Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!



"THIS PLACE is really amazing, Lady Roseheart."

Mona nodded at Gavin's comment. "That's true," she said. "We're lucky that Lord Novak has granted us the permission to stay here in the meantime."

By "here," she meant the Black Ocean.

In the middle of the ocean, there was a small island with a cabin. The cabin was fully furnished and it had two rooms. Each room had its own bathroom, too. Moreover, there was a storage room that would provide them with food for six months.

[Novak is really taking good care of us.]

The Ancient Spirit even let her and Gavin come to the Black Ocean with their physical bodies. Usually, only Spirits were permitted to step foot in that dimension. But since she needed a hiding place, Novak gave her special treatment.

[On the other hand, we needed Gavin and his Shadow Manipulation Technique to cover our whereabouts.]

"This is a safe place since Lord Novak is the one who governs this dimension, and I'm covering our traces using the technique that Lukas taught me," Gavin said carefully. "I can also serve as your servant in the meantime, Lady Roseheart. I might be lacking but I will do my best to serve you and the royal twins."

"How can I make you my servant, Gavin?" she asked while shaking her head. "Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself and my babies. You're already helping me a lot." She bit her lower lip, then she bowed her head. "I'm sorry for everything, Gavin. Because of me, you lost a lot of things…"

When Gavin disappeared with her, he was branded as a traitor for coveting the emperor's concubine. Thus, he also lost his title as the commander of the White Lion Knights.

[I don't even want to think what will happen to House Quinzel now…]

"Lady Roseheart, please raise your head," the commander said in a panicked voice. "And you don't have to apologize to me."

She raised her head, and the worried look on Gavin's face made her feel more guilty. "But Gavin…"

"Lady Roseheart, it is my choice to help and follow you," the commander said. "I truly wanted to serve His Majesty for as long as I can. But I couldn't simply stay still and watch His Majesty hurt you and the royal twins. When I became your knight, I swore that I will protect you." He smiled at her as if to reassure her that everything would be alright. "I intend to keep that oath until the end, Lady Roseheart."

Ah, Gavin was truly a wonderful person.

He didn't have to go this far just to uphold the pledge that he made. But here he was, sacrificing his brilliant future just to protect her and her babies.

"Thank you, Gavin," Mona said in a cracked voice. "I mean it."

Gavin just smiled and gently patted her shoulder.


"MON-MON, where are you hiding?"

Mona let out a deep sigh when she found herself in Yule's dimension.

She clearly remembered that she went to bed earlier. The fact that she was in a white room filled with floating white cubes only meant that the Moon God entered her dream.

"You're being mean to me again," Yule, who appeared sitting on a golden cube that materialized in front of her, whined like a child. "You know that I've lost my real eyes a long time ago. So why are you making it harder for me to see you?"

It was a relief to hear that Yule didn't know where she was. At least, she was now assured that the Moon God couldn't guide Nikolai to where she was hiding.

"I'm protecting my babies from your descendant, Lord Yule," Mona said politely, then she sat on the white cube behind her. When she did, the cube became a sofa with a very comfortable cushion. It might be Yule's way of taking care of a pregnant woman like her. "Are you here to help Nikolai find me?"

"My descendant is not a child– he can manage on his own," he said while waving his hand dismissively. "Moreover, he doesn't even pray to me. I can't directly help someone who doesn't have faith in me."

"With all due respect, it's Lord Yule's fault why Nikolai doesn't trust you."

The Moon God laughed. "That's true."

"Then, why did you enter my dream?" she asked, changing the topic.

"I'm here to remind you about our contract, Mon-Mon."

She flinched after hearing that.

"We made a contract in the past," the Moon God continued. "You promised to help me lessen the sins of the de Moonasterios in exchange for directly helping you that one time."

Yule was talking about the time he secretly descended to help them seal the Soul Beasts again after they failed to set the poor souls free. Since Nikolai had refused to pray to the Moon God himself, she did it in his place. Thus, she was forced to make a contract with Yule.

"I will shamelessly violate our contract, Lord Yule," she said, wishing that the Moon God wouldn't notice her nervousness. Even though Yule was known as a benevolent god, she still knew that gods don't like being deceived. To be fair, even humans don't like it. "But you shouldn't punish me for it."

"Mon-Mon, did Nikolai's arrogance rub off on you?" he asked playfully, but his eyes that sparkled like the starry night sky were sharp. "I have tolerance for Nikolai's rudeness because he's my descendant. But do you think I have the patience to extend that hospitality to you?"

She didn't want to admit this but Yule's hostility almost choked her.

[Snap out of it, Mona Roseheart!]

When she felt like her life was in danger, her Spirit Guardians protected her by enveloping her with their aura. She didn't dare to summon them in the presence of Yule because she didn't want him to think that she was picking a fight with him. Her life was precious to her, so she would never dare to pick a fight with a god face-to-face.

Still, the presence of her Spirit Guardians helped her calm down and think straight again.josei

"You've already punished me, Lord Yule," she said, opting to guilt-trip him to get away from violating their contract. "You stabbed me in the back."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You and the other gods plan to raise my daughter as the next Aether, don't you?"

The shocked look on Yule's face soon turned into guilt. "So you found out."

Her fear of the god disappeared when anger rose up her chest. "Nikolai was right. I shouldn't have trusted you, Lord Yule. I was always wary of gods because I know that you don't help humans without an ulterior motive. But your outgoing personality made me lower my guard." She hugged her stomach protectively. "I will never make the same mistake, Lord Yule. Thus, I want to completely cut my ties off with you."

"I'm fine with that."

It was her turn to be taken aback.

Yule smiled sweetly at her. "But in return, I will have your daughter work with me in your place, Mona Roseheart."

She didn't like swearing and she didn't want her children to hear ugly words.

But at that moment, she wasn't able to control it.

"Sleep with one of your fake eyes open," Mona said, gritting her teeth. "You divine son of a heavenly bitch."


"LADY ROSEHEART, you look tired."

Mona wanted to curse again when she remembered Yule, but she held back.

[My babies should only listen to pretty words.]

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Mona assured Gavin with a smile while the two of them were having tea in the balcony. The view wasn't that pretty though. After all, the ocean was completely black. To be honest, it looked quite scary. Especially since there were dangerous sea creatures below them. Thankfully, the small island was protected by Novak's power. "Lord Yule just paid me a visit in my dream last night."

Gavin suddenly looked nervous. "Did Lord Yule find out where we are?"

"Thankfully, no," she assured him. "He asked me where I am, but I didn't tell him anything." She smiled at the commander. "Gavin, you're covering our tracks well."

"That's a relief," the commander said. "But now I don't want to leave the island. My shadow will continue protecting this place even if I step out for a moment. But I'm worried something might happen while I'm away…"

"You should go," she said softly. "You should at least say goodbye to Rufus properly, Gavin."

Before she went to bed last night, Gavin told her that he'd leave the Black Ocean for a while to say goodbye to his family. They already got Novak's permission, and the Ancient Spirit gave the commander a spare key to enter his dimension even without Novak's presence.

"I'll be fine, Gavin," Mona encouraged him. "Go and meet Rufus."

Gavin smiled and bowed to her. "Thank you, Lady Roseheart."


GAVIN didn't come out to meet Rufus.

Although he wanted to see his brother one last time before he left this world, he refused to do so. He had a soft spot for his younger brother, so he was afraid that his heart would waver once he saw him. Moreover, he knew that he didn't deserve to have a proper farewell with Rufus.

[Father will probably declare Rufus as his new successor now that I'm branded as a traitor. I shouldn't get in his way anymore.]

He didn't care about the duke title, and he knew that Rufus would do a good job in leading their family.

[Your Majesty, House Quinzel practically put you on the throne. You know that, don't you? So please don't touch my family just because I betrayed you.]

"Commander, are you listening?"

Gavin turned to Lukas.

He went to the Forgotten Graveyard with Lukas. To be precise, the two of them were back in the underground mausoleo. The coffin that disappeared before was back. Apparently, it was the door that led to the other world.

"Are you sure everything will be okay, Lukas?" Gavin asked hesitantly. "Are you sure that you can manipulate the real Kim Won-shik to act the way that I did back in my second life?"

Things that happened in his second life must happen again in order for their plan to succeed.

But unlike in the past, Lady Roseheart wouldn't open the door early. She would open it a little later. He couldn't leave this world to possess the young Kim Won-shik's body because the shadow that hiding their tracks would disappear if he fell into a comatose state again.

Thus, Lukas decided to cross over to the other world and manipulate Kim Won-shik's mind.

Of course, the elf would be assisted by Lord Helstor himself.

"I have the memories of your past life so don't worry too much, Commander," Lukas assured him. "While I'm gone, you know what to do once Lady Roseheart is at her weakest, don't you?"

Gavin clenched his hands and nodded firmly. "I will steal the Ice Spirit from Lady Roseheart."


MONA was about to return to her room to rest because she wasn't feeling well when all of a sudden, a sharp pain shot through her stomach.

And then, her water broke.

"Lady Roseheart!" Gavin yelled worriedly when he saw what happened. Then, he ran towards her and immediately put his hand on her back to support her. He looked very worried at the moment. "A-Are you going in a labor now?"

The contractions that killing her at the moment confirmed it for her.

"Yes, Gavin. My babies want to come out and see the world now," Mona said through gritted teeth while trying not to cry from pain. Then, she gently put her arms around her huge baby bump. "We must return to our old Roseheart Mansion."

Because the item that she needed to give birth to the little Rosehearts in her womb was there.

And she wasn't the only one who knew that.

[Nikolai must be waiting for us to return there.]


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