Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Abandoned by the Gods!

Vivian had unknowingly retreated to the counter, petting the cat while observing the situation.

The relationship between the leggy lady and the boss was indeed not ordinary. Could it be that the boss was unfaithful and abandoned her? Was he a scumbag?

And what about the leggy lady? The third-party? Or just an oblivious fish in the boss's pond?

Vivian carefully compared the two of them and found that they both had their own merits. If she had to choose, it would be difficult to decide.

Upon closer inspection, the boss seemed to have good taste.

"Cough... cough..." Charlotte cleared his throat twice to make himself appear more serious and asked, "Miss Ruth, if you don't have any other questions, please leave for now. It's business hours, and patients are waiting to be treated."

As a doctor with a strong sense of professional ethics, he knew what he should be doing during working hours.

Besides, he definitely wouldn't go to a high-end establishment like the Succubus Club again. The money he earned here was far from enough.

Unless he suddenly became rich...

"You don't care about me at all? You... have such a cold heart..." Ruth covered her lower right abdomen and bit her lip, expressing pain.

"Um... even if you want to convey a feeling of heartache, the heart of a succubus wouldn't be located there, right?" Charlotte silently criticized.

And then...

Ruth swayed for a moment and collapsed directly to the ground.


Both Charlotte and Vivian were stunned.

Ruth lay on the floor, her face turning pale instantly. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead, and her lips were already bleeding from biting too hard. She appeared to be in great pain.

"Boss, it seems like she's sick?" Vivian said, somewhat dazed.

Did you need to point that out? Anyone with eyes can see that! Charlotte quickly squatted down.

Ruth curled up, pressing her hands against her lower abdomen, her expression filled with pain.

"Ruth, what's wrong with you?" Charlotte raised his hand to stop Vivian from approaching and asked in a deep voice.

"I'm going to die. They say I'm abandoned by the gods, and no one can save me," Ruth said with a self-deprecating tone, a hint of a bitter smile on her pale face.

She reached out her hand towards Charlotte's face but stopped halfway, saying with sadness, "As someone abandoned by the gods like me, you definitely wouldn't like me, right..."

The atmosphere suddenly shifted from love and hate to something strange.

"What 'abandoned by the gods'? Nonsense!" Charlotte lifted her and headed straight for the operating room.

The 'they' Ruth mentioned must be the doctors from other clinics. Those charlatans loved to blame their inability to cure certain patients on being abandoned by the gods and shamed them publicly.

"Abandoned by the gods?!" Vivian was equally shocked. As a medical student, she knew exactly who would say such words.

It was equivalent to an incurable disease, a conclusion made by a doctor who specialized in magic that couldn't treat it.

Did the leggy lady have some incurable disease? Or was she truly abandoned by the gods?

As a medical student, she had been educated to firmly believe in the theory of being abandoned by the gods.

God has bestowed magic upon doctors, and they use magic to treat and save people.

And those who cannot be cured even with magic, aren't they the ones abandoned by God?

In some places, people who are considered abandoned by God are even burned at the stake.

As for Charlotte's surgery, although it is considered heresy by the Medical Association, based on Vivian's observations these past two days, he still saves patients that can be cured by magic.

But if this Miss Ruth is truly an abandoned person by God, does the boss have a way to save her?

Charlotte placed Ruth on the operating table, and her complexion grew even paler. However, she clenched her teeth tightly and didn't utter a cry of pain. Tears shimmered in her eyes as she gazed at Charlotte.

"I've come to bid you farewell, Doctor..." Ruth's voice was very faint, and her breathing was unstable.

"Is it painful in this area?" Charlotte moved Ruth's hand away and lightly pressed her lower right abdomen with his fingertips.

"Ah..." Ruth couldn't help but groan in pain.

"It's useless. I've been to three clinics, and they all said I'm abandoned by God, that no one can save me." Ruth shook her head but smiled bitterly on her pale face. "But, Doctor, you look so serious and handsome. And just now, you even carried me. Unfortunately, I'm going to die, and I won't feel your warm embrace ever again."

As she spoke, tears flowed uncontrollably, and Ruth tightly grasped Charlotte's hand, sobbing, "Accompany me through my last moments, and then find a place to bury me, where those animals won't find me..."

A somber atmosphere enveloped the operating room.

Vivian, standing at the door, couldn't help wiping her tears. Why is this sister abandoned by God? She's so beautiful and kind!

"You went to three clinics and then came to bid me farewell at the clinic? You call me 'Doctor,' but you can't trust me, can you?" Charlotte's emotions were complex, and he sighed. "It's just acute appendicitis, it won't kill you."

"Acute appendicitis?" Ruth looked up at Charlotte, puzzled by the strange term he mentioned earlier.

"What is acute appendicitis? I've never heard of it before," Vivian also looked puzzled at Charlotte. As a top student, she had completed all the courses at the medical school, and she could be 100% sure that this term was not in the textbooks.

Could it be that the boss made a diagnosis for this abandoned person?

Charlotte knew that Ruth had acute appendicitis just by touching her.

Not because he could treat it.

But because he had experienced it himself!

In his first year after graduating from college, Charlotte, juggling three part-time jobs, collapsed on the bus to the pet store. The pain was unforgettable.

Then, on the operating table, he heard a term, the "McBurney's point," located at the junction of the outer and middle thirds of a line connecting the right anterior superior iliac spine and the navel.

That was the exact location where he had pressed Ruth's lower right abdomen.

It was the most obvious point of tenderness in the lower right abdomen.

Based on Ruth's symptoms, he could conclude that she most likely had acute appendicitis.

Low-level healing spells did not affect internal lesions like this.josei

The Abyssal Clinic obviously couldn't afford to have high-level healing magic practitioners available for consultation. They couldn't gain fame or much profit here.

So those mediocre doctors naturally labeled Ruth as an abandoned person by God.

After all, their skills might not even be on par with that silly girl standing at the door, a 15-year-old intermediate mage who was a true prodigy.

"Then... can you treat me?" Ruth's gaze flickered with hope and nervousness.

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