Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 322 - THE DOORS

Chapter 322 - THE DOORS

TODAY was finally the day that Mona would leave this world with her little Neoma.

In her first life, she had failed because she tried to open the door to the other world a few hours after giving birth to her babies.

So this time, she took a full month's break to recuperate. In between resting and taking care of her precious Neoma, she would train her soul with Novak. It was necessary since she would cross over the other world with her soul. Thankfully, Novak said that her daughter's soul was strong enough to travel to the other world.

"Lady Roseheart, I'm sorry…"

Mona turned to Gavin, who looked so apologetic. "It's alright, Gavin," she consoled him while carrying the sleeping Neoma in her arms. "I understand why you have to leave now. Your family is more important during times like this."

The last time Gavin went out to check their surroundings, he found out that Rufus was sent out on a dangerous mission. The commander couldn't help but worry about his brother so he asked her if it was alright for him to leave now.

"You don't have to send us off," she said while smiling. "After all, you must prioritize your family this time. You've done enough for me and my Neoma, Gavin."

"I wish I could help more, Lady Roseheart," he said regretfully, then he turned to Neoma with a soft look on his face. "I wanted to make sure that our royal princess would safely make it to the other world."

She was touched by Gavin's dedication to serving her and her daughter.

"I'll never forget your kindness, Gavin," Mona said sincerely, then she bowed deeply. "Thank you for everything."

Gavin, who looked shocked by what she did, immediately bowed deeply to her as well. "I wish you safe travels, Lady Roseheart and Princess Neoma."


"MONA, are you ready?"

To be honest, it scared Mona. She realized that thinking that she had properly prepared for this moment was very arrogant of her. Now she realized fear still lingered in her heart. After all, it wasn't only her life at stake– she also risked the life of her precious daughter.

But thankfully, she and her daughter didn't need to leave the island that Novak provided for them. Apparently, the door that the Ancient Spirit had been guarding all this time was hidden under the ocean.

"Don't be scared, child," Novak, who was standing on the surface of the black water without sinking, said. "I will safely bring you and the little princess to the other world."

Hearing those comforting words from Novak put her heart at ease.

"Thank you, Lord Novak," she said with confidence this time. Then she hugged her baby a little tighter. It relieved her that her baby fell asleep. But in the corner of her heart, she wondered why her daughter seemed to be too calm and too mature? [I wonder why my baby isn't as loud as most babies…]

But despite that, gratefulness filled her heart knowing that her baby was healthy.

"I will now summon the door that will bring you to the other world," Novak said in a majestic voice. Then he stomped his right foot on the surface of the water– causing multiple ripples to flow. "Come out, Pearla."

As soon as the Ancient Spirits summoned 'Pearla,' a huge creature emerged from under the ocean. It was shining so brightly that it managed to light up the dark island.

A giant clam.

It was so big that it could properly store two adults inside if the shells were closed. And since the clam was big, it did not surprise her that the pearl placed in the middle of the clam was also huge. It was the size of her daughter's head.

"This is the door that will bring you to the other world. To be precise, the door is the giant pearl that you see," Novak, who was standing next to the giant clam, explained. "Once you and your daughter fell asleep inside the clam, the pearl would absorb your souls."

She gulped before she asked. "What will happen to our bodies, then?"

"Pearla, this giant clam, will keep your bodies safe," the Ancient Spirit said. "Just in case something goes wrong, the pearl will immediately spit your souls out. Thus, we have to keep your physical bodies safe. But it's only a precautionary measure, so don't worry too much."

"I understand, my lord," she said while smiling. "I trust you."

"That's good to hear," Novak said, then his alicorn shone brightly. "Now, let's begin."

The light coming from the Ancient Spirit's alicorn enveloped her and her baby. Then her body floated in the air. The force that carried her and her baby was gentle even when it dropped her on the inside of the clam. To her surprise, the "cushion" was soft.

"Sleep now, child," Novak said gently. "Pearla and I will safely bring you and your daughter to the other world."

Mona smiled and nodded. Then, she turned to her baby and kissed the sleeping Neoma on the forehead. "It's time for us to go, my baby princess," she whispered to her child before she closed her eyes. As soon as she did, she felt her tears roll down her face quietly. "Goodbye, Nikolai." She sobbed harder when the image of her son entered her mind. "Goodbye, my little prince…"



Gavin emerged from the darkness that he used to hide as soon as Novak, the Ancient Spirit in the form of a unicorn, finally disappeared, along with the giant pearl.

The souls of Lady Roseheart and the little princess were absorbed by the pearl as well.

And now, the mother-and-child duo's physical bodies were left defenseless inside the clam that was now slowly closing its shells.

Of course, he didn't let that happen.

He used his Shadow Manipulation Technique and formed several shadow vines. Then, he wrapped those vines around the physical bodies of Lady Roseheart and the young princess. Fortunately, he pulled the two ladies out of the clam before it was completely closed.

It wasn't like the clam or the Black Ocean allowed him to take Lady Roseheart and the little princess away. He didn't get in trouble despite Lady Roseheart and Princess Neoma being under the protection of Novak because his movements were being concealed not by his Shadow Manipulation Technique.

This time, he was being protected by a powerful being.

[I'm glad I accepted their help.]

He looked up to see the red sphere the size of a child's head that floated above him. It was one of Lord Helstor's eyes that Lukas sent him. If not for the god's eyes, every living thing in the Black Ocean would have already attacked him as soon as he touched Lady Roseheart.

[I guess it also helped that Lord Novak trusts me.]

Sadly, he had to break that trust now.

He opened his right hand while looking at Lady Roseheart who was suspended in the air thanks to his shadow vines. Princess Neoma was also suspended in the air, but unlike her mother, the young princess was being cradled by the vines gently.

Both Lady Roseheart and Princess Neoma were close to being lifeless because their souls already crossed over to the other world.

To simply say, the two were both defenseless.

[Thankfully, Lady Roseheart had to let go of her Spirit Guardians as a part of her preparation to cross over to the other world. Apparently, the Spirit Guardians dwell in her soul. Thus, it will be too much for her to go to the other world with the Spirits.]

He was ashamed to think that he was lucky that Lady Roseheart had to let go of her Spirit Guardians. Whether or not he wanted to admit it, he knew he wouldn't be able to lay a hand on the lady if her Spirit Guardians were present.

Still, it hurt his pride that he had to strike an unconscious woman. Still, he had to because he had already decided to claim his happiness in this lifetime.

"Lord Delwyn," he called the Ice Spirit respectfully. "Please lend me your strength."

As soon as he said that, he felt the strange coldness in his chest travel all over his body. The next thing he knew, a piece of ice rose already manifested in his hand.

"I'm sorry," Gavin whispered solemnly. "Please never forgive me, Lady Roseheart."

After whispering his sincere apology, he threw the ice rose as if it was a spear– and just like what he aimed for, the sharp stem of the dangerous flower pierced through Lady Roseheart's chest. Then, much to his surprise, Lady Roseheart's body was frozen by a thin layer of ice.

[I've really reached the point of no return now.]

"Commander, it's time for you to go."

It was Lukas, and the elf's voice was coming from the red sphere that was also Lord Helstor's eye. The other eye was in Lukas's possession. And thus, they were using the God of Eternal Darkness's eyes as a means of communication.

"What do I do to Princess Neoma's physical body?" he asked the elf. "I can't leave Her Royal Highness like this…"

Wouldn't it be better to at least bury the young princess's body?

It was nothing more than an empty shell now that the soul was gone.

"Don't worry, Commander," Lukas assured him. "Lord Helstor will take care of Princess Neoma while we're away."

That was when he felt a strange aura engulf the young princess.

The shadow vines that cradled Princess Neoma had his aura because he was using his Shadow Manipulation Technique. But now that he had his attention focused on the young princess, he noticed that a strange yet familiar aura was embracing the infant.

As a Darkness attribute user, he was familiar with that kind of aura.josei

"It's the aura of the Demon Clan," he said, confused. "Why is Princess Neoma surrounded by such a vile aura when Her Royal Highness is a descendant of Lord Yule?"

"Commander, why are you worrying about Princess Neoma?" Lukas scolded him in an impatient voice. "Princess Neoma is not Nabi."

Ah, that snapped him back to reality.

He should no longer care about whatever happens to Princess Neoma. In the first place, he knew already that the gods all wanted to get a hand on the royal princess for their ulterior motives. But it was none of his business since he was about to leave this world, anyway.

"Let's go," Gavin said, forcing himself to turn away from the poor princess. "I have to save Areum-ah and Nabi-ya before Lady Roseheart finds them."


"MY DARLING, the door is now open!"

"I'm not your darling," the purple-haired boy with dark purple eyes said coldly to the girl who was only a few years older than him. At least, on the surface. Anyway, if only he didn't need the bothersome girl's power, he wouldn't ask for her help. But he was desperate. "Now, bring me to where Neoma is."

"You should pray to me first, my baby," the bothersome girl said playfully. "How can I lend you my power if you don't pray to me?"


IMPORTANT NOTE: Hi! I'm sorry about this but if you can help, I set up a tier in my P/atreon page for side stories featuring Neoma's Harem for emergency funds. It's $1 for this month, and hopefully, only this month. I'm sorry, and it's totally okay if you can't. ^_^

You can check my page here: [] or type sola_cola on the search bar.


Hi. You may now send GIFTs to our Neoma. Thank you~


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