Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 512

Chapter 512


“WELCOME, gentlemen,” Nero greeted half of the Twelve Golden Families representatives who had arrived earlier than the others. “Father is still talking with the Daltons, so allow me to entertain in the meantime.”

The representatives who arrived early were the following: Duke Rufus Quinzel, Duke Arman Winchester, Count Emerson Zachary, Marquis Russell Spencer, and Marquis Vincent Lennox.

If he remembered it correctly, Duke Quinzel and Marquis Lennox belonged to the Royal Faction. While Duke Winchester, Count Zachary, and Marquis Spencer belonged to the Noble Faction.

[The Noble Faction, huh? I guess I can toy with them. Neoma ignored them, but they could be useful when controlled properly.]


After exchanging half-hearted pleasantries with the nobles, he ushered them to the tearoom that was reserved for esteemed guests. Since he was surrounded by other nobles, Lewis had to stand behind his chair instead of guarding outside the tea room.

Only after the tea was served did he break the silence.


“Marquis Lennox, congratulations,” Nero said, smiling at the old man. It was the smile that he practiced a lot in order to imitate Neoma’s cheerful disposition. “I haven’t heard the full report yet, but it’s pretty much confirmed that Lady Juliet Dalton is indeed Lady Juliet Sloane.”

“‘Lady Juliet Sloane?'” Marquis Lennox asked in disbelief. “Even though you are the Crown Prince, you do not have the right to address Her Majesty casually.”

“Save that for when Lady Sloane gets reinstated as the empress, Marquis Lennox,” Nero said, then he sipped his tea. “When Lady Sloane “died,” her name was removed from the Royal Household along with her title as the empress. Do you really need me to remind you of the law?”

“You’re being too arrogant now, Prince Nero.”

He just smirked as a response because he found it funny to be called ‘arrogant.’

[Oh, you should meet my twin sister if you want to see the personification of arrogance, you old man.]

“I was the one who helped you become the Crown Prince,” Marquis Lennox said in a threatening voice. “I can only take that way from you at any moment.”

“Marquis Lennox,” Duke Quinzel said, calling the marquis as if he was giving him a warning. “Are you threatening the Crown Prince now?”

The old marquis scoffed. “I’m only speaking the truth, Duke Quinzel.”

Duke Quinzel was about to retort, but he raised his hand to stop the duke.

“It seems like you’re already thinking of crowning your “grandson”, Lord Calyx, to be the new heir apparent, Marquis Lennox,” Nero said, smiling. “Am I right?”

The old marquis just sipped his tea.

[He’s being too obvious.]

“You don’t have to worry about your grandson’s position, Marquis Lennox,” Nero said, prompting the marquis to look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. “I already expressed my desire to step down as the Crown Prince to His Majesty.”

Everyone in the room, except Lewis, looked shocked by his revelation.

“Prince Nero, what are you saying?” Duke Quinzel asked. The duke was vaguely informed by the emperor about their plan. But, perhaps, the duke didn’t expect him to announce it to the other nobles this early. Hence the surprise. “You’re stepping down as the Crown Prince? And what did His Majesty say about it?”

“Why do you all look shocked?” Nero asked, letting out a sarcastic laugh. “I heard that most of the nobles have already sent letters to my father, asking His Majesty to reconsider changing the Crown Prince.” He put the teacup down on the saucer. “How cute.”

“Your Royal Highness is stepping down just because of that?” Marquis Spencer, the noble that Neoma would often call “seaweed hair,” said in a sarcastic manner. “I didn’t peg Your Royal Highness to be someone who gives up without a fight.”

“Do you not possess the abilities to back up your arrogance, Prince Nero?” Count Zachary asked condescendingly. “I must say that I’m quite disappointed.”

“I feel the same,” Duke Winchester said, smirking haughtily. This old man was even looking at him like he was some pest, and he wasn’t trying to hide it. “Your Royal Highness, I was looking forward to a bloody succession war.”

“Marquis Spencer, Count Zachary, Duke Winchester, you’re crossing the line,” Duke Quinzel warned the three gentlemen.

“Let them bark, Duke Quinzel. Dogs aren’t allowed in the palace, so it’s nice to hear a similar sound that they make here,” Nero said casually, his comment earning a death glare from the three offended noblemen. “Don’t give me that look. After all, I’m giving you the opportunity of a lifetime, so you should be grateful to me.”

Now, the nobles were confused.

Even Duke Quinzel, who was taking his side from the beginning, looked like he didn’t know what was going on anymore.

Nero put a hand over his chest while looking at Duke Winchester- the leader of the Noble Faction who would attack the Royal Family for every little thing. “Once I get dethroned, there will be chaos within the Royal Family. You can say that we will be vulnerable at that moment. Wouldn’t it be the perfect opportunity for the Noble Faction to tear the monarchy apart?”

“Prince Nero!” Marquis Lennox, the leader of the Royal Faction, yelled at him angrily. “Your words are bordering on treason!”

This time, not even Duke Quinzel could defend him.

“Why should I care? I’ll get dethroned soon anyway,” Nero said, smiling. Then he turned to Duke Winchester again. “I’m rooting for you and your faction, Duke Winchester. And since I’m openly supporting you, let me give you a piece of advice: if you want to tear the Royal Family apart, then why don’t you begin investigating the former Empress Juliet?”

Marquis Lennox slammed his hands on the table, his bloodlust directed at Nero.

It looked like the old marquis would attack him at any moment.

Thus, Lewis drew his sword and pointed the blade at Marquis Lennox.

“Move,” Lewis said indifferently. “You. Die.”

“Marquis Lennox, calm down,” Duke Quinzel said threateningly. “I won’t just sit and watch if you try to harm the Crown Prince.”

The warning from Lewis and Duke Quinzel was enough for the marquis to hide his bloodlust.

Nero wasn’t done provoking Marquis Lennox yet, so he continued his “conversation” with Duke Winchester who looked like he was being tempted by his “support” already. “Duke Winchester, don’t you think it’s going to be so entertaining if we find out that a certain monarch who faked their death returned to the palace after joining an evil organization— an organization that may ruin the empire and hurt the people? Will that person still be considered a monarch then?”

“You’re the one crossing the line now, Prince Nero,” Marquis Lennox said angrily. “Are you implying that my granddaughter is a traitor?”

Nero turned to the old marquis. “Did I mention Lady Sloane’s name?”

For that, Marquis Lennox kept his mouth shut as a response.

“If a former monarch returns and we get to prove that they betrayed the throne and put the people of the empire in danger...” Duke Winchester said, then he smirked. “The Royal Family will receive the wrath of the people.”

“And now, you have the perfect opportunity to dismantle the monarchy that you hated so much,” Nero said, smiling. “Good luck, Duke Winchester.” josei

“Do you plan to revive the Roseheart Clan, Prince Nero?” Marquis Spencer asked, then he scoffed. “I heard that male Rosehearts were supposed to be special. Is that the reason why you’re willing to give up the throne this easily?”

“My Roseheart Blood is indeed special, but that’s not the reason why I’m giving up my position as the Crown Prince.”

“Then what is Your Royal Highness’s reason for stepping down?” Count Zachary asked curiously. “We weren’t born yesterday, so we don’t believe that Your Royal Highness will step down as the Crown Prince without a proper reason.”

“It’s simple, really,” Nero said, then he smiled. “I just want to show you that even if I step down as the heir apparent to the throne, the crown will still choose me.” He sipped his tea before he spoke again. “After all, the de Moonasterios don’t need the throne- it’s the throne that needs a perfect de Moonasterio like me to sit on it.”


NEOMA hugged herself when she suddenly felt the chills. “Oh, god. What was that?” she asked herself while rubbing her arms. Gosh, look at those goosebumps. “Why do I feel like Nero just let his intrusive thoughts win and allowed his lunatic side to come out and destroy the hell out of the annoying nobles in the palace?”

“Eomma, that’s so oddly specific,” Greko, who was helping her choose flowers in the garden, said while laughing. “Do you feel what Prince Nero feels because of your special bond as twins?”

“Sometimes,” she said with a shrug. “But maybe I’m just worried. I know that I let Nero handle the power struggle in the palace because I can’t be bothered with politics. However, I’m starting to regret it.”

“But why would eomma regret it?”

“Because Nero is crazy,” she said bluntly. “Crazy in a scary sense, you know. If he’s a meme, then he’d be the child smirking in front of the camera while a house is burning down behind him.”

Greko tilted his head to one side while smiling apologetically at her. “I’m sorry, but I don’t really get it, eomma.”

“It’s alright,” Neoma said, then she changed the topic while looking at the pretty and colorful flowers in front of them. “Let’s just choose the best flowers to give Ruto later.”

Yes, she was choosing flowers to give him.

And yes, the floating island was about to “land.”

Neoma was on her way to the East Continent, and she couldn’t visit Ruto empty-handed, right?

[Ruston Stroganoff, you better give me a warm welcome or else...]


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