is residing in your palace.”

[This old man dares to drag Mona here...]

His bloodlust was already leaking, scaring most of the nobles.

Even Marquis Vincent Lennox flinched when he felt his bloodlust directed at him.

But all the tension in the air disappeared when they heard a soft laugh- and everyone turned to Nero with a shocked look on their faces.

[Nero, my son, I don’t think this is the right time to laugh...]

“My poor mother,” Nero said, smiling while shaking his head. “Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. The world could end tomorrow, and there are some people who would still blame it on Lady Mona Roseheart.”

Marquis Lennox’s face turned red from embarrassment.

Another laughter erupted from the nobles behind the marquis. This time, it came from Count Sean Dankworth who was surprisingly wide awake this time.

Marquis Lawford Gibson tried to cover the count’s mouth, but the count swiftly avoided the marquis. It was interesting to see. Count Dankworth and Marquis Gibson were always physically close. But this time, there was a decent space between the two.

[A fallout?]

“I’m sorry, I can’t help but laugh at serious situations,” Count Dankworth said while rubbing his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand. “But I agree with Prince Nero. Why does Marquis Lennox feel the need to bring up Lady Roseheart who’s not here?”

Marquis Lennox turned to Count Dankworth with a glare. “Why don’t you just go back to sleep, young man?”

Ah, this was a common “sickness” of most old nobles.

[They look down on younger nobles. Count Dankworth is one of the youngest among the representatives, but he is still one. And yet, Marquis Lennox didn’t address him by his title.]

Obviously, the count was offended.

“I’d love to sleep, but Marquis Lennox’s nonsense makes me so embarrassed that I can’t fall asleep,” Count Dankworth retorted in a lazy manner. “Aren’t you implying that His Majesty can’t make his own decisions, my lord? Because that’s how it sounded to me.”

“That’s not what I mean,” Marquis Lennox insisted. “I am just worried about Empress Juliet.”

“Marquis Lennox, I understand that you feel strongly about this matter because the late Empress Juliet was your granddaughter,” Rufus Quinzel said firmly, clearly emphasizing the words that reminded the marquis that officially, the empress had already passed away. “But please be mindful of your words. Nothing has been confirmed yet, so please don’t patronize His Majesty.”

And the representatives of the Twelve Golden Families began to argue among themselves.

There were some who sided with Marquis Lennox, and the others sided with Count Dankworth.

And of course, there were some like Rufus who tried to meditate.

Nikolai, on the other hand, was impressed by Nero.

[This is his work...]

He looked at his son, who was smiling as if he found the representatives of the Twelve Golden Families funny.

[Marquis Lennox tried to drag Mona to start an argument with me. But Nero used his mother’s name to turn the tide. He only said a few words, but he managed to make the nobles fight among themselves. And now, he’s acting like it’s none of his business.]

That was when Nikolai realized that Nero was indeed scarier than Neoma.

[Nero is always composed as long as Neoma isn’t involved, but his calmness is eerie.]

Nero turned to Nikolai, but his gaze went past him. This time, his son chuckled while shaking his head.

[What does he find amusing this time?]

“Marquis Lennox, the woman you claim to care about has already fainted while you were fighting with your fellow representatives,” Nero announced, catching everyone’s attention. But the Crown Prince turned to the emperor. “Mother might get blamed again for Lady Juliet Dalton fainting, so this dutiful son of yours will go now and fetch the Healing Sage, Father.”

Nikolai was rendered speechless by his own son.

[Nero doesn’t curse like Neoma does, but his sarcasm could kill people...]

This time, it was Calyx Dalton who laughed out loud while carrying the unconscious Juliet Dalton in his arms.

[What’s wrong with these kids?]

“I, at least, won’t blame my mother’s weak body on Lady Roseheart,” Calyx Dalton said this time. “Can I come with you, Prince Nero?”


“That’s fine with me, but...” Nero said, then he turned to Marquis Lennox with an innocent-looking smile on his face. “Will it be alright if I accompany them, Marquis Lennox? I’m asking because you made it sound like my father, His Imperial Majesty Nikolai de Moonasterio, needed your permission before he made a decision.”

Marquis Lennox could only close his eyes tight, as if he was going to faint from embarrassment.

Now Nikolai was seriously terrified of Nero.

[Marquis Lennox made a single crude comment to humiliate Mona, and yet, Nero paid it back tenfolds.]


“I’M LIKING you more and more, Prince Nero,” Calyx said, then he put a hand over his chest. “You make my heart flutter.”

Prince Nero remained poker-faced. “I thought you wanted to play my brother, so why are you confessing to me now?”

He laughed again.

Right now, the two of them were standing in front of the carriage where his mother was already resting.

Geoffrey Kinsley, the Paladin assigned by the emperor to escort them home, was already riding on a black horse. South, the flaming Vermillion Bird in its invisible mode, was suspended in the air- right above the carriage.

Although it was a shame that he had to leave the palace now because his mother still insisted to go home after waking up, he was satisfied. Watching Prince Nero oppress the nobles who insulted his mother was fun.

“Prince Nero, you said you don’t like your parents that much,” he said, giving him a suspicious look. “But you humiliated Marquis Lennox who dragged Lady Roseheart into the conversation earlier.”

“I didn’t do it for my mother.”


“I just don’t like how Marquis Lennox acted like he was equal with Father, the emperor, so I put him in his place,” the Crown Prince said bluntly. “I only used my mother to accomplish that.”

Prince Nero sounded so emotionless while talking about Lady Roseheart as if he wasn’t talking about his own mother.

That made him happy.

[I don’t like Lady Roseheart because I was raised to hate her. So, I’m glad that my little brother isn’t attached to his mother.]

Initially, he was sent to the Royal Capital to steal the throne because His Excellency and the elders in his family didn’t like how the ‘Crown Prince’ acted before. But now, they already knew that the reason they had a negative feeling about the ‘Crown Prince’ was because it was the royal princess in hiding.

But the real Prince Nero was different.

[It’s a shame that he has Roseheart Blood running in his veins, but we can overlook that part since Prince Nero isn’t attached to his mother. He’s still the perfect Crown Prince, and he deserves to be the future emperor.]

And this amazing young man was his little brother.

[Ah, that makes me proud. It’s like Prince Nero is Lord Yule, while I am Lord Callisto. But unlike what happened to Lord Yule and Lord Callisto, I won’t let anyone or anything break my bond with my brother.]

“Prince Nero, the royal princess isn’t in the palace, is she?”

“Neoma is always in my heart.”

“Argh, that’s so cheesy!” he complained. “If you don’t want to answer me, just say so. You don’t have to make me jealous.”

Prince Nero just rolled his eyes at him.

He laughed again. “It’s my cue to leave, isn’t it?”

“Well, your mother seems to be genuinely unwell,” the Crown Prince said. “Go home for now. I’m sure you’ll be back soon, anyway.”

“Thank you for worrying about OUR mother, Prince Nero.”

The Crown Prince raised an eyebrow at him. “I do not care that much about my own mother, so what makes you think I care about your mother?”

“Because I’m sure you’ll love my mother once you get to know her,” Calyx said positively, then he ruffled Prince Nero’s hair- and that earned him a death glare from the Crown Prince. He just laughed, then he raised his hands in surrender because it looked like his little brother would kill him. “Sorry!” he said, laughing while walking backwards. “See you later, my little brother.”

Prince Nero remained deadpan, a dead giveaway that he was unimpressed.

[Aww... my little brother is so cute.]


NIKOLAI was about to go to his bedroom to check on Mona after his meeting with the representatives of the Twelve Golden Families had ended.

But on his way to his palace, his Soul Beasts informed him that Zeru, Nero’s ice phoenix, had sent a message saying that his son wished to meet him in the throne room. He thought Nero would follow him to his palace after he sent off Juliet and Calyx Dalton, so he was surprised when his son summoned him to the throne room.

[A Crown Prince summoning the emperor to the throne room... hah.]

He wasn’t offended, though.

In fact, he was looking forward as to how Nero would surprise him this time. josei

His mood turned sour, though, when he realized that no one was guarding the throne room. Kyle Sprouse was in charge of making sure that no unauthorized people could go in. But he was yet to meet the count ever since he arrived at the palace.

[I have a bad feeling about this...]

He shook the negative feeling off as he opened the doors to the Throne Room.

And there was his son.


Nero was sitting on the throne- the emperor’s throne- quite comfortably.

“If I was the same crazy person in the past, I would have punished you for sitting on my throne, Nero,” Nikolai said as he stood in front of the throne, looking up at Nero in the process since the throne was placed in an elevated platform. “How’s the view up there, Pumpkin?”

It was a cringe endearment, but he said it on purpose to annoy his son.

[It’s just a petty payback for giving me a major headache.]

Nero frowned when he called him using the endearment that he knew his son absolutely loathed. “Father, any view without Neoma in it looks ugly to me.”

Ah, Nero’s world really revolved around Neoma.

He recognized what it was because he was also a victim of it: obsession.

“Father, you’re looking at me as if there’s something wrong with me.”

“Nero, I know that I don’t have the right to say this, but you know that obsessing over someone isn’t healthy,” he said carefully. “I lost your mother once because of my obsession with her. I don’t want you to lose your twin sister for the same reason.”

“I wonder what Lord Yule had been obsessed with in the past.”

He knitted his eyebrows, confused at his son’s randomness.

“Father, don’t you see it?” Nero asked lazily. “The true curse of our bloodline- it’s obsession.”

He wanted to tell his son that it was nonsense, but he couldn’t.

After all, he knew that the demise of their predecessors had something to do with obsessing about something to the point of ruin.

Take his father, for example.

The previous emperor was obsessed with immortality. It was the reason why the previous emperor hunted down the Silver Fox Clan that he believed could give him eternal life.

[And I almost ruined myself because of my obsession with Mona.]

“I’m aware that my obsession with Neoma isn’t normal, but I can’t help myself,” Nero said, then he gave him a knowing look. “It’s how Father was obsessed with Mother in the past, right? I don’t think our obsessive trait is a mere coincidence.”

“If what you’re saying is true, then what is Neoma obsessed with?”

His son gave him a dire stare. “Isn’t it obvious that Neoma is obsessed with herself?”

He opened his mouth to defend Neoma’s honor, but no words came out.

[I’m sorry, Neoma...]

“Father, I think Calyx Dalton has inherited the de Moonasterio’s obsessive trait, too,” Nero said, then he smirked. “And it looks like that crazy bastard is obsessed with me.”

“Is that supposed to be a good thing?” he asked, frowning. “That sounds... disgusting.”

His son laughed softly. “It is disgusting, but I can use it to my advantage.”


“I’ll make that crazy bastard love me to death,” Nero said casually, then he changed the topic as if he just didn’t say something crazy. “And oh, I quit as the Crown Prince and as your son, Father.”

Nikolai’s eyes went wide. “What the hell are you saying, Nero de Moonasterio?!”



[Meanwhile, somwhere in the sky...]

“IT’S so hard to choose a dress when everything looks fucking good on me,” Neoma complained while looking at the pretty dresses sprawled on the bed. There she was, standing in the middle of the room in a sheer white dress (an undergarment) while frowning. “Why do I have to be so fucking pretty?”

She paused, then she shook her head.

“Ah, I take it back. I like being pretty,” she said, then she put a hand over her chest. “To my parents’ pretty genes that gave me this face, skin, and body, I’m sorry for complaining.”

After that, she spent another hour deciding what to wear.

Just another, ordinary day for our pretty (vain) Neoma.


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