Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Who did I offend?

"If I can't treat you, I have a hundred ways to handle corpses in my diary." Charlotte nodded calmly, "I'll do my best."

While cleaning the wound, Charlotte pondered how to proceed. It was a completely new challenge in his medical career. He had never encountered an animal stabbed so brutally before. Usually, when something was stabbed like this, it ended up on the dinner table. In the diary, if someone was stabbed like this, it usually meant death, and they would keep a decent organ as payment. Depending on the person's attitude, they would either dispose of the body or help find a place to bury it.

Judging from the man's attire and arrogant demeanor, it seemed that he had the means to find a doctor proficient in healing magic. Therefore, Charlotte's primary goal was to keep him alive temporarily and restore some mobility so that he could leave this place alive.

As for opening up his wounds and checking for damage to internal organs and ruptured blood vessels, Charlotte felt he might not survive. The clinic's current medical conditions were too limited; otherwise, in his current state of severe bleeding, he should have received a blood transfusion.

Once the wound was treated, Charlotte had a clear plan in mind. First, assuming he was extremely lucky and his internal organs had miraculously avoided the four sword strikes, his task was to close the wounds and stop the bleeding. If his internal organs were indeed injured, then it would simply be his bad luck. The clinic's conditions were entirely inadequate for complex surgery. Attempting surgery with a fruit knife had no certainty of success.

After administering several bottles of hemostatic potion, the bleeding from the wound was effectively controlled. Charlotte took out a surgical needle and began stitching the wound. Judging from the wound, it appeared that the man had been ambushed. Four swords were thrust into him within a short period, penetrating through his armor and body, indicating that the attacker was not to be underestimated.

As the wound was being stitched and two bottles of stamina potion were given, the pale-faced Andre regained some strength. Feeling the pain of the surgical needle piercing his skin and muscles, he grumbled, "Damn it! That bastard attacked me! If I hadn't been careless and failed to dodge, I would have cut him in half with a single sword strike!"

Charlotte didn't respond. Arrogant individuals like him wouldn't last long in the Abyss. One could never predict when an old beggar sitting on the street corner might suddenly pull out a knife and stab you from behind.

Watching the man, who was on the verge of collapse, regain the ability to speak after Charlotte's emergency treatment, Vivian once again witnessed the miracle of surgery. Given the severity of his injuries, she never expected Charlotte to save him.

Without any response from Charlotte, Andre continued, "Hmph, they don't know who I am. Once I report back to Lord Viscount, they'll come again, and I'll have Carol help me retrieve everything I lost!"

"Lord Viscount!"

Hearing these four words, both Charlotte and Vivian froze for a moment.

Charlotte immediately thought of the gossip Harry mentioned that day about Elizabeth, his childhood friend, and fiancée. Her father arranged a marriage for her with the second son of the Duke of Cornwall from the Lance Empire, said to be a viscount.

He didn't think it had anything to do with him, but if the man in front of him was indeed from the Lance Empire and appeared in the Abyss at this time...

Charlotte glanced at Vivian, and his gaze sharpened. Vivian's face visibly paled, and her hand holding the potion trembled slightly.

Seeming to sense Charlotte's gaze, Vivian looked back at him, her eyes filled with fear.

"This is running into a ghost..." Charlotte's hand trembled, startling Andre.

Charlotte snapped back to his senses and gestured for Vivian to step back a bit and continue the stitching.

"Your technique is unique. Although you didn't use magic, you did manage to stop the bleeding. Where did you learn it from?" Andre looked at Charlotte with curiosity.

Using the guise of a medical clinic, he originally thought there would be a proper doctor here, but he didn't expect this doctor to be unable to use magic.

However, despite not knowing magic, the doctor did manage to save him.

"I learned this sewing technique from my mother. She used to specialize in sewing clothes for people," Charlotte replied.

Andre's facial muscles twitched. This was not the answer he had expected.

"Judging by your demeanor, you don't seem like someone from the Abyss," Charlotte asked proactively.

"So you can tell," Andre was flattered for the first time about his demeanor and couldn't help but show some pride on his face. "I work for Viscount Capas, the second son of the Duke of Cornwall, you know? The first viscount of the Lance Empire."

"I have heard of Duke Cornwall. He is indeed an extraordinary figure," Charlotte praised him in agreement. "So, what brings you to a chaotic place like the Abyss? It's quite awful here."

"The Abyss is indeed a fucking place! I only heard about it before, but it's even worse than the rumors!" Andre spat, feeling the pain in his heart when he thought about his stolen gold coins and magic potions.

"It's all because of that damn girl, I don't know how she, a mage, ended up in the Abyss. You know, it's thousands of miles away from the imperial capital!" Andre angrily exclaimed, adding, "And that Charlotte Clayton, who dares to snatch a woman from my young master, won't live for long."

Charlotte: ??

Who the fuck did I offend?

If he guessed correctly, this Capas person probably intended to kill him because of his previous engagement to Elizabeth, his ex-fiancée.

But he had been divorced three years ago.

Moreover, they hadn't had much contact between them in these years, and they hadn't seen each other for three years.

Why would this Capas guy want to exterminate him?

Charlotte couldn't understand, so he felt particularly angry.

Moreover, it seemed that the enemy chasing Vivian was the influential and powerful Duke of Cornwall.

From this perspective, the two of them suddenly found themselves on the same side.josei

Because they had a common enemy.

Anger didn't cloud Charlotte's mind. After considering the troubles he might face if he killed the man in front of him, Charlotte ultimately chose to give up.

"This little girl is quite pretty," Andre regained some energy and looked at Vivian, shamelessly sizing her up with a lewd smile. "I haven't tasted this little kitty yet. Will you sell this slave?"

Vivian stepped back in fear and looked to Charlotte for help.

"She is my assistant, not a slave, and she's not for sale," Charlotte calmly stated, his gaze shifting to the Judgment standing behind the counter.

If this guy dared to act recklessly, he would have to deal with him right here in the clinic.

"Heh, I'm not in the mood today. I'll come to find you to play next time," Andre withdrew his gaze and said with a smile. "I've heard there are plenty of interesting things to do in the Abyss. I'll have a good time when I come back."

Charlotte didn't respond. After completing the stitching and taking the opportunity to apply a hemostatic potion, he added a bit of a sedative potion.

Then, thoughtfully, he wrapped up Andre's clothes that he couldn't put on by himself in a cloth, creating a bulging bundle.

"How much?" Although his wounds hadn't fully healed, Andre felt much better and could at least move on his own. He intended to leave this godforsaken place overnight.

"Five bottles of hemostatic potion, two bottles of stamina potion, plus the wound stitching procedure. The total is 1200 copper coins," Charlotte said.

Andre grabbed a handful of silver coins from his money pouch and placed them on the counter. He took the clothes that Charlotte had neatly packed and turned towards the door.

Charlotte quickly glanced at the silver coins on the table. There were thirteen of them, plus an extra one.

As he reached the doorway, Andre couldn't help but look back at Vivian with an evil smile. "Little one, I'll come to find you next time!"

A murderous intent sparked within Charlotte. This guy was not a good person, accustomed to bullying and abusing others.

However, killing a dog doesn't always require one to do it themselves.

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