Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: This Is Freaking Fraud!

Joining the Red Moon organization had become a settled matter, and Charlotte's current concern was how to make the most of this resource and quickly move away from the struggle for survival.

To him, everyone else in the group was an expert.

Before becoming familiar with them, he decided to maintain a certain level of mystery to allow for more room in future interactions.

Presenting himself as a doctor served two purposes: to demonstrate his value and to appear more natural when seeking assistance in the future.

[Technician: A doctor? What's going on? Did the Executor randomly choose a successor before his death?]

[Shepherd: That's not his style.]

[Witch: Could you be a lucky find?]

The group members expressed their doubts about Charlotte's statement.

Charlotte sneered. If it weren't for the system offering epic-level items as temptation, he wouldn't bother getting involved in this mess.

Having a system and quietly developing, wasn't that desirable?

As long as he remained steady and didn't take unnecessary risks, he might become the best doctor in the Isor continent.

[Hermit: The Executor intends to restart the research on the "Red Moon's influence on demonic creatures," and that's why he chose the "Miracle" as his successor. Starting from today, the "Miracle" officially becomes a member of the Red Moon.]

[Light Chaser: I see. There aren't many doctors willing to take on this research. I've encountered several top doctors from the imperial capital, and they all avoid dissecting magical beasts.]

[Witch: If I remember correctly, the couple Nolan who proposed this research were ostracized and suppressed in the medical field. They died in a magical tide accident, and this research has been on hold for over a decade. Are you willing to take on this task without fear of ruining your reputation? @Miracle]

Charlotte looked at the comments from the others. It seemed that Joseph and the Hermit had a closer relationship, and they must have discussed the future arrangements, including his role.

As for the Witch's mention of ruining his reputation, as a new-generation outcast in the medical field, did he even have anything to lose?

Right now, he was only curious about the mysterious piece of animal hide Joseph left him and whether it could truly make him stronger.

Surviving in the Abyss without any means of self-defense was indeed anxiety-inducing.

Even Vivian, a healing mage, robbed him with a knife. It was too frustrating.

However, he didn't plan to ask directly in the group. It might be more appropriate to chat privately with the Hermit later.

[Miracle: It takes courage to create miracles. As a doctor, I can judge and take risks.]

What a beautiful response.

Charlotte began to create an image of himself as a fearless hero.

[Merchant: If you're so brave, you must be wealthy, right?]

[Miracle: Lacking!]josei

Damn it! Charlotte wanted to retract his response, but unfortunately, that wasn't an option.

Covering his face, Charlotte exited the group chat. Years of poverty had given him strange muscle reflexes.

He flipped the black stone and placed it on the desk, then carefully examined the white animal hide under the light.

The fair and smooth hide revealed no discernible material or hidden martial arts secrets from any angle.

Charlotte poured a glass of water on the hide, but the water droplets rolled off, leaving no trace.

Water didn't work, so Charlotte tried tearing, biting, pounding, sprinkling salt, and various other methods, but the white animal hide remained unchanged.

"Should I use fire to burn it?"

Frowning at the white hide in his hand, Charlotte fell into contemplation.

If he set the hide on fire and missed out on some major opportunity, he wouldn't know where to cry.

[Miracle: Senior Hermit, the Executor gifted me a piece of white animal hide. What methods should I use to obtain the information on it?]

Charlotte attempted to send a private message to the Hermit.

["Have you tried burning it with fire?"]

Looking at the received message, Charlotte hesitated for a moment, then directly extended the animal hide in his hand towards the burning oil lamp.


The resilient hide instantly burst into flames, causing Charlotte to quickly let go.

A white mist rose, rapidly swirling as if something was trying to emerge.

With hopeful anticipation, Charlotte gazed at the white mist. If the Executor treated it with such importance, it must be something good.

The swirling mist condensed and eventually formed a face.

Charlotte looked at the familiar face, and a sense of foreboding rose in his heart.

"Kid, didn't expect it to be me, huh?" The face of the Judge sported a smug grin.

"Why is it you? Didn't you say this was discovered in a mysterious cave?" Charlotte furrowed his brow.

"There aren't that many mysterious encounters in this world. Congratulations on joining the Red Moon. Keep up the good work, young man. Let courage create miracles, restart this world, let the elves return to the forest, let the orcs roam the grasslands, let the sea nymphs embrace the ocean again!"

Charlotte stared at the gradually fading face of the Judge and wished he could download an app from the National Anti-Fraud Center (Author's note: a government-developed software that intercepts scam calls).

This was freaking fraud!

The methods were extremely despicable, and the consequences were severe!

The white animal hides burned into ashes in the flames, and some of the ashes floated in the air.

There were so many tricks in this different world; he wanted to go back to Earth!

Charlotte's heart sank.

The so-called mysterious animal hide turned out to be just a little trick the Judge used to deceive him.

After a while, Charlotte recovered from his indignation and glanced at the slightly vibrating black stone on the table. He just wanted to find a place to bury it.

This was probably a den of thieves.

Wrapping the black stone in two old clothes, he directly stuffed it into the corner of the bottom shelf of the bookcase.

Then Charlotte went upstairs to sleep.

He had figured it out. No windfalls were falling from the sky; only diligent work could lead to prosperity.

The patients were his bread and butter, and the cash rewards from the system were the real instant benefits.

The other ethereal things were not worth believing in.

Having a good sleep, he prepared himself mentally and physically to receive patients tomorrow.


"The Judge chose this kid. What do you think of him? Can he bear the responsibility?"

"With the magic source destroyed, even the two of us are powerless. The Judge's choice may be more due to sentimental reasons. I advised him against it, but he insisted."

"He has always been good at judging people, perhaps this kid does have extraordinary qualities. Let's wait a while longer, and I'll personally go to the Abyss to meet him."

"Very well."

On the Floating Altar in the Free City, an elderly elf with white hair stored a black square stone in a ring, sighing lightly.


Charlotte still woke up early and went out to buy bread for two people. When he returned, Vivian happened to come downstairs with sleepy eyes and a somewhat frivolous gait. Seeing the bread in Charlotte's hand, her sleepy eyes instantly brightened.

Was it necessary? The bread was so tasteless.

Charlotte thought to himself, smiling as he handed her the bread. "This is breakfast. After eating, go upstairs and put on your wig, and remember your current identity: Eileen, the newly hired assistant at the clinic from the Lion Tribe."

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