Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 210 - ONE BIG FAMILY

Chapter 210 - ONE BIG FAMILY

"YOUR MAJESTY, the stalker has gotten away," Geoffrey reported to him, then he bowed deeply. "I apologize for my shortcomings. I shouldn't have left him under the care of the Black Hawk Knights stationed at the Royal Capital."

"What happened?" Nikolai asked sternly while glaring at Geoffrey. "You should have brought the stalker to the Royal Palace as soon as you caught him."

Right now, he was in his office with Glenn and Geoffrey.

Neoma just left his office with Juri Wisteria. Aside from Lewis Crevan, Dion and Jeanne were also guarding his daughter now even inside the Royal Palace.

Warren and Wyatt were outside the Royal Capital at the moment. The Fletcher Twins were in charge of looking for the Black Witch outside the Royal Capital. Dion, the leader of the team in charge of recruiting members for Nero's official Order, was already done with his task.

Yes, Nero's team was almost complete.

[We just have to find the Black Witch.]

"I made the wrong call, Your Majesty," the Paladin said. "My plan was to escort Lady Juri Wisteria back to the Royal Palace first before I bring the stalker to the palace for interrogation. Thus, I left him to the Black Hawk Knights. I also asked them to bring the young man to the hospital since he was heavily injured. I didn't expect that the stalker would turn out to be the son of a high noble. According to the Black Hawk Knights that I talked to, they were pressured and threatened to let go of the young man."

He raised a brow at that. "It seems like the young masters of the current generation are nothing but ruffians, huh?"

"From what family?" Glenn asked curiously. "Everyone in the empire knows that the Black Hawk Knights belong to Duke Quinzel. Even though the duke isn't here at the moment, no one would dare to challenge his authority."

Ah, right.

Rufus was currently in Gonora. Ever since Amber and Hanna Quinzel left the empire to stay in Gonora, his cousin would visit his wife and daughter every last week of the month. Whenever Rufus was away, his Vice-Captain Jasxon would be in charge of their squad.

"Unless they're on the same level as Rufus," he said. "Who raised that stalker, Geoffrey?"

"The young man is from House Dankworth, Your Majesty," Geoffrey said seriously. "According to the pieces of information that I gathered, the young man is called Jeno Dankworth and he is Count Sean Dankworth's younger half-brother."

That was a surprise.

He heard in the past that the previous Count Dankworth had an illegitimate child with the countess's most favored maid. But he didn't know that House Dankworth accepted that child. After all, there was never a 'Young Master Dankworth' in the social gatherings that he had attended for the past few years.

Only Sean Dankworth was the known son of House Dankworth until he inherited his father's title just a few years ago.

"Why would a Dankworth stalk our Princess Neoma?" Glenn asked with furrowed brows. "Did he somehow figure out that 'Miss Ramsay' and the Crown Prince are the same people?"

"No, I don't think that's the case, Glenn," Geoffrey said while shaking his head. "There's one more information that I managed to get a hold of regarding Jeno Dankworth. It seemed like just last year, his eight-year-old little sister died because of an accident."

"By 'sister,' do you mean his sister from the mother's side?" Glenn asked. "I've heard that the previous count has an illegitimate child. But I haven't heard that he has a daughter."

"Yes, Jeno Dankworth's little sister was the child of her mother with the man she married after getting kicked out from the Dankworth Mansion," Geoffrey said while nodding. "I have a feeling that the young Dankworth sees his little sister on Princess Neoma."

"Oh," Glenn said in a sad tone. "I feel bad for Jeno Dankworth."

"Why would you feel bad for that ruffian? Regardless of his reason, he still stalked my young daughter," he said, sternly scolding Glenn. Then, he turned to Geoffrey. "I don't care if that ruffian is from House Dankworth. Since I cannot personally punish him to protect Neoma's disguise, do something to make the boy stop stalking my daughter."

Geoffrey fell silent for a while before he spoke. "Your Majesty, to be honest, there's another reason why I decided to send Jeno Dankworth to the hospital instead of punishing him right away."

"Your reason better be good, Geoffrey."

"Your Majesty, I believe that Jeno Dankworth is suited in a certain position that Princess Neoma wants for her team," Geoffrey said seriously. "Jeno Dankworth is the best choice to be Her Royal Highness's Marksman."

Glenn, who knew him like the back of his hand, already closed his eyes and braced himself for his anger.

Of course, he'd get angry at Geoffrey's ridiculous suggestion!

"Do you want to die, Geoffrey?" Nikolai snarled at the Paladin that, unlike Glenn, seemed to be confused by his reaction. "Why would you place my daughter's stalker next to her?!"


"YOU'RE GOING to fight Count Sean Dankworth, Princess Neoma?"

"I'm not going to fight the count, Lady Juri," Neoma said while cracking her knuckles. "Count Dankworth is just going to test the durability of my Dome."

Right now, she was in the drawing room of her palace with Juri.

She went there with her "first daughter" to sign their contract. After her Papa Boss assured them that Author Sola was already free, Juri immediately signed the contract as her 'Tank' aka member of her dream team.

Then, she began to prepare for her another appointment that day.

She just finished changing into her training clothes: a long-sleeved shirt under a vest, trousers, and a pair of combat shoes. There was a sheath tight around her waist. But her sword was just for display. Because even though she had been learning swordsmanship since she took Nero's place, she couldn't see herself wielding a sword in a fight.

After all, she personally likes throwing punches and kicks. And of course, bossing Tteokbokki around was always fun to her.

"You look good as a prince but I still feel sad for you," Juri, seated on the sofa, said while giving her a look filled with pity. "Princess Neoma, it's hard pretending to be a boy, right?"

"Well, I'm used to it," she said cheerfully. "Moreover, I secretly study things like embroidery, flower arrangement, and even dressmaking when I have free time. I used to do it with my best friend but she's currently abroad."

"Your best friend?"

"Hanna," she said proudly. "Hanna Quinzel is my bestie."

"Oh," the young lady said, surprised. "Isn't Lady Hanna Quinzel…"

Ah, yes.

The whole empire believed that Hanna was still in a comatose state and her legs were amputated.

"Yes, Hanna is still in a comatose state," she said, acting sad. Even though she knew that Juri was a trustworthy person, Hanna's secret wasn't hers to share with anyone. "But I still send her letters every chance I get. Duke Amber Quinzel never fails to give me an update on Hanna's condition."

That was true.

Duchess Amber Quinzel went to Gonora to take care of Hanna.

On the other hand, Duke Rufus Quinzel got her Papa Boss's permission to have a week-long vacation every end of the month. Of course, the duke spent that vacation time traveling to Gonora to spend time with his wife and daughter.

[I think Duke Quinzel is on his way home now.]

"Princess Neoma, I can't replace Lady Hanna Quinzel as your 'bestie,'" Juri said in a careful and gentle manner. "But please feel free to depend on me as your big sister." She thumped her chest cooly. "You may just call by my first name, Your Royal Highness."

Neoma smiled genuinely at Juri. "I'll take you up on that offer, Juri," she said, then she paused before she spoke again. "And oh, you're my first daughter from now on."


"GREETINGS, Sir Lewis Crevan," Juri greeted the young knight cheerfully. Princess Neoma already introduced her and Lewis Crevan to each other a while ago. "Since we're both working for His Royal Highness now, is it okay if we drop formalities? You may call me by my name."

She purposely called Princess Neoma 'His Royal Highness' because the two of them weren't alone in there.

Right now, they were in the large courtyard in His Majesty's residence to witness the "fight" between Princess Neoma and Count Sean Dankworth. Since it was a rare chance where the "Crown Prince" would exhibit his ability, the other nobles didn't miss that chance to watch.

The audience included Marquis Lawford Gibson, Marquis Russell Spencer, Viscount Austin Morrisey, and Marquis Vincent Lennox.

Out of all the higher nobles present, the presence of Marquis Vincent Lennox shocked her.

[It's rare for the head of the Royal Faction to show up. Moreover, it feel awkward for Marquis Lennox to be here. After all, he's the grandfather of the late Empress Juliet.]

"You may call me by my name," Lewis Crevan said, distracting her from her thoughts. "Lady Juri."

"Thank you, Lewis," she said with a smile. "But you may call me by my name without addressing me by my title."

The young knight didn't say anything.

[Ah, he doesn't want to call me by my name.]

"Aren't you being a little too distant?" she asked, teasing the stiff young knight a little. "Aren't we a family now?"

He tilted his head at one side as if he was confused.

"His Royal Highness said that I'm now his "first daughter,"" she said while trying to hold back her laughter. "And he also said that you're his son. Doesn't it make us siblings now?"

To be honest, she still didn't understand what Princess Neoma meant by claiming her as her "first daughter."

But she thought it was just child's play so she didn't question it.

[Moreover, Princess Neoma looks so cute when she said I'm her first daughter now.]

"I am not anyone's son," Lewis said in a tired voice while shaking his head. "I won't accept the fact that that person sees me as a child."



Juri couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands when she gasped softly. "Ohh."


"PLEASE listen to us, my lord!" Nichole begged Gavin Quinzel while clutching her bleeding stomach. "You can't leave and show up in front of Princess Neoma yet!"

She was in a difficult position right now.

Gin, who first tried to stop Gavin Quinzel from leaving the room, was now unconscious and barely breathing.

She couldn't stop the former commander on her own.

Despite borrowing the strength of the Devil, she was still no match against Gavin Quinzel. It had only been a year since he woke up and yet, he already managed to regain half of his original strength.

"You've already stopped me from seeing my daughter for a year now," Gavin Quinzel said in a calm tone. Then, he turned to her with a blank look on his face. "You don't have to worry about me meeting His Majesty. Stealing my daughter from under his nose would be easy."


The former commander was really adamant about taking Princess Neoma, huh?

"How?" Nichole asked weakly. "How did Princess Neoma become your daughter. Lord Quinzel? Her Mana, her soul, her physical traits--- they all obviously came from Lady Mona Roseheart and His Majesty!"

But Gavin Quinzel was also not the type of person to lie or act delusional.

There must be some truth in his ridiculous claim.

"You wouldn't understand even if I explain it to you," Gavin Quinzel said with a gentle yet sad smile on his face. "Princess Nichole, I don't want Neoma to end up like you so please allow me to leave and save my daughter."


Hi. You may now send GIFTs to our Neoma. Thank you~


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