Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!




The boy with the purple hair and dark purple eyes could only click his tongue when the body of Gavin Quinzel disappeared. It turned into ashes but before it did, he didn't miss the Devil's aura that covered it.


The present had definitely changed. None of this happened in his first life. The outcome of Helstor's meddling ruined everything for him.

Damned gods.

[I should make it look like Lady Mona Roseheart also disappeared the same way Gavin Quinzel's physical body did.]

Thankfully, creating illusion was one of his strongest suits.

[But I hope my small body could create the strong illusions that I could make back in my previous life.]

<"My darling, do you need my help?">

He ignored the playful voice of a girl in his head.

Although he needed her help, he didn't want to be too indebted to her.

<"Don't ignore me, my dear Yoan.">

"Don't call me that."

<"But it's your name, darling!">

"Was," he corrected the girl. "I'll find a new name for myself soon."

But of course, by that, he meant he'd ask Neoma to give him a new name.

"Not you," he said coldly to the baby looking at him with wide, curious eyes. The physical body belonged to the real Princess Neoma de Moonasterio. But the soul inside the infant didn't belong in that world. "I'll kick you out of that body once the real Neoma returns."


HE was tired after talking to Emperor Nikolai to inform him that his Elemental Guardian found a bald baby in the garden of the old Roseheart Mansion.

It wasn't like he could bring Neoma to the palace himself.

[I already stand out too much because of my Elemental Guardian. But what can I do? Even though my body regressed to a child's, the power that I've accumulated in my previous life remains. I can't act weak when my Mana is literally oozing out.]

<"Master, are you alright?">

He smiled when Veton, his Thunderbird that took the appearance of a small bird, landed on his chest as he was lying down on his bed. "I'm alright," he assured his Elemental Guardian. "All I could do now is wait."

<"Wait for Her Grace to open the world that leads to the other world?">

"Yes," he said, lamenting the fact that he couldn't follow Neoma right away. "Lord Novak, the Ancient Spirit of the Black Ocean, is missing. Thus, the Black Ocean has been hostile to intruders. I believe only Spirits could enter that dimension now that the owner is gone."

<"I'm assuming that the door at the Forgotten Graveyard isn't available.">

"The God of Eternal Darkness has hidden it," he said. "Thus, our allies are doing their best to find the remaining doors. As soon as they find the right door that will lead me to where Neoma is, I will follow her right away."

<"How about your life here?">

"She'll take care of it," he said casually. "She'll put one of her toy's soul in my body to pretend as me while I'm gone."

<"Master, do you trust Her Grace that much?>

"I don't," he said promptly. "Don't worry too much, Veton. She won't betray me– she can't."



<"You care a lot about the little princess, don't you?">

He smiled, but he didn't confirm it directly.

It wasn't like Veton was wrong. He just didn't enjoy sharing his feelings with other people. Moreover, if he was going to say sentimental words, he'd rather say it straight to the princess.

"Setting my personal feelings aside, you know that she's a special existence."

<"I know, Master.">

"This world will literally crumble without her," he said, then he sighed. "But to be honest, I don't care about that. I'll sacrifice the entire world for her."

But it wasn't her wish.

And so, he decided to help her achieve her goal. She didn't remember it, but he did. Thus, he was working hard for the two of them.

<"Master, you're so in love.">

He just smiled and closed his eyes.


<THREE YEARS later…>

He was back.

And this time, he was called 'Ruto' now. It was a name that he received from the princess from the world where he came from.

Ruto sounded too foreign.

And so, he turned it into 'Ruston' to fit this world.

"It's time for you to go, fake princess," Ruto said to the now three-year-old Princess Neoma who was sitting on the floor while looking up at him with a clueless look on her face. It hurt his conscience to act cold to a literal child. But it was time for his Neoma to return to this world and fulfill their dream together. "The real Princess Neoma de Moonasterio is on her way."

And it was after Neoma died from coconut wine poisoning.


"THAT was what happened, my baby."

Nero fell silent after hearing the long story that his mother told him.

He already had a feeling that Gavin Quinzel was really a traitor. But he didn't expect the former commander to be that cunning. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was impressed by how good Gavin Quinzel was with manipulating people.

[I guess he didn't become the commander of the White Lion Knights by being nice.]

"Nero, you're impressed by Gavin, aren't you?" his mother asked while pouting. When he just smiled as a response, she frowned even more. "But I can't really blame you, my baby. Thinking back, I also have to admit that I've been a fool. I believed everything that Gavin said to me." She let out a frustrated sigh. "I should have trusted your father more."

"No, Mother," Nero said while shaking his head. "It's not your fault that you weren't able to trust my father back then. After all, he tried to kill Neoma."

Well, the emperor tried to kill him and his twin sister when they were still at their mother's womb. But he really didn't care about the threats to his own life. He cared more about the threats that his poor Neoma had been receiving, even when she wasn't born yet.

"You look like you're only upset that your father tried to kill Neoma when you almost died, too," his mother said. Ah, so she noticed his inner feelings, huh? As expected of the woman who gave birth to him and his twin sister. "Nero, you should treasure yourself, too."

"I do, Mother," he assured her. "But I can't help but worry about Neoma more. I've always known that her life is in danger because she was born as a princess in an empire that doesn't see the value of women. Then, after hearing your story, I've learned that even gods want to get a hold of my twin sister for their selfish desires." He tilted his head to one side while looking at his small hands. "I must learn how to kill gods as soon as I recover my health."


He looked up at his mother who had a shocked look on her face. "What's wrong, Mother?"

"My baby, you just said that you wanted to learn how to kill gods," her mother said in a panicked voice. "That's blasphemy, my son. No matter how powerful you are, you shouldn't be too arrogant to pick a fight with the gods!"

He shrugged casually. "I wouldn't pick a fight with them if they didn't try to covet my Neoma for their selfishness."


  "Mother, I'm sorry but it's not my style to run away," he said firmly. "I will protect Neoma with my power. I know I sound arrogant because I'm nothing but a mere child for now. But that won't stop me from wanting to protect my sister."

Her mother looked very concerned. But in the end, determination replaced the fear on her face. "You're right, Nero," she said. "We can't run away forever. And we must protect our Neoma at all cost– even if it means fighting the gods directly."

He smiled at his mother's determination, then he remembered something. "Mother, can you keep it a secret from Neoma?"

"Keep what a secret?"

"The fact that I'm her younger brother."

His mother blinked several times as if she was confused. "But why do we have to keep it a secret?" she asked, confused. "Nero, are you worried that Neoma is the First Star and therefore, she has the right to fight with you for the throne? I mean, even though the law dictates that a woman can't inherit the throne, there are still people who'd want to use your sister to overthrow you or your father in the future…"

"Mother, it's not like that," he assured her. "Neoma and I will never fight for the throne. We already talked about it before, so please don't worry about that."

"That's a relief," her mother said. "Then why do you want to keep it a secret from Neoma? It's not a big deal that she's older than you, since it's only for a few minutes anyway. After all, the two of you are twins."josei

"It's a big deal to me, Mother," Nero insisted with a pout. To be honest, he didn't want to say the real reason, but he couldn't keep quiet while his mother was looking at him with an expectant look on her face. "I don't want Neoma to stop relying on me if she finds out that she's my older sister."

His mother fell silent for a while, then she laughed. "That's so cute, Nero!"


Hi. You may now send GIFTs to our Neoma. Thank you~


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