Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 221 - REWARD FOR MY CUB

Chapter 221 - REWARD FOR MY CUB

"YOU'RE pretty handsome, Glenn," Lisica said seductively while clinging to Glenn's muscular arm. Of course, she was purposely pressing her soft and voluptuous breasts against his hard biceps. She was so glad that in this hell, they still had 'physical bodies' that functioned the same way when they were still alive. Although it was more of a vessel that contained her soul, and it would definitely break once she stepped out of the "book." "Do you want to spend the night with me?"

She sent Rustin away to seduce Glenn.

To get the knight alone, she asked Rustin to check on Lewis and the de Moonasterion Princess.

She was having a small talk with the little princess when the child fell asleep. The de Moonasterion Princess probably fell asleep because she suddenly turned her into an adult form. To be honest, she wanted to play a prank on Princess Neoma.

But she couldn't touch the child.

Even when asleep, Princess Neoma had a divine barrier around her. It was strong enough to repel her. Thus, she gave up and left the child alone.

"I politely decline, Lady Lisica," Glenn said while gently pulling her hands away from his arm. "I am not interested in you."

She was impressed and it wasn't only because of the knight's blunt yet polite rejection.

To be honest, she was using her physical strength that was comparable to the Royal Family's power. And yet, Glenn was able to "pluck" her off his arm easily. Then, he swiftly moved away from her.

"Glenn, you don't have to be interested in me," she said, still determined on seducing the knight. "Let's just taste each other's body."

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested in your body, Lady Lisica."

"Oh, come on," she whined with a purr. "Just one night, Glenn. I will make a man out of you within just one night."

This time, he didn't even give her a response.

[My charm isn't working, huh?]

It was supposed to be easy for a lady fox like her to seduce men, especially humans. But her charm wasn't working on Glenn. He didn't even look like he was holding back.

In fact, the knight looked like he wanted to be anywhere but near her.

That only increased her "appetite" for him.

[Hard to get men are the tastiest after all.]

"Oho," she said while licking her lips. "Glenn, could it be… you already have a lover? Are you saving yourself for that lady?"

"I have a lover and yes, I'm saving myself for her," Glenn said seriously. "But that's not the only reason why I'm turning you down, Lady Lisica. I'm just simply not interested in you. To make it clearer, I don't want to sleep with you. If you don't stop…"

The knight now had a murderous look on his face, and his bloodlust was oozing. It was obviously a deadly warning.

[Does he hate my teasing that much?]

Well, that only made her want to tease him further.

She smirked, getting turned on even more. "Even if I do this…?"

By that, she meant taking off her little dress in front of him.

But before her dress could even fall on the ground, her sight literally darkened when a piece of clothing covered her whole body.


The scent clinging to the big cloak covering her whole body belonged to Rustin.

"Your joke has gone too far, Queen Lisica," Rustin snarled at her in a low, sexy voice. Then, he grabbed her by the waist and draped her over his shoulder, making her yelp in the process. But of course, he ignored her. "Glenn, sorry about this. Can you pretend that this didn't happen? In return, I will make sure that our dear queen won't bother you again."

"I also want to pretend that nothing happened here," Glenn said, his voice still sounded distant. "Don't worry, Lord Rustin. I can easily forget something that I don't want to remember."

Rustin just laughed, then he said his goodbye to Glenn.

The next thing she knew, she felt the barbarian fox jump from tree to tree– 30 or 40 meters up in the air. After a while, Rustin finally stopped moving. Then, he put her down and fixed the cloak that he just tossed at her earlier.

So now, she was standing in front of the barbarian fox while wearing the cloak properly.

"Why did you interrupt my fun?" she complained with a pout. "Just a little bit more and I would have successfully seduced Glenn."

"Don't be delusional, queen," Rustin snarled at her. "Glenn almost killed you when you took your clothes off."

"We're already dead, Rustin."

"Yes, but we would cease existing even in this world if our spirits get damaged heavily."

"Glenn isn't that strong to damage our spirits easily."

"Don't underestimate him," he scolded her. "Glenn was still a child when were still alive and thriving in the empire. But even during that time, he was already known as an outstanding Swordmaster despite his young age. Moreover, the killing intent that I felt from him a while ago was the real deal."

She just pouted.

"And stop flirting with other men when you already have me."

She giggled at what Rustin said, then she playfully smacked his arm. "I was just playing with Glenn because his liver smells delicious. I like healthy young men like him."

He sighed while shaking his head. "Lisica."

"I know," she said seriously. "I just miss the old days, Rustin. The unending war that we have here is starting to get boring for me. My blood is craving for new enemies to slay." Even without seeing her own reflection, she just knew that her golden eyes glowed at that moment. "Should we ask the Devil to transport us into a different dimension?"

She couldn't help it.

Even after death, her violent nature didn't disappear.

"We can use the little princess to satisfy our thirst for violence, Lisica."

She raised a brow at that, impressed by the fact that Rustin addressed her casually again. Of course, considering their relationship, she didn't mind at all. "How can we use the little princess?"

"Didn't you smell the Roseheart Blood in her?"

"Of course, I did."

"Then, the little princess must be a Summoner," Rustin said with a smirk. "If we surrender to Princess Neoma, we could become her Spirit Warriors that she may summon if she needs someone to fight for her."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Lisica said, then she crossed her arms over her chest. "But I don't follow just anyone, Rustin."


NEOMA fought her vanity well and won.

Thankfully, her heart didn't waver and she maintained her position as Lewis's mother gallantly. It was okay to think that her son was handsome. After all, it should be considered natural for him to "inherit" her pretty genes.

"Yes, you're still my son," Neoma said firmly. "It's a crime to seduce your mother, you know?"

"Seducing you?" Lewis asked, then he tilted his head at one side with an annoyingly innocent look on his goddamn handsome face. "Is that what I'm doing?"

"No," she denied, then she stood up and stretched her long arms. She smiled when she realized that she was still in her adult form. "Queen Lisica turned me into an adult. Trevor could also turn me into this form when I'm in his territory. I guess it's not so bad to visit hell from time to time…"

She trailed off when Lewis stood up.

[So f*cking tall.]

Lewis, currently twelve years old, was already lanky. She shouldn't be surprised if he went over six feet once he turned into an adult. And yet, she couldn't help but get impressed as she looked up at her son.

[He's not just tall, he's also lean.]

Lewis's body build was the type that looked skinny at first. But when you looked closer, you'd realize that he was actually lean.

[I like his body type.]

She was distracted from checking out her son's body when she noticed the changes in his appearance that she should have noticed earlier.

"Lewis, you have so many tails!" she exclaimed excitedly, then she ran around her son and stopped behind him while counting his fluffy tails. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!" She clapped her hands while jumping up and down happily. "Lewis, you now have nine tails! Congratulations!"

He didn't say anything.

But the fact that his tails were wagging happily like how an excited dog's tails would do was enough to tell her that he was delighted.

[My son worked hard to grow his nine tails.]

N*ruto would pale in comparison to her son.

"Princess Neoma, can I ask for a reward?"

"Sure," she said. Lewis rarely asked her for a reward so how could she not give it to him? Plus, she knew that her son wasn't the type to abuse his position. "As long as it's within my power, I will grant it for you."

Lewis turned around to face her. For some reason, his face was red and he couldn't look at her properly. Was he being shy? "Princess Neoma, I want to work on getting over my trauma," he said softly. "So… can I hold your hands?"

She almost broke down in tears.

Of course, she hadn't forgotten about Lewis's fear of skinship. There were instances where he would initiate physical contact. But it was obvious that he wasn't comfortable with it yet.

The fact that he was the one who brought that up touched her heart.

"Alright," she said, then she extended her hands to him. "May I touch your hands, Lewis?"

He nodded, his face turning red even more.

She also noticed the fear crossed her son's face.

[My poor baby.]

She carefully held Lewis's hands, and squeezed them gently as a form of encouragement.

Lewis shut his eyes tightly while taking deep breaths.

Her heart went out to him.

Lewis's hands were big and calloused. Anyone could tell that those hands belonged to an "adult" who went through a lot. But for her, Lewis was still a child that needed love and warmth from people that genuinely cared about him.

She wanted to be that kind of existence to Lewis.

"You're doing a good job, Lewis," Neoma said gently. "If it gets too overwhelming, you may let go of my hands any moment."

Lewis's breath soon returned to normal. Then, he opened his eyes and looked at her warmly. Without breaking their eye contact, he brought her hands near his face. After that, he closed his eyes once again and pressed his forehead against her knuckles. "Your touch is gentle, Princess Neoma."


GLENN was shocked.

He was worried about Princess Neoma and Lewis, so he entered the cave to check on the children.

But what greeted him wasn't the little princess and the young fox that he expected to meet.

If his eyes were deceiving him, then he was definitely looking at the adult form of Princess Neoma and Lewis Crevan (with nine, white and fluffy tails!).

Of course, he was curious as to how it happened.

But to be honest, he was more concerned about the realization that hit him: Once Princess Neoma grows up, she would be THAT pretty.

And so would Lewis Crevan be.josei

In short, the two looked good together.

It must be presumptuous of Glenn to say this but he actually thought of himself as Princess Neoma's "uncle."

He didn't like what he was seeing. Princess Neoma would always be a child to him. The possibility of their adorable little princess being taken away by a man brought indescribable pain in his chest.

Now he understood how every father in the world must have felt when they watch their daughters get married.

[Princess Neoma, you're growing up too fast.]

If he felt that way as Princess Neoma's "uncle," he couldn't imagine how the royal princess's father would feel.

[His Majesty would lose it if he finds out about this.]


Hi. You may now send GIFTs to our Neoma. Thank you~


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