Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 248 - ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE (4)

Chapter 248 - ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE (4)

"FOR A god, you're pretty weak," Neoma said while picking up Mini Skewer. [I'm sorry for throwing you away earlier, Mini Skewer.]

"Of course I'm weak right now," Crimson, who was sitting on the floor with slumped shoulders, said in an irritated voice. "You're not angry after all."

She turned to the dude and raised a brow at him. To be honest, she wanted to feel bad for the poor guy after she beat him up because of his child appearance. But she didn't like the evil glint in his red eyes. Thus, she stopped feeling sorry for him. "Are you saying that my anger affects your strength?"

"I'm the God of Wrath," he reminded her firmly. "Since you're my host, it's only natural that your anger serves as the fuel for my power."

"I'm still angry though."

"It's still not enough for me," he said in a serious tone. "I need you to be angry to the point of insanity, little de Moonasterio."

"I'm not good at doing what people I dislike want me to do."

"How can you dislike me?" he complained. "I'm your Soul Beast– I'm a part of you."

"Tteokbokki is my Soul Beast."

"I am that "Tteokbokki,"" he insisted bluntly. "Once a Soul Beast is embedded within a newborn de Moonasterio's soul, they lose their past memories. It's not uncommon for the Soul Beasts to develop a new personality until they remember who they really are. Right now, my consciousness shifts from the Tteokbokki that you know to the real me. Don't you find it strange when sometimes, "Tteokbokki" doesn't heed your call recently?"

She hated to admit it but this dude was right. There were instances when Tteokbokki wouldn't answer her. [Does it mean…]

"Yes, I'm forcibly taking over his consciousness during those times," the God of Wrath said as if he could read her mind. "I've taken advantage of the fact that your emotions are unstable recently. You get mad, you calm down, then get mad again. I'm stronger during the times you're angry though. So please, don't hold back anymore and go on a rampage."

"I really don't like you," she said, completely ignoring everything the little god said. "Because you exist, Tteokbokki is now acting like he has a split personality."

Crimson looked pissed with what she said. "I'm your real Soul Beast. The "Tteokbokki" you treasure is just a personality I developed when I lost my memories."

"Will you turn into a unicorn if I asked you to?"

"Of course, I won't," he snarled at her. "Don't make me remember the things that you made me do in the past!"

"If you can't turn into a unicorn, then I don't want you," she said with a scowl. "I will make you sleep forever and bring my Tteokbokki' back. I prefer a tsundere over a scheming bastard like you."

He looked shocked by her declaration, then he laughed. "So, you know?" he asked, amused. "You know that I'm scheming something behind your back?"

"I am not dense," she said bluntly. "I tend to ignore things that I refuse to acknowledge. But that doesn't mean I'm ignorant so don't look down on me."

"Even if you know that I'm planning something behind your back, you have no means to know what exactly it is," Crimson said, his body now turning translucent. "It will hit you when you least expect it, little de Moonasterio."

Neoma let out a sigh when the God of Wrath disappeared at the same time her body turned translucent, too. "I should have punched that scheming bastard in the throat."


WHEN Neoma woke up standing, her eyes were instantly blessed to see two gorgeous men fighting gallantly in front of her.

[Why the fuck is William picking a fight with my precious son?]

Her mood turned sour as soon as she realized that the Grand Spirit might have tried to hurt or kill her. It could only be the reason why Lewis was fighting William with the intention to kill the scumbag.

But although she was initially pissed at the situation that she woke up to, her mood got better when it finally occurred to her that Lewis was in an adult form. Moreover, her son's nine white fluffy tails were out.

[Heh. My son is going all out. I guess he doesn't need his mother to back him up.]

Plus, it seemed like the two were too engrossed with their fight that they didn't notice that she was already awake. She could barely keep up with the two's movements because they were moving as if they were The Flash.

[Let's not pay attention to them for now.]

She was glad that she was still in her adult form. With this body, she could control the divine energy from her Soul Beast better.

[That Crimson is quiet, huh?]

She focused on the ashes on the floor instead. To be honest, it crept her out when she realized that the residue of the black flame around the ashes was "alive." And it was waiting for her command.

It didn't have to wait because she had all the intentions to punish the couple r*pists.

Neoma stretched her arm out while her palm was facing the ashes on the floor. "Rise, motherfuckers."

As soon as she spoke, William and Lewis stopped fighting and turned to her.

She ignored the two and watched the ashes rise as if those were being carried by a gentle breeze. But soon, the breeze that lifted the ashes turned into a violent wind that resembled a small twister. The higher the ashes rise, the better the shape of two people's figures come out.

Finally, in just the blink of an eye, the naked couple from before was revived.

As soon as the r*pists came back to life, the two bawled their eyes out and cried while hugging their burned bodies.

"Enough, please!" the naked woman begged while crying. "I can't take it anymore!"

"The flame is too hot! We've already been burned to ashes and revived twice!" the naked man complained while sobbing like a child. "Just kill us, please!"

"No," she said coldly, then she snapped her fingers. "Burn, bitches."

Just like that, the residue of the black flame suddenly grew bigger and ate the perverted couple without mercy. And now, that disgusting room was filled with the cries and pleads of those scumbags that didn't deserve to be treated like humans anymore.

"Hah," William said when he got over his shock from seeing what she did to the trash couple. "I guess for a filthy de Moonasterio like you, killing humans is no different from killing insects."

"I don't see any humans here aside from me and Lewis," she said, then she turned to the Grand Spirit. "Why are you getting mad at me for burning trashes?"

"Is that how Nikolai de Moonasterio raised you?" the Grand Spirit asked. "You treat humans that oppose you as nothing but mere trash?"

"I like how you're committed to making me sound like the bad guy here," she said, then she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry but to me, people who r*pe children have already lost their right to be treated as humans."

At least, William had the audacity to look shocked and ashamed after running his mouth off without learning the whole story first. But of course, the Grand Spirit hated her so much that he found a retort right away. "You're acting as the Crown Prince right now, filthy bug. I'm sure you have the power to punish criminals by law. I don't think exacting revenge on humans who crossed you is how an empire's future ruler should act."

Ah, that hit her conscience.

Even in her second life, she believed in due process. But to be honest, if she had the ability to turn back time, she would still do the same.

"I believe in due process. It exists to avoid innocent people being judged unfairly," she said carefully. "However, I also believe that criminals, especially those who committed horrendous crimes, should be punished on the spot when caught red-handed."

The Grand Spirit smirked bitterly. "Oi, filthy bug. Even criminals have human rights, too. Don't you think a leader like you should be merciful? Isn't it your job as a ruler to reform the scum of your empire? Instead of killing those humans, the system of this empire should fix them and let them rejoin society. That's why the law exists, Princess Neoma de Moonasterio."

"For criminals who committed other crimes, you might be correct. It's the empire's responsibility to reform them and let them rejoin the society," she said, then she clenched her hands. "But as I said earlier, scums who r*pe children no longer have the right to be treated as humans. Why would you give them a chance to live and have a decent life when they hurt innocent children? If I'm going to help someone have a decent and comfortable life, that would be the survivors and not the criminals."

After her long speech, the r*pists were finally burned to ashes.

"Rise, motherfuckers," she said while her hand was pointed at the ashes.

Just like what happened earlier, the perverted couple was revived only to suffer from getting burned by the Hellflame again.

William smirked at her, obviously mocking her again. "Well, aren't you a tyrant-in-the-making?"

"If the justice that I believe right now makes me a tyrant, so be it," she said, then she let out a sigh. "I'm tired of arguing with you." Her gaze went past the Grand Spirit and she locked her gaze with a pair of glowing golden orbs. "Lewis, get rid of Uncle Scumbag."

The Grand Spirit instantly turned around to face her son, but it was already too late.

Lewis had already jumped in the air and used his knee to break William's face.

[Oh, no. Not the face, son…]

It was a shame since she liked Uncle Scumbag's face despite his rotten attitude and unwarranted hate towards her.


William was sent flying by Lewis's attack but the scumbag just laughed. "Do you think that's enough to beat me?"

"Of course not," she said, answering in her son's place. "That's why I summoned Kimchi."

The Grand Spirit froze when his body hit the wall of fire that Kimchi, her Flame Spirit, created to catch the scumbag.

William glared at her. "Do you think your little pet's flame can burn me?"

"No," she said casually, then she turned to the Flame Spirit that was now seated on top of William's head. "But I'm sure as hell that my Baby Kimchi can take you somewhere else."

The Grand Spirit looked confused.

She just snapped her fingers, then Kimchi along with William who was glued to her Flame Spirit's wall of fire disappeared.

"My baby has the ability to teleport using her flame," she said with a smirk. "But I guess you already know that by now, Uncle Scumbag."

"Princess Neoma…"

She turned around and faced Lewis.

Gosh, she almost had a nosebleed. She didn't know where her son got the shirt that he was wearing. But she was pretty sure that he just grabbed it from somewhere. After all, it was a little too tight on him.

But the shirt still looked good on him because it emphasized his gorgeous athletic body.

"Are you okay, Lewis?" she asked worriedly. "Did they…?"

He shook his head. "They just took off my clothes."

She clenched her hands tight.

No matter what William says, she wouldn't regret her decision to subject the perverted couple to eternal suffering.

"I'm sorry," she said guiltily. "I shouldn't have let you go."

"Do you really feel sorry, Princess Neoma?"

"Of course."

"Then, can you hug me?"


"Hug me," Lewis said softly, his golden eyes glowing beautifully. It was also worth noting that his whole face had turned red. He looked determined though. "Please hug me until I forget the way those perverts touched my body."


Her heart broke when she heard that.

So without much further ado, she dropped Mini Skewer on the floor. Then, she walked towards Lewis and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry," she whispered while her face was buried against Lewis's chest. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that for me…"

"It's okay, Princess Neoma," Lewis said softly, then he slowly wrapped his arms around her body. "I'm okay now because your warmth never fails to make me forget all the bad things that happened to me."

"I won't let something like that happen to you again," Neoma promised Lewis. "I will protect you better this time, Lewis."


"WAKE UP, you useless thing."

When Curtis opened his eyes, he found himself back in the strange rose garden that he had been to earlier.


He forgot about that place and the god that he met when he gained consciousness a while ago. But now that he was awake, he remembered everything once again.

"It seems like you remember everything now," the God of Wrath, seated on the throne engulfed in a pure white flame, said lazily. "It's time that you do what I asked you to do in order to make the little de Moonasterio lose sanity."

He didn't know how he would benefit from the god's angry.

But it wasn't like he had the power to defy the God of Wrath.

"I understand, my lord," Curtis said, then he bowed and closed his eyes. "I will follow your order."


NEOMA was surprised when all of a sudden, Lewis grabbed her shoulders and gently pulled her away from him. "What's wrong?"

"Princess Neoma, your c-chest is p-pressing against m-mine," Lewis, whose face was red again, said in a shy voice. He couldn't even look at her straight in the eye. "Y-Yours are s-soft…"

Ah, right.

She almost forgot that her breasts were bigger in her adult form. You see, even her body was gorgeous. She had curves in all the right places.

[I understand why an innocent boy like Lewis will get flustered.]

But the fact that her son was acting this way…

"Lewis, I'm your mother."

"No, you're not my mother and I'm not your son," Lewis said, looking at her straight in the eye this time. "You're a woman and I'm a man, Princess Neoma."

She didn't want to admit this but that declaration made her heart flutter. "You're right," she said, acting nonchalant to hide the fact that her damned heartbeat was erratic at the moment. "Right now, we have the appearance of a grown man and woman."

Her son scowled, obviously not pleased with what she said.

Thankfully, a chaotic distraction in the form of Lisica and Rustin Crevan came through like a wrecking ball.

The two adult nine-tailed foxes came into the room while pulling several zombie-like corpses behind them. If her guess was correct, those animated corpses were tied with a rope made from Lisica's energy.

And if she remembered it correctly, those were the red foxes that the dude called Prism were controlling earlier.

She didn't see Prism anymore, but she didn't bother asking where the bastard was. If he wasn't there, then it only meant that he was already dead.

"Princess Neoma, what should we do with these corpses?" Lisica asked in a whiny tone. "No matter how many times we kill them, they just come back to life."

"And if we cut their body parts into pieces, they turn into stone," Rustin added. "Then, the stone would come together, and before we know it, their back to their original form. It seems like we need to find the source of their strange regenerative ability."

She wasn't surprised when she heard that from Lisica and Rustin Crevan.

Mr. Eight, the Grim Reaper that she met earlier, already told her that it was exactly the reason why he couldn't gather the souls of the dead red foxes. Thus, Mr. Eight asked her to bring the souls to her. Thankfully, the Grim Reaper was generous enough to give her a tip.

According to Mr. Eight, Curtis Smit was the reason why he couldn't "harvest" the souls of the dead red foxes.

"Queen Lisica, Lord Rustin, please wait here and keep an eye on those zombies," Neoma said seriously, then she turned to Lewis whose face was still red. [Aigoo…] "Let's go and find Curtis Smit, Lewis."


"MY QUEEN, did you notice it?" Rustin asked Queen Lisica while looking at the spot where Princess Neoma and Lewis disappeared to. "We didn't feel Princess Neoma's presence and Mana even though her divine energy is overflowing."

"Yeah, I noticed that she unconsciously erased her presence," Queen Lisica said while nodding her head. "I wonder if Princess Neoma knows what it means when strong beings like us no longer feel the presence of another strong person?"


"THE "CROWN PRINCE" was here."

Nichole scowled and glared at Dominic Zavaroni. "Why are you following me?"josei

"I didn't follow you, Princess Nichole," Dominic said in a delighted voice. His face was so bright and his smile so child-like that if other people saw him, they wouldn't take him seriously as the only saint of the continent. "Like you, I'm simply following the traces of the "Crown Prince's" divine energy."

She let out a frustrated sigh.

[Well, I'm glad that Dominic has the sense to not mention Princess Neoma's name. The crows are here, so we have to be careful.]

"We met again, Princess Nichole."

She felt a shiver down her spine when she heard the familiar voice.

When she looked up at the roofless sky, she confirmed her bad feeling. Floating above them was indeed Curtis Smit– the crow bastard that abducted and tortured her many years ago.

"Curstis Smit," she said in clenched teeth. "I'm glad that you didn't make me look for you," she said while gathering her dark and divine energy in her hands. Yes, she could use both. "I hope you're ready to die now."

"I won't be fighting you, Princess Nichole," Curtis Smit said while laughing, then he opened his arms wide. "I'm here to introduce you to your children, Your Royal Highness."

She froze when she heard those horrible words.

[My children…?]

And just like that, her awful memories of the time that she was locked up in the Crow's Mansion flooded her system.

Against her will, her body trembled in fear.

"Children...?" Dominic asked weakly while looking up at Curtis Smit with a shocked look on his face. "Don't tell me..."

"Ah, you didn't know, Your Holiness?" Curtis Smit asked the saint mockingly. "Princess Nichole gave birth to several beasts courtesy of my experiment." The bastard crow clapped his hands. "Just like these two."

And then, two abominations appeared on either side of Curtis Smit.

Nichole felt her stomach turn upside down when she saw that those creatures had the body of an eagle and the head of a man.

The head of the disgusting creatures had white hair, ash-gray eyes, and pale skin.

"Mother," the two abominations said at the same time while looking at her.

Nichole screamed in anger, her dark and divine energy bursting out of her body uncontrollably. "I'm not your mother!"


NEOMA heard and saw everything.

When she came back to the room where she left Curtis Smit, she was surprised to see Princess Nichole and Saint Zavaroni. She was about to call the two when all of a sudden, Curtis Smit appeared.

And she heard all the disgusting things that the Crow Executive said.

She also saw the abominations that Curtis Smit introduced as Princess Nichole's "children."

When the realization hit her, she felt like she was gutted.

[That means when Princess Nichole was kidnapped by the crows, she was...]

Did her Papa Boss know what exactly happened to her aunt?

[Does my father know what the crows do to female de Moonasterios? If he and the other de Moonasterios know, how come the cult is still alive until now?]

Did it also mean that all the other female de Moonasterios suffered the same way?

And the male de Moonasterios let it happen just because the crows help them ascend the throne?


[I feel like going crazy...]

She felt it at that moment.

Something inside her broke.

And it was her mind.

"Your Royal Highness?" Lewis asked worriedly. "Are you okay...?"

"No, I'm not okay," Neoma said, then she turned to Lewis with a smile. And yet, her tears wouldn't stop falling. "Lewis, don't stop me."


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