Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!



THE ILLUMINA Plaza, the plaza that was located on the streets where the middle-class and the commoners lived, was soon filled with people.

A while ago, hundreds of yellow butterflies swarmed in the plaza.

Then, much to everyone's surprise, each yellow butterfly had turned into a piece of paper that seemed like a page from a newspaper. The contents of the paper shocked the people. It contained a report regarding the Death Camp.

It was divided into three parts:

1.      The report regarding the discovery of a certain "Death Camp."

2.      The nobles were allegedly involved with it.

3.      The kinds of abuses that the survivors (aged 5-13) had suffered.

"How terrible! To think that this kind of camp exists…"

"And it's run by our very own nobles at that!"

"I thought slavery has long been banned in the empire?"

"Poor children…"

"I'm relieved that they were rescued by the future moon of our empire."

"But the young Crown Prince seems to have gotten in trouble for doing so because the esteemed nobles are giving His Royal Highness a hard time."

Everyone who heard that turned to the giant video-recording device floating in the middle of the plaza. The video-recording device took the form of a transparent wall. And inside that screen, they could see the "little moon."

Right now, everyone watching could see the Crown Prince who just cried trying to appeal to the nobles. But His Royal Highness wasn't protecting himself.

The empire's First Star and their future moon actually cried for the slaves.

Although the citizens of the empire respected His Majesty Emperor Nikolai as a very efficient ruler, they all knew that their moon was a cold person. But compared to the previous emperor who only knew how to go to wars and spend money on useless things, the current emperor was seriously better.

The people thought they had to settle for the "lesser evil."

Right now, the future moon of the empire shed his precious tears for the children at the foot of the social hierarchy. The Crown Prince might have made a mistake because he was still young. But wasn't it too much to treat His Royal Highness like a criminal?

["I recognize my mistake, esteemed nobles," the young Crown Prince said in a solemn voice, his eyes still swollen from crying. But nobody saw it as a weakness. In fact, the people of the empire who witnessed His Royal Highness's vulnerability were touched. It made them feel like the Crown Prince was in front of them instead of a video-recording device. "I will gladly accept any punishment that you deem deserving of my actions."]

There was a collective gasp.

Everyone in the plaza had already heard what happened at the camp. They also read the mysterious "newspaper" that suddenly poured from the sky. Thus, they were very aware of what mistake their poor Crown Prince had committed.

His Royal Highness let his emotions take over.

His Royal Highness didn't stop the Hellgate that the Devil created because his feelings got in the way.

His Royal Highness broke the rule when he had forgotten about the due process and the rights of the criminals.

Every life was supposedly precious.

Everyone knew that.


"But who cares about the lives of bastards who abuse children?!"

"Is the life of a predator more important than the life of an innocent child?!"

"Why does our law protect the lives of those lowlives instead of protecting the lives of the survivors?!"

The people were angry.

They had read the details about how the poor children at the camp were physically, mentally, and sexually abused supposedly. Some of the children were sold off, while the other stronger kids were allegedly forced to participate in a fight against beasts while the rich patrons took bets.

Of course, everyone questioned where the "newspaper" that contained the reports came from. They also questioned if the information provided was real. But all of their doubts disappeared when they saw the solemn look on the Crown Prince's face.

["However, I'd like to propose some laws that would protect the children of our empire from any kind of abuse," the Crown Prince said firmly. Most kids looked weak after crying. But for some reason, His Royal Highness still looked dignified. He looked so real despite the fact that he was nothing but an image inside the video-recording device. "I especially wish for these certain laws to protect the children from the most vulnerable section of our society."]

The most vulnerable section of their society?

Then, wouldn't it be the commoners? The peasants? And those who had become slaves despite the law that prohibited making people slaves?

The Crown Prince wished to protect those people especially?

Once again, the majority of the people who heard His Royal Highness's heartfelt request were touched.

"His Royal Highness knows," one of the older people in the Plaza said in a shaking voice. "His Royal Highness knows that even though the existence of such a cruel camp is revealed, the nobles wouldn't be affected."

"The rich would never have to worry about their children being slaves because they have the money and the capability to protect their families," a mother said firmly, envy and fear could be heard from her voice. "But how about us?"

"Those damned slave traders always target the poor because they know that we can't protect ourselves!"

"The Crown Prince knows that and His Royal Highness is trying to protect us!"

["I beg all of you," the Crown Prince said in a cracked voice. Then, he bowed his head to the nobles. "I'll accept any punishment but please. Please." Tears once again fell from the little moon's eyes. "Please help me protect the vulnerable."]

Then, much to everyone's shock, the future emperor bowed his head.

"His Royal Highness bowed his head…"

"For us," a father of three young girls said. This father read in the newspaper how the young girls in the camp were sexually abused by rich and influential people. He shuddered at the thought that it might happen to his poor daughters. Of course, he would do everything to protect his children. But he knew deep down in his heart that he didn't have the power to go against influential people that might want to hurt his precious daughters. He felt despair at the depressing thought that crossed his mind. But hope sprouted in his heart upon hearing the sincere and warm words of their future emperor. "His Royal Highness bowed his head to protect those who can't protect themselves!"

"Why does our poor Crown Prince have to bow his head and beg those damned nobles?!" an angry mother asked in a frustrated voice. This angry mother had two sons but that made no difference. Even though she didn't read the newspaper, she knew that even boys get abused. "Those nobles don't care because their children are fine within the safety of their territories!"

It wasn't true that all noble children were safe just because they were born in rich families.

In fact, most children were abused by their own family members.

Just like what happened to the Young Master Rubin Drayton. He was the son of an esteemed duke. And yet, nobody knew that the young lord was being physically abused by his own father.

Perhaps, the commoners knew that as well.

But right now, their priority was to protect their own. Like what the Crown Prince said earlier, they were the most vulnerable section of society.

"The Crown Prince is the son of Lady Mona Roseheart…"

The people who had heard that statement suddenly fell silent.

To be honest, it had become a silent agreement among the citizens of the empire to not speak of the late Lady Roseheart.

The matriarch of House Roseheart was loved by the people.

But so was the late Empress Juliet.

Because the two great women of the empire were both equally loved, the people who admired them decided to never speak of them again. It was done to avoid people comparing Lady Roseheart and Empress Juliet to one another. And honestly, it was silly to pit the two amazing ladies against each other.

But since the person who mentioned Lady Roseheart didn't do it with bad intentions, the others let them speak.

"Our future emperor is different from the other royals and nobles because he's the son of Lady Roseheart."

Most people silently nodded their heads in agreement.

If the late Empress Juliet was known as the "Benevolent Lady," then the late Lady Roseheart was known as the "Mass Princess" because most people that admired the matriarch were from common households.

After hearing Lady Roseheart's name, everyone shared the same thought.

Prince Nero was bound to be special.

Then, all of a sudden, the whole plaza turned dark as if a huge shadow had cast over them. When everyone looked up, a collective loud gasp was heard. At the same time, everyone who saw what happened to the sky had chills.

"The sun disappeared!"


NEOMA felt a chill down her spines all of a sudden.

Some invisible force urged her to turn to the window and when she did, she realized that it suddenly got dark outside when it was only noon.

The nobles immediately noticed it as well.

"The moon covered the sun," Neoma whispered to herself. "An eclipse…"

It was a natural occurrence.

But for some reason, Neoma thought it felt ominous.

[I wonder when I can fulfill my dream to become a lady of leisure...]


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