Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: We Only Have a Purely Monetary Relationship

Charlotte sold the collateral at a fair price, then bought a batch of materials for refining potions, filling up a cloth pouch with them.

In addition, Charlotte purchased a new cooking pot.

With the package on her back and the new pot in hand, Charlotte paid and prepared to embark on a dangerous journey.

However, there was an issue. Due to his hasty departure earlier, he still had the 4,000 copper coins Diana had given him.

If he were unlucky enough to encounter a robbery, the loss would be substantial.

Just as Charlotte reached the doorway, a familiar unicorn carriage arrived and stopped in front of the shop.

"Hmm?" Charlotte was somewhat surprised.

"The young miss asked me to escort you back," the carriage driver, a sturdy young man with a square face, spoke in a calm and emotionless tone.

"Isn't the landlady in the carriage?" Charlotte asked cautiously.

"The young miss has other matters to attend to," the driver replied.

"Alright, please wait a moment!" Charlotte's eyes lit up. He placed the package on his back inside the carriage, then turned and rushed back into the general store.

Ten minutes later, Charlotte emerged from the general store with three large packages on his back. He loaded them all onto the carriage.

He had exchanged all the cash in her pocket for materials!

Opportunities for such exclusive transportation were rare, and in the Abyss, no one dared to rob this carriage.

These materials would be enough for him for quite some time.

"I don't understand, but I'm greatly impressed!" Harry stood at the doorway of the general store, watching the departing carriage with admiration.

"These are gifts from the young miss to you." As the carriage traveled, the driver handed a box into the carriage.

"Gifts?" Charlotte was somewhat surprised. After hesitating for a moment, he opened the box.

Inside the box were two items: a gray long dress and a black headgear.

Charlotte picked up the exquisitely crafted headgear. The black strands of hair were incredibly smooth, and the details were perfect. The two animal ears on the top were also exceptionally lifelike, like works of art.

【Feline Beastkin Disguise Headgear: Tier 3 magical item, provides additional benefits to users with a strength level below Tier 4 when disguised as a feline beastkin, including mimicking the scent and being less easily detected!】

"This is for Vivian!" Charlotte suddenly realized.

His first thought was, 'The landlady wants to see him cross-dress...'

What a sinful thought.

Including the dress in the box, it seemed to be a perfect fit for Vivian.

Diana, during their brief encounter, had already realized that Vivian was not a beastkin.

But instead of exposing it, she chose to send these precious disguise headgear and clothes to Vivian through him. This puzzled Charlotte.

Could it be that she has taken a liking to Vivian?

Regardless of Diana's intentions, anything that would help Vivian better conceal her identity was undoubtedly a good thing.

The carriage stopped, and what usually took an hour's journey only took ten minutes to get home today.

"Please thank the landlady for me." Charlotte unloaded his belongings from the carriage and said to the driver.

The driver nodded and drove the carriage away.

Many neighbors had gathered at the shop's entrance to watch the commotion. Seeing Charlotte ride in Diana's carriage and being sent back in it caused quite a stir.

"Could Miss Diana have taken a liking to Doctor Charlotte?"

"A doctor who can't use magic? I think a hairdresser would be more suitable here in our imperial capital."

"You really shouldn't underestimate this guy. Although he can't use magic, he has cured quite a few patients in the past three years."

"That's not the point. What did Diana see in this guy? With his small build, he would be considered trash if he were sold to a brothel."

Charlotte glanced at the butcher selling meat next door. He couldn't stand hearing such insults. Who was being insulted?

The dog-headed demon with a face full of flesh glared back at him, gesturing with the large cleaver in his hand and spitting on the ground.

Better not mess with him. Charlotte knocked on the clinic door and, together with Vivian, carried several large bags into the clinic.

"Boss, why did you buy so many materials?" Vivian asked, slightly out of breath, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"It's a rare opportunity to ride a carriage, so naturally, I bought a bit more. It's too risky to be out there and be robbed," Charlotte said as he took out and categorized the various materials. If nothing unexpected happened, these materials would be enough for them for a month.

After yesterday's training, Vivian had developed some immunity to various frightening materials and was now able to help.

Half an hour later, the two of them finally sorted and stored all the materials, filling the storage cabinets in the alchemy room.

Charlotte looked around and muttered to himself, "I have a new pot, but I also need to build a new stove. The kitchen on the second floor needs to be set up too. Eating bread every day, we'll turn into bread people."

"Can you still cook?" Vivian looked at Charlotte in surprise.

"Is that some special skill?" Charlotte replied with a question.

"I can't," Vivian said, feeling ashamed.

It was strange for a young lady to be able to cook, in Charlotte's opinion.

"Oh, this is a gift from the landlady," Charlotte said, picking up the brown box placed on the counter and handing it to Vivian.

"For me?" Vivian looked puzzled. She had only met the beautiful long-legged sister once, but under Charlotte's assured gaze, she opened the wooden box.

Inside the box was an exquisite black hairpiece and a beautiful dress, lying quietly.

Vivian's eyes lit up as she held the hairpiece in her hands. It was somewhat similar to the one she was currently wearing, but the craftsmanship was far superior, like a fine piece of jewelry.

What was more important was that she discovered enchantment runes inside the hairpiece. This indicated that it was an enchanted item, although she didn't know the specific enchantment effect, it was certainly valuable.

"Boss, you must have a good relationship with the landlady, right?" Vivian couldn't help but ask, her sparkling eyes filled with curiosity.

The beautiful long-legged sister had given her such a precious gift on their first meeting. The only explanation was that she cared for the boss.

"We only have a purely monetary relationship," Charlotte poured cold water on the girl's gossip-filled soul.

Who was Diana? What was her status? Was he even worthy?

But Vivian's words did remind him that Diana had indeed acted a bit differently today, which hadn't happened in the past three years.

Charlotte didn't think it was because of the moisturizing essence. Someone like Diana, a high-end client, should be the one he should cater to and please.

Did she take a liking to him?

The possibility was extremely low.

This body, apart from having a handsome face, was a mess in every other aspect.

It was sold to a brothel, couldn't even make it through the training period, and was returned as defective.josei

How could someone like Diana, a high-end wealthy woman, possibly take an interest in his low-end physique?

For now, Charlotte didn't dwell on it. Being able to cling to Diana's thigh was undoubtedly a good thing in the chaotic Abyss.

Today's arrival and departure in a carriage were enough to intimidate the neighbors on Baka Street and allow him to continue developing quietly for a while.

As for Diana's true intentions, he would explore them slowly as they interacted more in the future.

Being noticed by a wealthy woman after falling into the Abyss, regardless of the reason, was not a bad thing.

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