Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 507

Chapter 507


“GOSH, why would you kill Kyle Sprouse? These ahjussis...” Neoma complained while looking at the gloomy faces of her Papa Boss, her Uncle Glenn, and Duke Rufus Quinzel. The three men had been discussing how to kill Kyle Sprouse ever since their “video conference” started. “Let’s not resort to violence, gentlemen.” She put her hands over her chest. “I, Neoma, am a peace lover, after all.’

The three ahjussis- er, gentlemen turned to her with a confused look on their faces.

Her mother also looked confused.

On the other hand, Nero just smiled as if he already knew what she was thinking about.

[Twins telepathy, perhaps.]

But Hanna was also smiling knowingly at her.

[Oh, my bestie knows me very well, too.]


But wait.

[Why do I feel like Nero and Hanna don’t believe me when I said I’m a peace lover?]


Right now, she was in the study of her children’s floating villa. The wall in front of her had turned into a projector. Moreover, the screen was even split into three.

[It’s so high-tech, but it’s possible thanks to magic and not technology.]

The upper part of the wall showed her Papa Boss sitting on the end of the sofa, while her Mama Boss was on the other end. Nero (on Papa Boss’s left side) and Hanna (on her Mama Boss’s right side) were sitting between her parents. They seemed to be in the lounge area of her parents’ bedroom (the safest place in the palace).

At the bottom of the left side of the wall, Duke Rufus Quinzel could be seen clearly. He was alone, just like Uncle Glenn at the bottom of the right side of the wall.

“That’s surprising to hear from you, Neoma,” her Papa Boss said. “I thought you were the one who’d be more adamant about killing Kyle.”

“Papa Boss, I do not care whether Kyle is alive or not. He is that insignificant to me,” she said, then she took a bite of the apple in her hand. “And his betrayal didn’t shock me. I already saw that coming since I only sensed bad vibes from him ever since I was a baby. I just wished I took my intuition more seriously.”

In her defense, he didn’t expect Kyle Sprouse to betray her father that way.

[But according to Papa Boss, Kyle betrayed him for Empress Juliet. And it seems like Kyle believes that Calyx Dalon is my father’s son with the empress.]

What an idiot.

“Then why do you want Kyle Sprouse to live, Princess Neoma?” Glenn asked carefully. “He committed treason. His life wouldn’t be enough to pay for his sins.”

“Kyle also sold Princess Neoma and Prince Nero out to the crows,” Duke Quinzel added. “He didn’t break the Oath of Silence because the crows already know that Princess Neoma is pretending to be Prince Nero. But according to His Majesty, Kyle shared the fact that Prince Nero is sick. Moreover, Kyle also shared Princess Neoma’s weaknesses with them.” Anger crossed the duke’s golden eyes. “That alone is more than enough reason for Kyle to die.”

“But death is an easy route for a traitor like Kyle Sprouse to take,” Nero said, smirking. “Isn’t that right, my precious twin sister?”

“Calle me ‘noona,’ you punk,” she complained, but Nero just ignored her. “Anyway, Nero is right. Killing Kyle is too light of a punishment.”

Her Mama Boss let out a nervous laugh. “I’m almost afraid to ask what you have in mind as a form of “punishment” for Kyle Sprouse, Baby Muffin.”

“Lady Roseheart, don’t worry,” Hanna assured Mama Boss gently. “It’s always exciting to watch Neoma have fun like she’s in her natural habitat.”

[Yaaa, Hanna. You make it sound like I’m a wild child.]

She wanted to complain, but everyone nodded in silent agreement with Hanna.


Why was everyone treating me like I’m a wild child these days?

[My dignity has hit rock bottom, huh? I’m supposed to be this cool, badass, and elegant princess, you know? Anyway, let’s move on.]

“Papa Boss, Uncle Glenn, Duke Quinzel, I know that you were hurt by Kyle’s betrayal because you considered him as a friend,” Neoma said carefully. “Papa Boss, Mama Boss, I know that you were the ones who were hurt most by Kyle’s bullshi-” She faked a loud cough, pretending that she didn’t almost curse in front of the emperor, the duke, and the king of Hazelden. “By Kyle’s delusion. But killing him, like what my punk of a twin brother said, is an easy way out for him. And I don’t think a traitor like him deserves a painless end after hurting the people precious to me.”

She wasn’t angry that Kyle had betrayed them- she was angry because he had hurt her precious people.

“That’s why I want to let Kyle live for a very, very long time,” Neoma said, smiling- for the lack of a better term- sadistically. “Papa Boss, Mama Boss, my dear Nero, we have to let Kyle live in order for him to witness our happy and complete family thrive. Heck, it would be nice if that basta- I mean, that traitor gets to see Mama Boss and Papa Boss have another child.”

Her Mama Boss and Papa Boss blushed, while Nero glared at her.

[LOL. He clearly hates the idea of us having another sibling.]

Well, she would admit that she had said too much, so she immediately changed the subject.

She cleared her throat, then she pointed a pretty finger at her pretty face. “Kyle has to see me become the first empress of the Great Moonasterion Empire before he dies.”

This time, the faces of the precious people listening to her lit up.

“To be honest, I’m not that greedy to become the empress,” she said. “But I can ascend the throne out of spite. I’ll even invite Kyle Sprouse to my coronation and give him a VIP seat for him to see me in all my glory. I can be that petty.”

Her Papa Boss nodded. “I can see you doing that.”

“Mama Boss, Papa Boss, Nero, we don’t need anyone’s approval for us to become a family. We also don’t need to be perfect. The fact that we are a complete, happy family is more than enough for me,” she said sincerely. “So I don’t really care if Kyle thinks that the “perfect Royal Family” includes Papa Boss, Empress Juliet, and Calyx Dalton. That “perfect Royal Family” in Kyle’s head can only exist in his imagination, anyway. The reason I want to punish him is for hurting my family- and that includes Uncle Glenn and Duke Quinzel.”

Uncle Glenn and Duke Quinzel looked touched by her warm words.

She suddenly felt shy. But when she saw Mama Boss and Papa Boss looking at her proudly,

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we let Kyle Sprouse witness the “perfect Royal Family” in his head come to life before we crush his delusion?” Nero asked, smiling. His smile was anything but innocent, of course. “Let’s begin by letting Calyx Dalton in the Royal Family.”

“Prince Nero, are you serious about that?” Hanna asked worriedly. “If the Royal Family accepts Calyx Dalton as a prince, then it’s as if His Majesty also admitted that Calyx Dalton is his son with Empress Dalton. You might get dethroned.”

“I agree with my daughter, Prince Nero,” Duke Quinzel said, and he looked as concerned as Hanna. “Some of the vassal families that support House Quinzel are urging me to reconsider Hanna’s engagement with Prince Nero.”

Neoma noticed that Nero and Hanna suddenly looked awkward when their engagement was brought up.

[Oh? What’s the tea?]

“Rufus, you shut them up, didn’t you?” Papa Boss asked.

“Of course, I did, Your Majesty,” the duke said firmly. “Those rude old men are implying that our family has to marry my daughter off to whoever gets the Crown Prince position in the end. I put them in their place, and if they want to keep their heads intact, they will never bring up that nonsense again.”

“That’s a relief,” Papa Boss said. “If you need help, just tell me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Duke Quinzel said. “I, the head of House Quinzel, don’t care about Calyx Dalton because I know the truth. My support for Prince Nero and Princess Neoma will never waver. However, most nobles are hesitating now- especially the ones from the Royal Faction.” josei

It wasn’t a surprise.

After all, most of the nobles had the same mindset at Kyle Sprouse.

[Those who hate our Roseheart Blood will definitely choose the “son” of Empress Juliet over us.]

“They don’t care whether Calyx Dalton is really Papa Boss and Empress Juliet’s son,” Neoma said while shaking her head. “As long as that crow psycho has de Moonasterion blood in him, those bigots would choose him over me and Nero.”

“I can’t believe people like that run our empire,” Hanna said while shaking her head. “Neoma, I can’t wait for you to ascend the throne.”

She smiled at her cousin’s words. “And I can’t wait for you to become Duchess Quinzel, bestie.”

Hanna smiled and nodded.

“Nikolai, Rufus, you heard the ladies,” Mama Boss said teasingly. “When will you two change the law to let women inherit titles?”

Papa Boss avoided Mama Boss’s gaze, while Duke Quinzel faked a cough guiltily as if they were embarrassed.

“Lady Roseheart, His Majesty and Duke Quinzel are doing their best,” Uncle Glenn said nervously, as if he was afraid of Mama Boss, but he was still determined to defend Papa Boss and Duke Quinzel. “It’s not easy to change the mind of the nobles who have the most influence in the empire since most of them are old-fashioned.”

Mama Boss smiled sadly. “I wish we could change that soon.”

“Don’t worry, Mama Boss- it’s time for the old generation’s reign to end,” Neoma declared. This time, it wasn’t arrogant. She was merely claiming it now. “I will end it soon. It’s about time for the new generation to take charge, anyway.”

“If you want to end it, then you must hurry and come back here,” Nero said. “Father and I already made a plan. We will accept Calyx Dalton in the Royal Family, but we will make sure that I’ll keep my position as the Crown Prince. However, if our plan fails, our whole family will get kicked out of the palace. We might even get exiled.”

“High-risk, high-reward, huh?” she said, then she gave her twin brother a thumbs up. “I trust you, Nero. I know that your plan with Papa Boss won’t fail. After all, you’re more cunning than me.”

“Yeah, I can take care of the annoying stuff here,” Nero said. “But I miss you already.”


[How can he say something embarrassing with a straight face?]

But everyone who heard Nero didn’t even bat an eyelash as if they had already expected to hear that from her twin brother.

“I miss y’all, too,” she said. It was too embarrassing to say ‘I miss you, too’ to Nero in front of an audience, so she just settled with that response before she changed the subject. “And don’t worry, I’ll be back very soon. I’m collaborating with Grandma Irina for my epic comeback stage.”

This time, everyone looked shocked.

“‘Grandma Irina?'” her Mama Boss asked, her eyes a little wide. “The Cosmic Tree?”

“Yes, Mama Boss.”

“The Cosmic Tree reached out to you?” her Papa Boss asked, then his eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t tell me, the Cosmic Tree asked something from you, too?”

“Grandma Irina called it a ‘favor.’ But since I no longer work for free, I asked something in return for my help, so it’s like a commissioned work for me now,” Neoma said, then she shook her head. “Gosh, it’s as if I’m the most in-demand celebrity on the entire continent.”


[The night the Cosmic Tree contacted Neoma...]

“LADY IRINA, I don’t wanna be rude, but I have to say this in advance,” Neoma said when she recovered from the shock of someone entering her mind without permission. “I don’t work for free. And I’m very busy. If I feel like your ‘favor’ is too much, then I won’t accept it.”


Being called ‘pretty’ immediately put a smile on her face.

“Gosh, why am I your granddaughter?”

“Fine. Since you call me pretty, I’ll be your granddaughter now,” she said, then she stood up and sat on the sunlounger. “What can I do for you, Grandma?”

She put a hand over her chest, surprised. “I have an uncle?”

the Cosmic Tree explained.

She was having a bad feeling about this now. “Grandma Irina, may I know the identity of my uncle first?”

Grandma Irina said.

To say that she was shocked would be an understatement. “The White Lion? As in the Elemental Guardian? The one that’s currently under Calyx Dalton’s control?”

Gosh, the White Lion was the Cosmic Tree’s adoptive son?

[If that’s the case, then it’s not hard to accept the Cosmic Tree’s favor. After all, I already promised the White Lion that I’ll save him later.]

But she still should get paid for her hard work, right?


The first thing that entered her mind was her dongsaeng/little sister Nabi.

And the other thing...

“Grandma Irina, I’ll save my Uncle Kingston, but in return, I want you to give Nabi a better position in your world. And second...” Neoma smirked, her eyes definitely gleaming with mischievousness. “Help me set up the main stage for my epic comeback.”


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